Xia Yu was stunned, “It’s Senior Brother Zhang Conglong’s voice.”

Lu Shaoqing was angry and cursed.

“What does he want to do?”

“Don’t let people have a good meal?”

Xia Yu and the others were speechless.

Why did Zhang Conglong come, don’t you have points yourself?

Zhang Conglong outside, he originally did not plan to come.

The opponent in his eyes is only Ji Yan.

Others will not be taken seriously by him.

The disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion made trouble with the others, and he would not care about the deaths and injuries.

And they won’t deliberately avenge them.

But this time is different.

Cang Zhengchu’s grandson Cangling was ambushed and seriously injured.

This is a hard slap in the face of Gui Yuange.

As the chief disciple of Guiyuan Pavilion, he could not remain indifferent.

Otherwise, how can the disciples below obey him?

This is the responsibility and obligation of the chief disciple.

Gui Yuange couldn’t please Ji Yan’s hands, and he was disgraced.

That night, Cangling, including his younger brother Zhang Zheng and more than a dozen other Guiyuan Pavilion disciples, were pulled and pulled only a pair of profane pants, and they lost the biggest face ever.

Today I was so angry that I vomited blood here.

This field has to be recovered.

So, here he is.

“The people inside get out of here for me.”

Zhang Conglong roared again.

The sound echoed in the Juxian Tower, deafening.

Fang Xiao came out, you guy and I haven’t settled accounts with you yet, you came to the door first.

Fang Xiao’s face was unhappy, and he suppressed his anger, “Young Master Zhang, in the Fang family Fang Xiao, are you trying to make trouble with me?” ”

Fang family?

Zhang Conglong’s expression did not change for a moment.

The Fang family is considered to have strength, and Zhang Conglong did not put it in his eyes.

Maybe others will be jealous, but he is Zhang Conglong, so he won’t care about this.

He didn’t give Fang Xiao the slightest face, and he said coldly, “Hand over the person who insulted me to the Yuan Pavilion.” ”

How about

otherwise?” Fang Xiao was not a person who was afraid of things, stepped forward and looked directly at Zhang Conglong, “Are you going to demolish my restaurant?”

“Do you dare to do it in Lingxiao City?”

Zhang Conglong didn’t care about Fang Xiao, “How about doing it?”

“To insult me to return to the Yuan Pavilion is to be an enemy of my return to the Yuan Pavilion.”

“You, the Fang family, can afford this result?”

Fang Xiao’s face changed slightly.

Zhang Conglong has this kind of domineering and confidence.

Behind him stood not only a Yuan Infant of Cang Zhengchu, but also the entire Guiyuan Pavilion, one of the three major factions of Qizhou.

As the chief disciple, the apprentice in charge of the Guiyuan Pavilion, what he said was the meaning of the Guiyuan Pavilion.

The strength of the Fang family behind Fang Xiao could not be compared with Guiyuan Pavilion.

The Fang family couldn’t afford to offend Gui Yuange.

Lu Shaoqing was a guest of his own shop, and Fang Xiao couldn’t just hand it over.

Otherwise, the friendship that has been hard to build will disappear.

Fang Xiao gritted his teeth, “Young Master Zhang, it was your people who returned to the Yuan Pavilion who made trouble first…”

Zhang Conglong interrupted Fang Xiao coldly, and said unceremoniously, “Hand over the person.” Xia

Yu also came out at this time, and Bian Rourou followed.

Zhang knew Bian Rourou from Long, and his gaze crossed Xia Yu and fell on Bian Rourou.

“Who is you who insulted me to return to the Yuan Pavilion?”

Bian Rourou gritted her teeth in anger, and couldn’t wait to turn around and crush the corpse of Lu Shaoqing in the private room.

Didn’t have a long brain? Bian Rou huffed softly, “I don’t have anything to do with him.

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“Do you dare to do it, do you dare to admit it?” Zhang Conglong sneered, “But it’s okay, hand him over, for Xia Yu’s sake, I don’t know you in general.” ”

Bian Rourou is angry to death, this pig brain,” I said, I have nothing to do with him. Lu

Shaoqing came out, and Xiao Yi also came out to see the liveliness.

Lu Shaoqing said, “Why doesn’t it matter?

“Sister Rourou, you make me so sad. Isn’t it Zhang Conglong? As for being afraid of this?

“Our relationship is right here, and it’s useless if you want to get rid of it.”

Bian Rourou wanted to hammer Lu Shaoqing to death.

“What do I have to do with you? You’re going to talk nonsense here. ”

It’s okay?” Lu Shaoqing looked at Xia Yu, “Senior Sister Xia Yu, do you say that I have a relationship with her?” Faced

with this question, Xia Yu did not know how to answer.

Xia Yu couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

Junior Brother Lu is still taking revenge.

Zhang Conglong stared at Lu Shaoqing, his eyes full of icy killing intent.

“You are the one who insulted me to return to the Yuan Pavilion?”

Zhang Zheng next to him shouted loudly, “Brother, he is Ji Yan’s junior brother, Lu Shaoqing.” ”

Junior Brother Ji Yan?”

Zhang Conglong’s gaze was sharper.

But then he quickly sneered.

“It turns out that Junior Brother Ji Yan is even afraid that I will return to the Yuan Pavilion, and he does not dare to show his real name.”

“It’s too far behind Ji Yan.”

Zhang Conglong only valued Ji Yan, and he did not pay attention to the others.

Finding that Lu Shaoqing’s aura was not strong, he was even more disdainful of it.

Such a person is also worthy of being Ji Yan’s junior disciple?

Lu Shaoqing denied, “Don’t talk nonsense, how can I humiliate you to return to the Yuan Pavilion?”

“You grandchildren can’t accept the truth I said.”

“Bastard, who are you talking about?”

“Bastard, I’m going to kill you.”

The other Guiyuan Pavilion disciples roared one after another, their aura skyrocketed, and their killing intent rushed to the sky.

Their erupted spiritual power set off a storm here in the restaurant.

Xia Yu snorted coldly, like a cold wind blowing, suppressing the breath of the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion.

Xia Yu said coldly, “This is my cousin’s restaurant, if you want to make trouble here, you have to ask my opinion.”

Zhang took a step forward from the dragon, his aura even stronger.

Blocked Xia Yu’s coercion for the other Guiyuan Pavilion disciples.

Zhang Conglong said to Xia Yu, “Xia Yu, don’t interfere in the matter of my return to the Yuan Pavilion.” ”

If you dare to meddle, you will be treated the same way.

Xia Yu glanced at Lu Shaoqing and said, “I won’t interfere in the matter between you and Lu Gongzi.”

“However, if you want to bully my cousin, I will never agree.”

For Lu Shaoqing, Xia Yu did not have the slightest worry.

Compared to Ji Yan, Xia Yu felt that Lu Shaoqing was the most difficult.

No matter how powerful Zhang Conglong was, she didn’t think that Zhang Conglong could get good in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Zhang Conglong didn’t pay any more attention to Xia Yu, he stared at Lu Shaoqing.

Can’t hide the killing intent, “Those who insult me and return to the Yuan Pavilion, die.”

Lu Shaoqing shouted. How? Don’t give the truth? ”

You guys Gui Yuan Pavilion are so domineering?”

Zhang Zheng said angrily, “Bullshit honestly.

Lu Shaoqing said, “Ha, I’m telling the truth.”

“You Gui Yuan Pavilion is a group of cowards, usually shouting the loudest, in fact, it is a turtle looking at the blue sky, shrinking its head and brain, afraid to die.”

Zhang Conglong was also angry, when I don’t exist? He also dared to be arrogant in front of me, and his killing intent was even stronger, “Who do you say is timid?”

Lu Shaoqing said, “Isn’t it? I said, I’ll just stand here and let you cut me, do you dare? When

Zhang Conglong heard this, his killing intent was no longer concealed, and he rushed straight at Lu Shaoqing, “What do you say?” You say it again?

Lu Shaoqing said, “I said, I’m standing here, do you dare to kill me?”

“This is your own request, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

“Come, don’t dare to do it, it’s my grandson.”

“Find death…”

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