Zhang Conglong’s gaze was fierce, and the spiritual power in his body was running.

Even if there is a ban in Lingxiao City, there will be very serious consequences to do it here.

He is not afraid.

He has his own confidence.

Its own strength is strong, and it is backed by Guiyuan Pavilion behind it.

What’s more, when did he get afraid?

Lu Shaoqing in front of him humiliated Gui Yuange, if he didn’t do something, where would his face go?

Whoever dares to provoke him must die.

Facing Lu Shaoqing, he brazenly shot out, don’t care what nonsense you have.

In the face of Zhang Conglong’s attack, Lu Shaoqing did not have any fear, and he was not even prepared to resist.

He just gulped.

“Master, do you still eat? Your lovely apprentice is going to be beaten to death.

Zhang Conglong’s face changed, and Zhang Zheng and the other disciples of the Yuan Pavilion all froze.

Isn’t Lu Shaoqing’s master Ji Yan’s master?

Lingxiao Sect Heavenly Royal Peak Peak Lord, Lingxiao Sect Elder, Early Yuan Infant, Shao Cheng of the Three Layers Realm?

Shao Cheng did not come out, and only a cold snort came out from the private room.

Several disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion were struck by lightning, their faces turned pale, and they staggered backwards.

“From the nephew of the dragon master, what a big breath.”

Shao Cheng’s voice came out.

Zhang Conglong’s attack was like spring snow meeting the blazing sun, melting instantly.

Zhang Conglong’s face changed again, and he felt a coercive pressure coming towards him.

The air fluctuated layer by layer, like ripples in the water, and it seemed that there were fierce beasts lurking under the surface of the water.

Towards Zhang Conglong fiercely attacked.

Zhang Conglong hurriedly used his spiritual power, raised his hands and crossed them in front of his chest, and his hands lit up with dazzling light.

Circles of aura appeared in front of him, like flowing shields fully resisting the incoming coercion.


A soft sound.

Zhang Conglong’s face turned pale, and the aura shield he laid down dissipated with a bang.

The coercion fell on him like a sledgehammer, knocking him back and making deep footprints on the ground.

Same as before.

In the face of the plan of the Yuan infancy period, he was also forced to retreat again and again like this.

Zhang Conglong saw the footprints on the ground, and thought of that night, and the anger in his chest was instantly ignited.

“Damn, damn it!”

Anger rushed to the brain, and his eyes instantly turned red.

Lu Shaoqing’s lazy voice came into his ears.


“Do you still want to do it? Are you challenging my Master? ”

In the Jiedan period, you dare to offend the power of the Yuan Baby?”

Lu Shaoqing’s words were like a plate of cold water, poured down from Zhang Conglong’s head.

Doused some of Zhang Conglong’s anger and allowed him to regain some sanity a little.

Shao Cheng is the Yuan Infant, and he Zhang Conglong is in the Jiedan Period, even if it is the realm of the ninth layer in the late Jiedan period, even if he may break through to the Yuan Infant Stage at any time.

Even if he has more hole cards in his hand, no matter how many magic weapons.

He is still not an opponent of the Yuan Infancy Period.

He is not Ji Yan, and Shao Cheng is not a newcomer to the existence of the Yuan Baby.

Xiao Yi excitedly took Bian Rourou’s hand next to him and said in a low voice, “Sister Rourou, you see, this is the power of the second senior brother.”

“It’s all in his calculations.”

“Even Zhang Conglong can’t please in front of the second senior brother.”

Xiao Yi once again wanted to worship Lu Shaoqing.

Even Zhang Conglong had to be deflated in front of the second senior brother.

How awesome is it? What about the second person in Qizhou?

In front of the second senior brother, it was nothing.

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Bian Rourou pouted, isn’t this pulling a big flag suit?

Do you see if he will suffer without your master?

Zhang Conglong raised his head, red eyes, and looked at Lu Shaoqing.

Endless killing intent pervaded the restaurant, but the remaining sanity made him dare not make a move.

Zhang Conglong is overbearing, but not stupid.

Cang Zhengchu’s death hand to Ji Yan had already annoyed Shao Cheng.

That night, if it wasn’t for Cang Zhengchu to intercept it, a ship of Guiyuan Pavilion disciples would be destroyed by Shao Cheng.

If he made another move now, it would undoubtedly give Shao Cheng a chance, a chance to destroy him.

Zhang Conglong looked at Lu Shaoqing and said hatefully, “Shameless fellow.”

“Do you dare to fight me?”

Lu Shaoqing pouted, I was stupid, “Why fight you?”

“You can’t even beat my senior brother, and you still want to come and fight me?” Don’t you know that I am able to suppress my senior brother with one hand? Even

Xia Yu wanted to complain.

Such shameless words, only you can say them.

Ji Yan, who dares to say that it can be suppressed with one hand?

Even if the existence of the late Yuan Infant period came, he did not dare to say such a thing.

Zhang Conglong sneered, “It seems that you don’t dare.” ”

As long as Shao Cheng doesn’t interfere and Lu Shaoqing fights him alone, he has the confidence to clean up Lu Shaoqing.

Even if he didn’t kill Lu Shaoqing, he had the confidence to make Lu Shaoqing suffer.

“The guy who will only rely on the master.”

Zhang Conglong continued to agitate.

Dared? Use it in front of me, play this kind of careful eye, is it useful?

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “You can also call your master here.” My master can’t beat your master, he comes, my master will definitely run away. ”

Zhang Conglong’s master is the head of the Guiyuan Pavilion, and his strength is also in the late Yuan Infant period, which is no worse than Yu Chang, the head of the Lingxiao faction.

Shao Cheng in the private room felt a tightness in his chest, bastard guy, did he say this about his master?

So disgraced in front of outsiders. It’s abominable.

Shao Cheng was very impulsive to go out and slap this bastard apprentice to death.

“I won’t use Master to bully people.”

You have to put your face up for me to beat, and I’m sorry for you if I don’t hit.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Come, come, what don’t you dare, I’ll fight with you, let you make three moves first.”

“Come, my neck is here, let you cut first, do you dare?”

After speaking, he stretched his neck and tapped it twice, signaling Zhang Conglong to come here.

Zhang Conglong’s face turned red and angry. Never seen such a shameless person.

This guy is even more annoying than Ji Yan.

If he could make a move, he would have already made a move.

Where else would you want to use the agitation method here.

He only now found that he had ignored Lu Shaoqing’s shamelessness.

Lü Shaoqing did not eat his method of agitation, but instead took him into the army.

With Shao Cheng present, he really did not dare to act rashly.

Lu Shaoqing continued to say to him,

“What did you say just now?”

“If you don’t dare to do it, you are my grandson.”

“Come, call Grandpa to listen.”

“Pick up a big grandson for nothing, today is a good day.”

Zhang Conglong trembled with anger, and his anger once again eroded his sanity.

But Shao Cheng’s cold snort at that time made Zhang Conglong regain his sanity again.

He stared at Lu Shaoqing resentfully, and glanced at the inside of the private room.

He gritted his teeth and said, “Tang Yuanbao, do you want to bully the juniors here?”

“If it goes out, you won’t be afraid of the jokes of the world?”

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Master, he’s offending you.

“Kill him, I don’t want this unworthy grandson…”

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