Bian Rourou whispered to Xia, “Senior sister, Zhang Conglong is going to be mad.”

Xia Yu cast a sympathetic look at Zhang Conglong.

If you go to provoke Ji Yan, even if you are not Ji Yan’s opponent, it is a big deal to be beaten by Ji Yan, and your body will be injured, and you will be fine in a few days.

If you come to provoke Lu Shaoqing, your body may not be injured.

But the mental blow is great.

It’s more uncomfortable than a physical injury.

Xia Yu shook his head, a little regretful, and said, “There are very few people in the world who know Junior Brother Lu, and he doesn’t know how powerful Junior Brother Lu is. ”

Xia Yu’s words are words in words.

Don’t look at Lu Shaoqing’s mouth is very powerful, able to make people vomit blood in anger.

What is even more terrifying is Lu Shaoqing’s strength.

Even if Zhang Conglong and Lu Shaoqing fight, Xia Yu is not optimistic about Zhang Conglong.

He has sword intent, terrifying spiritual sense, extraordinary formation attainments, and that terrifying mind.

Such Lu Shaoqing will only be more difficult than Ji Yan.


Remembering that three days ago, Lu Shaoqing was able to extinguish a Yuan Infant Divine Thought.

This was enough to throw Zhang Conglong far away.

Xia Yu’s evaluation of Lu Shaoqing, Bian Rourou pouted and said, “He is so annoying.”

Xia Yu glanced at Junior Sister, dissatisfied with Junior Sister’s head iron, and said lightly, “People who offend him will be targeted by him like this, do you also want to be the person targeted by Junior Brother Lu?”

“Just like Senior Brother Zhang in front of you, do you think?”

Bian Rourou’s face turned pale.

Seeing Zhang Conglong like this, Bian Rourou substituted herself into Zhang Conglong’s position.

After some comparison, she felt that she should vomit blood and die.

Because Lu Shaoqing is too angry.

Seeing Zhang Conglong’s helpless look in the face of Lu Shaoqing, she finally began to feel a little afraid in her heart.

Xiao Yi was next to him and also took the opportunity to persuade Bian Rourou.

“Sister Rourou, forget it, don’t calculate with the second senior brother.”

“The second senior brother has the smallest heart, and even I dare not offend him.”

Bian Rourou snorted softly and did not speak, which was regarded as acquiescence.

This bastard is indeed small-minded.

Lu Shaoqing shouted at Shao Cheng to make a move and kill Zhang Conglong.

Zhang Conglong was so angry this time that blood rushed up his throat.

He gritted his teeth again, “Good, good, it turns out that this is the Lingxiao faction.”

“Bullying the small with the big, bullying the less with the more, I can be regarded as having seen it.”

Shao Cheng was silent and would be a little embarrassed, but Lu Shaoqing would not.

Lu Shaoqing hummed, not ashamed at all, but proud, “How?” You are only allowed to return to the old goods of the Yuan Pavilion Cangzhengchu to bully the small, and we are not allowed to do this?

“What’s even more infuriating is that he still bullies my senior brother, do you say that he is angry?”

“My master can bully you, how?”

Damn it.

This guy, it’s really nasty.

The disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion behind Zhang Conglong shouted in their hearts.

Their master brother Zhang Conglong couldn’t take advantage in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Fight, there is Shao Cheng, do not dare to move.

Mouth cannon, but mouth cannon cannon Lu Shaoqing.

Being suppressed by Lu Shaoqing in all directions, this feeling made the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion extremely humiliated.

Gui Yuange acted domineeringly, when did he encounter such a humiliating thing?

Shao Cheng’s voice came from inside the private room.

“Don’t worry about you today, let’s go.”

I don’t know why, even Zhang Conglong couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart when he heard this.

It’s too suffocating here, full of strength but unable to stretch.

Lu Shaoqing was dissatisfied with Master’s approach and said loudly, “Did I let you go?” Xia

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Yu and the others were not surprised, but Zhang Conglong and the other disciples of the Yuan Pavilion were shocked.

Didn’t you hear your master speak?

Do you still want to go against your master?

Then Zhang Conglong saw Lu Shaoqing shouting to the private room with dissatisfaction, “Master, don’t talk, stay inside.” ”

Really, don’t kill them, you actually care about face and want them to go? Have you asked me?

Zhang Zheng sneered, how old are you, “You said if you don’t let us go, we won’t leave?”

Lu Shaoqing shouted mercilessly, “Naked man, shut up for me, there is nothing for you to talk here.”

Zhang Zheng vomited blood, he stretched his neck, like an angry turtle, and roared angrily at Lu Shaoqing, “Who do you say?” Who are you talking about? ”

Ling Xiaocheng has already given Zhang Zheng two bad memories.

The first time, he wanted to go to Lu Shaoqing for trouble, but he was ambushed halfway, and everything on his body was looted, leaving only a pair of profane pants.

The second time, not long ago, was the same, it was ransacked, and he and his fellow disciples were on the Tianji newspaper and on the hot search.

Not many people knew about it the first time, but they became famous the second time.

So that he now goes out with his head down.

Now I was called by Lu Shaoqing’s naked man, I, and a pair of profane pants to wear, is it good.

Who is a naked man? You’re naked, your whole family is naked.

“It’s you.”

Lu Shaoqing brutally uncovered the scars of Zhang Zheng and other Gui Yuan Pavilion disciples, and fiercely poured salt on their scars, “They were stripped of their clothes and ran naked en masse.” Do you dislike the hot weather in our Lingxiao City? ”

Gui Yuan Pavilion, what a majesty.”

“Damn it, you guy, you dare to insult me to return to the Yuan Pavilion?”

“You look for death!”

“I’m going to kill you.”

The other Guiyuan Pavilion disciples were also enraged.

Their scars that night were revealed.

It’s a shame to think about.

They have never suffered such a big loss in their lives.

What’s worse, they don’t even know who did it. There is not even a target to vent.

“Shut up!”

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “I’m standing here, do you dare to make a move?”

“Do you have to come and be my grandson?”

“Why is it so cheap, I have never seen such a mean person when I am so old.”


Finally, someone from the Guiyuan Pavilion disciples who were a little fragile in their bearing capacity was so angry that they vomited blood again.

Zhang Conglong saw that his junior brother was so angry that he vomited blood, his face was ugly, but he was a little happy in his heart.

This can be regarded as helping him attract some of Lu Shaoqing’s firepower.

If Lu Shaoqing continued to target him, he estimated that he would be similar.

Zhang Conglong knew that if he continued here, he would not be able to take advantage of anything.

He retreated and said coldly, “Good, good, today’s matter, I Zhang Conglong wrote it down.” ”

Let’s go.”

“Go?” Lu Shaoqing still said that sentence, “Who let you go?”

“Did you ask me?”

Zhang Conglong sneered, “How? You still want to shoot to intercept us?

“Senior Shao Cheng said let us leave.”

“Could it be that Senior Shao Cheng wants to backtrack?”

Lu Shaoqing hummed, “My master agreed, but I didn’t agree.”

Zhang Conglong sneered even more, simply ignored Lu Shaoqing, and said to the others, “Let’s go.” ”

We’re going away like this, what can you do for me?

Zhang Zheng looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily and put down his cruel words, “You can let us stay, I will call you grandpa.”

Lu Shaoqing said to Xiao Yi slowly, “Junior sister, go to the Heavenly Mechanic and tell them what happened here today.”

“Let’s just say that the grandson of Gui Yuange came with great momentum, and finally slipped away like a mouse.”

Zhang Conglong and all the other Guiyuan Pavilion disciples stopped in their footsteps….

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