Zhang Conglong is now in a dilemma.

Leave, as Lu Shaoqing said, when the time comes, it will be passed out.

What face does Guiyuan Pavilion have?

Especially he Zhang Conglong, rushed with the momentum of people, could not do anything, but was severely humiliated by the other party.

He will also become a laughing stock for this.

Now that he had left with people, he could even imagine how the Heavenly Mechanics here in Lingxiao City would laugh at their Heavenly Mechanics in Lingxiao City

, and even Elder Cang dared to criticize.

He Zhang Conglong will only be criticized worse.

Don’t leave.

Here, in the face of Lu Shaoqing with Yuan Baby behind his back, he was able to spray them to death.

They can’t do it.

For the first time in his life, Zhang Conglong felt so humiliated.

There was nothing he could do with Lu Shaoqing in front of him.

He has lived for so long, he has faced powerful opponents, and he has not felt as humiliated as he is now.

However, when his gaze fell on Fang Xiao.

Zhang Conglong had an idea in his heart.

He said to Fang Xiao, “What do you have to eat here?”

“Bring it all to me.”

“Our junior brother ate here today.”

You have to stay for dinner, right?

One move is to retreat into advance, avoid the important and light, and resolve their embarrassment.

Zhang Zheng looked at his eldest brother in amazement, staying, the most humiliating person will be him.

Zhang Conglong did not pay attention to his brother’s gaze.

This is a multiple-choice question, stay for the time being, and the most humiliating person is Zhang Zheng alone.

But if he didn’t stay, he, the disciple of Gui Yuan Pavilion, and Gui Yuan Pavilion’s face would have to be lost.

Seeing Fang Xiao’s hesitation, Zhang Conglong was angry in his heart, even you dare not put me in your eyes? He said coldly, “How? ”

Are you not willing to receive us to the Yuan Pavilion?”

“Fang family, when did you become so characterful?”

Gui Yuan Pavilion is a behemoth to the other family.

The Fang family couldn’t afford to offend Gui Yuange.

Fang Xiao was also embarrassed.

She didn’t want to be a sinner of the Fang family.

She glanced at Lu Shaoqing.

Although this is her Juxian Tower, now it is not her turn to speak and decide.

If Lu Shaoqing didn’t agree, she didn’t seem to be in a rut.

Noticing Fang Xiao’s gaze.

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, and did not make it difficult for Fang Xiao.

He reminded Fang Xiaodao, “Boss Fang, you have to be careful, the people of Gui Yuan Pavilion are the most shameless.”

“Watch out for them eating overlord meals.”

Zhang Zheng was furious, “Bastard, what are you talking about?

Lu Shaoqing cursed, “Grandson, you haven’t called grandpa yet.”

“It’s about your unscrupulous grandson, you Guiyuan Pavilion have been stripped of your clothes, there is nothing, and there are spirit stones to eat?”

Zhang Conglong hummed, “It’s just a spirit stone, I have it.” ”

He Zhang Conglong has not been robbed, as a big disciple, there will be no shortage of spirit stones.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, “You have?” Then he

looked at Zhang Conglong with burning eyes.

That’s right, the chief disciple of Guiyuan Pavilion is worth a lot, and he really wants to rob it.

Being stared at by Lu Shaoqing like this, even Zhang Conglong was a little overwhelmed.

How many meanings does such a gaze mean?

Want to rob me of spirit stones?

“How?” Zhang Conglong simply turned his spearhead to Fang Xiao again, “Didn’t you put us in the eyes of Guiyuan Pavilion?”

Lu Shaoqing put away the urge to rob Zhang Conglong, smiled, and the other party said, “Boss Fang, remember to slaughter them fiercely.” ”

The losses in the past few days are all because of them.”

After speaking, turn around and return to the private room.

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Xiao Yi was very curious, this is not like the style of the second senior brother, she caught up, “Second senior brother, just let them go like this?”

Lu Shaoqing glared at her, “How else?”

“Are you trying to kill my grandsons?” Your heart is so bad?

Xia Yu followed in and looked at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze with a sigh.

She said, “Junior Brother Lu can think about Sister Xiao, I will thank Junior Brother Lu for her first.” ”

Juxian Tower is Fang Xiao’s, just now Lu Shaoqing continued to make trouble, and Fang Xiao did not have any benefits.

From Zhang Conglong’s words, it could be heard that if Lu Shaoqing continued to make trouble, Zhang Conglong would eventually be angry with Fang Xiao and the Fang family.

Lu Shaoqing already has the upper hand, and can continue to make trouble and continue to embarrass the people of Guiyuan Pavilion.

But he was able to stop and let go of the people of Gui Yuan Pavilion.

Helped Fang Xiao.

This shows Lu Shaoqing’s personality.

This girl was smart, Lu Shaoqing shook his head to indicate that Xia Yu was wrong, and he said, “Senior Sister Xia Yu, don’t misunderstand.”

“I’m afraid that Master will finish eating these delicious things here.”

Shao Cheng, who was also shot while lying down, scolded angrily, “Bastard, you dare to try nonsense again?”

Xia Yu looked at Lu Shaoqing, his eyes even more admiring.

Lu Shaoqing seems to be out of tune, but he is much more reliable than many people.

“No matter what, Junior Brother Lu’s move is undoubtedly helping Sister Xiao.”

At the same time, Xia Yu glanced at his junior sister, hoping that his junior sister could understand the purpose of his words.

Lu Shaoqing was not even afraid of Zhang Conglong, and he was able to make Zhang Conglong want to leave in ashes.

If Bian Rourou was hated by Lu Shaoqing, she would only suffer more losses at that time.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand and said, “Senior Sister Xia Yu, it’s useless for you to praise me for this.”

“If you eat too much, I will scold you too.”

Xia Yu was stunned, and then cried and laughed.

Xiao Yi was speechless, and Shao Cheng was also angry, “Bastard, did you say this about Senior Sister?”

“Talk nonsense again, I’m really going to clean you up.”

Lu Shaoqing muttered, “Just now such a good opportunity to help Senior Brother vent his anger, and now he scolds me.”

“Master, shouldn’t it be that there is a little junior sister, and you don’t want me and Senior Brother?”

“Together, the two of us are not your apprentices.”

Shao Cheng glared at Lu Shaoqing, I also wanted to make a move, but my face was not as thick as yours, “Others can pull down their faces to bully juniors, I can’t pull down that face.”

Xiao Yi listened next to him and understood it.

Just now, he sprayed Zhang Conglong like that, in order to help the senior brother vent his breath.

Sure enough, they fell in love and killed each other, Xiao Yi said with a grin, “The second senior brother is really good to the senior brother.”

Lu Shaoqing firmly denied, “Nonsense, my relationship with him is the worst.”

“He is usually so arrogant, doesn’t he deserve to be bullied?”

Xiao Yi was still smiling, and Lu Shaoqing’s words were false as soon as he heard them.

Ji Yan was bullied by Cang Zhengchu of Gui Yuan Pavilion, and Lu Shaoqing’s current strength is helpless to Cang Zhengchu.

He could only bully the disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion to speak out for Ji Yan.

Xia Yu heard it next to him, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

This is mainly to help Ji Yan export his anger.

Xiao Yi asked again, “Second Senior Brother, are you just letting them eat outside with peace of mind?” ”

Does Second Senior Brother have any backhand?


“Don’t people come here to eat a meal?”

Lu Shaoqing looked at his junior sister in shock, and deliberately exaggerated, “You are so vicious, you won’t even let you eat a meal?”

“Can you bully people like that?”

Xiao Yi wanted to spray all the things in his mouth on the second senior brother’s face.

It is clear that you are bullying people.

But Xiao Yi didn’t really believe that Lu Shaoqing just stopped like this.

She asked, “Second Senior Brother, is that all?”

Lu Shaoqing said, “How else?” Master didn’t want to bully them anymore, I continued to bully them, and it would make people laugh if they spread it.

“So,” ”

So what?”

Xiao Yi asked curiously.

Lu Shaoqing stared at Xiao Yi and smiled non-stop.

“Hey, hey…”

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