Xiao Yi’s heart bristled again.

The last time Lu Shaoqing stared at her like this and smiled, the eight-hundred-word experience became twenty-thousand-word.

It made her almost cry.

Xiao Yi was very panicked in her heart, in the face of the food in front of her, she suddenly lost her appetite, the food in front of her was not attractive at all, she hurriedly asked Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do?”

Lu Shaoqing put away his smile and shook his head, “No, don’t think about it too much.” ”

Eat, eat more.”

Xiao Yi’s heart was even more panicked.

Is this the last meal?

“Second Senior Brother, you say it bluntly, I, I’m afraid.”

“Afraid of what? I won’t eat you again.

Lu Shaoqing simply ignored Xiao Yi, but ate it himself.

With so many people present, Lu Shaoqing had an appetite to eat with relish.

Shao Cheng, Xia Yu, and Bian Rourou didn’t eat much.

As for Xiao Yi, he did not have the slightest appetite.

Lu Shaoqing’s laughter made her flustered, and she was constantly guessing what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

I can’t wait until Lu Shaoqing finishes eating.

Xiao Yi continued to ask, “Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do?”

“Tell me, don’t scare me.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled secretly, is there such a big shadow for me? On the surface, he pretended to be strange, “What do you mean by that?”

“Who scared you? Don’t think that Senior Sister Xia Yu is here, I don’t dare to beat you.”

Xia Yu smiled secretly, she was also curious about what Lu Shaoqing would do to Zhang Conglong and them next.

Xia Yu didn’t think that Lu Shaoqing would let them go easily.

“Junior Brother Lu, can you tell me what you plan to do next?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, his tone was helpless, even Senior Sister misunderstood me like this.

“Senior Sister Xia Yu, I thought that we had explored the secret realm together, and you would know something about my person.”

“I didn’t expect ah, you have such a big misunderstanding of me.”

“I’m very sad, you and I won’t see each other again in the future.”

Lu Shaoqing said in a melancholy tone and shook his head.

Slowly leave the private room.

Xia Yu was speechless.

Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded outside.

“Grandchildren, have you eaten enough?”

“Bastard, bastard!”

“You look for death!”

The Guiyuan Pavilion disciples outside roared angrily.

In front of the food, the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion, who had barely recovered a little mood, gritted their teeth in anger again.

The mood became extremely bad.

Zhang Conglong stood up and looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly.

This guy is really damned.

Lu Shaoqing ignored Zhang Conglong, but said to Zhang Zheng, “Come, call grandpa to listen.”

“Don’t lie too much.”

Zhang Conglong looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, with irrepressible killing intent in his tone.

“Too much deception?”

“Are you going to do it? Hurry up, don’t make me underestimate you.

Xia Yu came out and watched Lu Shaoqing deliberately provoke Zhang Conglong.

She was a little puzzled why she still provoked them, but did not do anything to them.

With Shao Cheng here, Zhang Conglong did not dare to make a move.

And Lu Shaoqing couldn’t take the initiative.

Is it just a quick way to provoke Zhang Conglong and the disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion like this?

Have you ever been addicted?

Bian Rourou was also puzzled, and she couldn’t help but ask Xiao Yi.

“Sister Xiaoyi, didn’t you say that he never does meaningless things when doing things?”

“What’s the point of him doing this?”

This angers Zhang Conglong, once encountered in the future, it will only make Zhang Conglong kill Lu Shaoqing, and it will not benefit him in the slightest.

Xiao Yi also didn’t understand this, the second senior brother was very abnormal today, and I was very panicked in my heart.

She said, “I don’t understand what the second senior brother is going to do.

“But I’m sure he did it with his intentions.”

Xiao Yi’s heart was still panicked.

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Lu Shaoqing’s words just now made her couldn’t help but worry.

When the second senior brother did this, shouldn’t it be digging a hole for himself?

Lu Shaoqing was fearless and looked directly at Zhang Conglong.

“In this way, give you a chance, lest you say that I am bullying you.”

“Three days later, you sent someone to fight my junior sister.”

“If I win, I won’t trouble you and won’t let you call me grandpa.”

“But if you lose, you have to obediently call me grandpa.”

“How, dare to promise?”

Xiao Yi’s eyes darkened when he heard this, sure enough.

The second senior brother was really digging a hole for himself.

Zhang Conglong asked coldly, “Really? ”

To say that the competition is fierce, the people of Gui Yuan Pavilion have never been afraid of anyone.

“You can inquire, what kind of person am I Lu Shaoqing?”

“Standing up to the heavens and the earth, it is me who says nine words.”

Zhang Zheng couldn’t help but mock, too hateful to vomit unpleasantly, “I only know that you are a shame of the sect.”

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Grandson, you haven’t called me grandpa yet.” ”

Backtracking guy, you still dare to speak?”

Zhang Zheng’s teeth were almost crushed.

Damn guys.

Zhang Conglong’s expression remained unchanged and asked, “Any of us?”

Lu Shaoqing said, “I hope it is you who make a move, after all, my junior sister has only successfully built the foundation today.”

“She is very strong, the rest of you come, I am afraid that I will be killed by my junior sister.” Or it’s better for you to shoot. ”

Lu Shaoqing’s face is full of sincerity, and I have a good expression for you.

Left everyone speechless.

Who is Zhang Conglong?

Known as the second person in Qizhou, among the younger generation, only Ji Yan can overwhelm him.

Even Xia Yu is not necessarily Zhang Conglong’s opponent.

Let Zhang Conglong take action against Xiao Yi, who has just stepped into the foundation, isn’t this killing chickens with a cow knife?

And Xiao Yi wanted to faint.

Second Senior Brother, is this disgusted that she is too stupid and wants to use Zhang Conglong’s hand to kill her?

She had just successfully built the foundation, and Zhang Conglong Jiedan was on the ninth floor.

How does this fight?

A hundred of her can’t beat Zhang Conglong.

As soon as he thought that he was going to fight Zhang Conglong, Xiao Yi’s feet were soft.

Bian Rourou noticed Xiao Yi’s expression and asked, “Sister Xiao Yi, this is the intention of your second senior brother?” ”

Deliberately provoke the disciples of Gui Yuan Pavilion, and finally let Xiao Yi deal with them.

At that time, Xiao Yi will face great pressure.

Xiao Yi wanted to cry without tears.

Zhang Conglong sneered, you think I’m an idiot?

“Fight a good calculation, I made a move, whether you win or lose, you can take the opportunity to humiliate me to return to the Yuan Pavilion.”

Zhang Conglong is not stupid.

His strength is known to the world, and he dealt with the foundation building period in the late Jiedan period.

If you win, you won, and if you accidentally suffer a loss, you will increase the joke.

What’s more, Zhang Conglong said coldly, “Only Ji Yan will be worth my hand.”

“You guys don’t deserve it yet.”

Only Ji Yan is worthy of his shot.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, very disdainful, and said, “If you don’t dare, don’t dare, pretend something.”

Xiao Yi wanted to cry even more, and she wanted to say something to beg to let it go.

As for the posture of forcing Zhang Conglong to fight her?

Can she beat Zhang Conglong?

Zhang Zheng couldn’t help it again, and shouted angrily, “Do you need my eldest brother’s hand?”

“I’ll come, in three days, let that smelly girl wash her neck and wait for me.”

Fooled, Lu Shaoqing smiled secretly, and deliberately looked him up and down, “Build the second layer of the foundation?

Then curiously asked Zhang Conglong, “Is he really your own brother?” It’s too much worse than you, right?

For his younger brother to fight, Zhang Conglong did not refuse, he said lightly, “Wash your neck and wait.”

“Let’s go!”

I didn’t eat anymore, and I left with people.

Lu Shaoqing kindly reminded, “Remember to keep a checkout, don’t skip the bill…”

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