
“It’s so expensive, it’s so dark!”

“Isn’t it just a teleportation array? The charge is so expensive!

Lu Shaoqing cursed, distressed.

He left Rucheng by sitting in the teleportation array, after all, he offended the Qi family and the Ao family, and he had to run quickly, so he didn’t think about saving spirit stones.

However, along the way, from Rucheng to Duncheng and Yucheng, it took several teleportation arrays and spent more than a million spirit stones before leaving the area of Zhongzhou and entering Dongzhou.

After entering Dongzhou, although the distance is not so far, spirit stones are also indispensable.

From Zhongzhou to Dongzhou, and then from Dongzhou to Qizhou, Lu Shaoqing had already spent more than two million spirit stones.

Such a large expense made Lu Shaoqing tears in his heart, “I already knew that it would be better to blackmail a little more from the hands of the Qi family at that time.”

“It’s a pity!”

Recalling the experience of the Qi family, Lu Shaoqing felt very sorry.

It’s not that he doesn’t want spirit stones, but he doesn’t dare to stimulate the Qi family.

“Alas, I’m still too timid, my face is too thin, pull down that face…” Lu

Shaoqing let out a long sigh, sighing, he was still too kind and kind to the Qi family.

“Gotta change!”

After Lü Shaoqing entered Dongzhou, he began to slow down, and by the time he arrived at the nearest city of the Lingxiao faction, Qi Zhou Jucheng, several months had passed since he left Rucheng.

For several months, Lu Shaoqing hurried slowly, as if traveling in the world, playing all the way and slowly hurrying.

Right now, going home is imminent, with Lu Shaoqing’s strength, rushing at full speed, from Jucheng to Lingxiao City, it will only take a few days.

“Alas, if you are tired, you will be tired, go back early, rest early.”

Lu Shaoqing let out a long sigh, stepped out in one step, and crossed the void, instantly thousands of miles and thousands of miles.


But not long after, Lu Shaoqing suddenly stopped.

On the ground, someone was fighting, and it was someone familiar to Lu Shaoqing.

“Why did this girl Yin Qi come here?”

“And, that chick from Thousand Bandits City?”

Lu Shaoqing stood above the sky, condescending, and in the distance, Yin Qi and Cai Mei were being besieged.

“I haven’t seen it for a few years, and Yin Qi has also become a baby of the yuan? Nice, nice! ”

What are those rats from Guiyuan Pavilion doing here?”

Below, Yin Qi held a giant sword, the force was heavy, and the sword light that burst out was like a huge pillar of light, splitting the earth and shattering the mountains.

“The inglourious bastards of Guiyuan Pavilion will only attack with sneak attacks?” Yin Qi’s temper was fiery, and she seemed to be on fire all over her body, and her chest was constantly rising and falling, attracting the attention of many male cultivators.

Yin Qi’s opponent, Lu Shaoqing, is very strange.

The age is older than Yin Qi, looking sixty or seventy years old, it is also the yuan infancy stage, and the aura that bursts out is a little stronger than Yin Qi.

Therefore, he pressed Yin Qi to fight and gained the upper hand.

“You Lingxiao faction, it’s not a pity to die!” This person sneered, his expression was fierce, he held a long sword, and his moves were fierce, forcing Yin Qi to retreat.

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Yin Qi fell into a bitter battle like this, and Cai Mei was no better.

Cai Mei was just the strength of the Jiedan Period, and was dealt with by the two Lingxiao Sect disciples of the Jiedan Period, and her body was already scarred and barely supported.

And they did not kill Cai Mei, but deliberately left injuries on her and deliberately created pressure on Yin Qi.

Yin Qi’s side has to deal with opponents who are stronger than herself, and she has to worry about Cai Mei’s safety, and when she is distracted, she can’t beat the other party.

Yin Qi drank loudly, “Xi He, you shameless villain, dare to fight with me fairly?” ”

Fair?” The man known as Xi He sneered, “The winner is king, the loser is the curse, you are about to lose, what qualifications do you have to shout fairness?”

“Don’t think that your grandfather is a god, you can be arrogant.” Yin Qi was even more angry, “You guys are all a bunch of shameless villains in Guiyuan Pavilion.

“That’s right, my grandfather is the god of transformation, how?” This is my capital that I can arrogant, do you have it? Xi He smiled even more happily, looking proud of his identity.

“Your Lingxiao Sect will be destroyed by us Guiyuan Pavilion sooner or later, and now start slowly eradicating these so-called young disciples of yours, and then there will be no need to worry about the remaining group of old things.”

“Shout, shout angrily, your cry is the wail of the weak!”

Xi He?

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin and muttered, “The Guiyuan Pavilion God who bullied me before, it seems that he is also surnamed Xi?”

“Ma De, it seems that it is necessary to settle accounts with Guiyuan Pavilion, lie down the corpse, and it will be possible after a while.”

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was faint and fell on Xi He below.

Xi He, who was happy, suddenly felt a chill and coldly hit a spirit.

He then subconsciously looked around, but did not find anything wrong.

Why does it seem to have a feeling of being targeted?

Xi He had a bad premonition in his heart, and he shouted, “Hurry up and kill her!” He

ordered the same door to kill Cai Mei, and his side also increased its strength to storm Yin Qi.

Under Xi He’s order, Cai Mei was even more irresistible, just a few breaths, and another wound was added to her body.

Then he was hit by a force, and the whole person was like a kite, flying upside down for hundreds of meters, and slammed into a tree.


And the enemy is approaching her again, and it is in danger.

“Junior Sister Mei!” Yin Qi’s side was in a hurry, thinking of going to rescue Cai Mei, but was stopped by Xi He and couldn’t get out.

“Scumbag, me!” Yin Qi roared angrily, and the giant sword swept across, bursting out with terrifying sword qi, but he couldn’t help Xi He.

Xi He easily resisted and said with a smile, “Just watch her die slowly, and then I’ll send you down to accompany her.”

“Then, your entire Lingxiao faction will also go down to accompany you sooner or later.”

Yin Qi was a little panicked in her heart, she couldn’t think of a way to do such a situation.

But she definitely didn’t want to just go like that.

“Even if I die, I will pull you to die together!” Yin Qi drank heavily, and the breath in his body tumbled violently.

Xi He’s face changed, but there was not much panic, “Want to blow up the Yuan baby?”


“That’s right, naïve!” A voice suddenly came from the sky, very soft, but it reached everyone’s ears.

“To deal with such a garbage, do you need to self-detonate the Yuan baby…”

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