The sudden sound startled everyone.

The voice came from overhead, and they followed the sound and looked up.

In the bright sunlight, a blue-shirted young man seemed to come out of the void and stood in the heavens and the earth.

He had a faint smile on his handsome face, and there was a bit of unruliness and carelessness hidden in his smile.

“Who are you?” Xi He was unhappy in his heart, and Lu Shaoqing’s smile made him very uncomfortable.

This smile seemed to be under his control, and just a smile made Xi He feel offended.

More killing intent suddenly arose in his heart.

Whether it’s breaking through what he’s doing, or this uncomfortable smile, this person has to die.

And, it seems, just called him rubbish?

This is even more unbearable.

“Senior Brother Shaoqing!” Yin Qi shouted in disbelief.

At the same time, some of the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion shouted violently, “Guiyuan Pavilion does things, idlers don’t care!”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he gently pointed at the disciple who was drinking heavily.

A sharp sword intent quickly submerged into his body like lightning.

The explosive sword intent erupted, and the disciple of the Guiyuan Pavilion screamed miserably, turning into a drop of blood in the sky in front of everyone.

The power of one finger shocked everyone.

Xi He was furious, but Yin Qi’s words made him stunned.

“Lu Shaoqing? Ji Yan’s junior brother?

As soon as these words came out, the remaining disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion froze again, and at the same time someone shouted, “It’s him, I’ve seen him!” ”

Gui Yuan Pavilion, Lu Shaoqing of Tianyu Peak, Junior Brother of Ji Yan, a despicable and shameless fellow!”

For several years, Lu Shaoqing’s demeanor is still the same.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he smiled even more happily, and a mouthful of white teeth was exposed, shining, “I haven’t seen it for a few years, and my prestige is still ah.”

“Very good!”

Xi He’s killing intent skyrocketed, but he didn’t immediately make a move, stared at Lu Shaoqing for a moment, and shouted, “What about Ji Yan? Let him get out.

“I want him to know who is the first person in Qizhou!”

After speaking, he brazenly burst out his powerful aura.

“Yuan Infant Middle Stage, Five Layer Realm!”

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was flat and did not fluctuate.

And Yin Qi loudly reminded Lu Shaoqing, “Shaoqing, be careful, he is a genius disciple hidden in Guiyuan Pavilion, he is stronger than Zhang Conglong.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded secretly, indeed, according to the age of Xi He in front of him, he may have entered the Yuan Infant very early.

He didn’t go to Zhongzhou is also a five-layer realm, Zhang Conglong went to Zhongzhou, the progress is rapid, and now it is only a four-layer realm.

It is indeed stronger than Zhang Conglong, but he is much older than Zhang Conglong.

Yin Qi’s words made Xi He laugh, and his voice revealed endless pride.

“What Ji Yan is the first person in Qizhou, he is just a jumping beam clown in front of me.”

“There are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings.”

Lu Shaoqing was strange, “Didn’t Zhang Conglong bring back the latest news to you in Zhongzhou?” ”

There’s no reason, didn’t Zhang Conglong pass on the news that he and Ji Yan are gods to the grandsons of Guiyuan Pavilion?

Xi He was puzzled, Lu Shaoqing’s calmness was beyond his expectation, “What do you mean?”

And at this time, there were Guiyuan Pavilion disciples who drank loudly, “Boy, do you dare to raise it in front of Senior Brother He?” Roll down, kneel and talk.

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“I haven’t seen you for several years, and your people who return to the Yuan Pavilion are still so rude.” Lu Shaoqing hated that iron is not steel, “A sect like this should not exist.

After speaking, he pointed at the remaining Guiyuan Pavilion disciples again.

The terrifying sword intent instantly wiped them out, and several Gui Yuan Pavilion disciples turned into flesh and blood in the scream.

The pungent smell of blood filled the audience, and the flesh and blood covered a radius of 100 meters.

“No, no…” Xi He was blinded, angry, frightened, and he roared up to the sky.

Lu Shaoqing’s speed was too fast, and he didn’t have time to react at all.

In just two or three breaths, the six or seven Gui Yuan Pavilion disciples he brought with him turned into dead and could not die anymore, leaving not even a single whole corpse.

“Ah, ah…” Xi He was about to go crazy, and he roared angrily at Lu Shaoqing, “Despicable, inhuman demon.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Listen, this is the wail of the weak.” ”

This face is extremely painful.


Xi He couldn’t stand it anymore.

His long sword swung and burst out with a strong light, and he urged his spiritual power without reservation.

The sword light skyrocketed, turning into a shocking rainbow.

Sweeping across the ground and piercing the sky, the sword intent carried on it seemed to be able to shatter heaven and earth.

The sword light swept across everything and fell fiercely towards Lu Shaoqing.

Yin Qi’s face next to her changed greatly, Xi He still hid his strength when dealing with her, and she drank, “Be careful!”

However, as soon as her words fell, the sword light in the sky disappeared instantly.

In Yin Qi’s shocked gaze, Lu Shaoqing just stretched out two fingers and gently fingered.

Xi He’s all-out blow was easily defused by him.

This scene stunned Yin Qi and Cai Mei, and also frightened Xi He.

“You, you…” Xi

He didn’t say a word, turned around and fled.

It’s terrifying.

It was his all-out blow, and even someone stronger than him could not resist it so easily.

The only possibility was that Lu Shaoqing was strong, so powerful that he couldn’t imagine it.

Xi He inherited his grandfather’s cunning, and once he found that something was wrong, he fled in an instant.

“Want to escape?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled contemptuously and reached out to grab it gently.

As if crossing thousands of miles, he caught Xi He, who had fled far away, and the invisible force restrained Xi He, squeezed his body, and blood spurted out.

Reaching out and pulling, Xi He was grabbed by him like a dead dog and thrown on the ground.

Xi He’s face turned pale, which would be scared to pee, “You…”

No matter how slow his reaction was, he knew what realm Lu Shaoqing was.

“Avatar, Avatar?”

Only this realm can hold him like a chicken.

If he could, Xi He didn’t want to shout out these two words.

He was going to be scared to death.

Is there such a young god?

Are there such terrible people?

“Guessed right, it’s a pity that there is no prize…”

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