“No, it can’t be!”

Xi He screamed, incredulous.

“You, how can you be a god?”

Poor God, is it so outrageous?

As a genius since he was a child, he was carefully taught by his grandfather.

What is the first person in Qizhou, Zhang Conglong’s second person is despised by him.

He has always had his own pride, thinking that after he comes out of the mountain, the first person and the second person are not his opponents.

He is the real genius, the strongest genius.

However, at the moment, someone younger than him was actually a god.

Dreaming, right?

You must be dreaming, right?

How could there be anyone in this world who was better than him?

Xi He’s words made Lu Shaoqing very dissatisfied, and he cursed unhappily, “What do you mean?”

“How can I not be a god of transformation if I am so handsome?”

“Do you think I’m a jumping beam clown like you?”

“Only a frog at the bottom of the well like you can’t understand how big the world really is, how handsome I am.”

Xi He is sluggish, is there anything to do with handsome and Huashen?

“Oh, by the way, tell you, my senior brother is also a god of transformation, and he broke through before me.”

This sentence once again deeply hit Xi He, “No, it can’t be! Xi

He always thought that he would be stronger than Ji Yan, and he always looked at Ji Yan in secret with a high posture, as if looking at a joke.

Unexpectedly, Ji Yan had already become a god, which made the pride in his heart collapse.

He felt that others were jokes, but he didn’t expect that the real joke was himself, and this kind of blow was like killing him.

After a while, he came back to his senses and stared at Lu Shaoqing viciously, “Impossible, I, I don’t believe it.”

“Didn’t I say that? Didn’t Zhang Conglong pass back the latest intelligence from Zhongzhou to you? ”

Ouch, is Zhang Conglong going to betray your division?”

“Congratulations, congratulations.”

The last glimmer of hope in Xi He’s eyes dimmed down.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t have to lie to him in this matter, even if he did, once Zhang Conglong passed the news back, the lie would be self-defeating.

Xi He suddenly felt that life was hopeless.

“You kill me.” Xi He spoke coldly.

Until now, he will not ask for mercy, he has his own pride.

“Yo, have a backbone, you are so brave, who taught you?”

Then he seemed to react and asked Yin Qi, “By the way, is there anything about him?” ”

His grandfather is the god of Guiyuan Pavilion, Xi Yong.”

“What?” Lu Shaoqing was shocked, “After the transformation of the gods?

“Oh, you said it earlier, the misunderstanding was big.”

As soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words came out, Xi He was stunned, and Yin Qi and Cai Mei were also stunned.

Could it be that he heard that it was the grandson of the god of transformation, and he was afraid?

Yin Qi couldn’t help but mutter, “Damn, it’s all so strong, is the personality still like that?”

Lu Shaoqing lifted Xi He up with a void, “Brother Xi, it was a misunderstanding just now, what do you think?”

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“You know my grandfather?” Xi He was wary in his heart, but he was also a little happy, could it be that things had turned around?

“Alas, I met it once, it’s too powerful, I’m not an opponent.” Lu Shaoqing showed a scared expression.

“Hmph!” Xi He was even more secretly happy in his heart, it seemed that his grandfather had indeed taught him a lesson before, and he said coldly, “Since you know my grandfather, what else do you want?” ”

You actually dare to capture me back?

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were like electricity, and he seemed to see through what Xi He was thinking, and smiled even more happily.

“I captured you back to tell you that you are not the first person in Qizhou, and the first person in Qi Zhou is still my senior brother.”

After speaking, he sighed, and seemed to be a little helpless, “I don’t like people being so crazy, you say you are the most powerful, I am not convinced, I have to let you know who is the most powerful.”

“But you didn’t say who your grandfather was earlier, and you said I wouldn’t do this to you earlier.”

Is this the reason?

Are you afraid that there is some serious illness?

Yin Qi and Cai Mei were also speechless.

Cai Mei looked at Yin Qi, and Yin Qi huffed, “Abominable guy, but this is also very suitable for his character.”

“Bad fun!”

Yin Qi couldn’t bear it anymore, she swung her giant sword and rushed over, “Let me cut him with a sword.” ”

The huge long sword, which accounts for one-third of Yin Qi’s body, looks majestic and puts great pressure on Xi He.

There was not so much pressure when I played against me just now.

“Don’t be impulsive,” Lu Shaoqing hurriedly stopped Yin Qi, “His grandfather is a god, we can’t afford to offend.” Xi

He thought of his grandfather, he felt much calmer, and even his waist was a little straighter.

No way, there are backers.

“Afraid of what?” Yin Qi was not afraid at all, murderous, and her chest continued to rise and fall with her anger, attracting attention, “He wants to kill us, do we still have to be polite with him?” ”

Hu Lai!” Lu Shaoqing drank again, “Grandpa is a god, have you ever beaten it?”

Yin Qi despised Lu Shaoqing, “Are you still the same as before, afraid of death?”

“Afraid, why not afraid?” Lu Shaoqing said unpleasantly, “I finally cultivated to the Transformation God, his grandfather is in the late stage of the Transformation God, how to fight?” I don’t want to die. ”

That’s right.

Xi He’s heart was even calmer, and his gaze looking at Lu Shaoqing was also a little disdainful.

Knowing my grandfather’s strength, in the end, he was still not afraid?

He smiled, “Hmph, let me go, today’s things, I can treat it as if it didn’t happen.”

“Released you? Dream! Yin Qi continued to wield the giant sword, eager to split Xi He in half.

“Don’t be impulsive.” Lu Shaoqing persuaded Yin Qi again, “Now is not the right time.

“What’s the right timing?” Yin Qi was very puzzled, what other time would it take to kill this bastard guy?

“Now is the perfect time.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and deliberately whispered, but let Xi He hear it, “Almost, wait for that senior to come, let’s talk about it, one year later, absolutely possible.”

Xi He pricked up his ears and wrote down Lu Shaoqing’s words word for word.

Before he could think of a good way to convince Lu Shaoqing and Yin Qi, Lu Shaoqing pointed at Xi He and said, “You promise, today’s incident should not happen, and you are not allowed to seek revenge on us, how?” ”


Xi He didn’t say a word, and immediately said, “Okay, I promise.” ”

Hmph, when I go back, I must let grandpa find a way to kill you.”

“People who return to Yuan have always been shameless villains and cannot be believed.” Yin Qi continued to shout.

“You can’t kill it, can you? We can’t afford to provoke a late-stage existence of the Avatar God. Lu Shaoqing seemed angry, “This is the person I caught, I said let it go


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