Lu Shaoqing seemed to be very dissatisfied with Yin Qi, and said loudly, “You are a junior sister, why listen to you.”

“I am a disciple of Tianyu Peak, besides, you are weaker than me, and you are not my opponent when fighting.”

The words made Yin Qi jump to his feet in anger, and the giant sword in his hand couldn’t wait to greet Lu Shaoqing’s body.

After a few years, it is still so hateful.

“me off.” Yin Qi wielded a giant sword and cursed.

“Anyway, you don’t care if I do things, let me go aside.” Lu Shaoqing drank unceremoniously.

Xi He was also stunned when he saw it.

The shame of the sect is worthy of its name.

Yin Qi was so angry that he moved the head out, “You wait, after I go back, I will find the head to file a complaint, and let the chief punish you.”

“Why are you so fierce?” Lu Shaoqing looked helpless, he glanced at Cai Mei and said to Yin Qi, “Isn’t that so, let him compensate for the loss, how?”

Then, he pointed at Cai Mei and said to Xi He, “Brother Xi, did you see it?” She is the maid of the city lord of the Thousand Bandits City, her status is very high, she was injured by you, you compensate, what does it mean?

Xi He glanced at Cai Mei and did not object, but asked, “What do you mean?”

Lu Shaoqing rubbed his hands, looking a little embarrassed, and said, “Hehe, it’s better like this, you have more bullies today, she will definitely not be convinced.”

“At that time, you will send someone again, in the Thousand Bandit City, and fight her one-on-one, who loses and who apologizes, how?”

“Otherwise, look at my brainless junior sister, I can’t convince her, I can’t let you go.”

“Who do you say is brainless?” Yin Qi was furious.

After not seeing Lu Shaoqing for a few years, Yin Qi was very happy, but now she just wanted to poke her giant sword in his head.

As soon as they meet, they can kill the popularity, and they are really still so annoying, and they are not comparable to the master brother.

Xi He looked at Lu Shaoqing expressionlessly, and Lu Shaoqing continued to say to him, “After half a year, how about me and her waiting for you in Thousand Bandit City?”

“Promise not? If you don’t agree, I can only let my junior sister hack you to death.” Seeing

Yin Qi holding the giant sword next to him, the blade flashed with cold light, murderous, making Xi He feel the pressure.

Xi He did not hesitate, “Okay, when the time comes, a word is decided, and then the winner and loser will be divided.”

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Xi He, “You promise.”

“After half a year, I promise to personally bring people to Thousand Bandit City.”

Lu Shaoqing was satisfied, “Let’s go.” Then

, the void grabbed.

A storage ring appeared in Lu Shaoqing’s hand.

“You…” Xi He suddenly became furious, and took robbery?

Lu Shaoqing said lightly, “I’ll take this thing of yours first, and I’ll pay you back when you come.”

“Otherwise, I can’t explain this junior sister to her.”

“Let’s go, let’s go, if you don’t go, my junior sister will cut you.”

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Move Yin Qi out again, and now Xi He is imprisoned, and he definitely can’t carry Yin Qi’s giant sword.

Xi He’s eyes flashed with deep anger, but he knew that he was not qualified to negotiate conditions.

No matter whether Lu Shaoqing was really afraid of his grandfather or if he was afraid of his grandfather, it was a great fortune in misfortune to be able to let him go.

Unless he has a problem with his brain, he will continue to stay here and fight with Lu Shaoqing.

So he was very decisive, even if the storage ring was full of his own family bottom, he did not dare to say more, turned around and left.

After he had left a long distance, he looked back at this with a resentful gaze.

“I will repay you twice as much for the shame I suffered today.”

“Even if you have any intrigues, in the face of absolute strength, you are just a clown.”

“Wait, you will regret your decision to let me go today.”

The sound of Xi He was like the wind in the mountains and forests disappearing into the mountains.

Lu Shaoqing let Xi He leave, so angry that Yin Qi raised his giant sword and shouted angrily at Lu Shaoqing, “Give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise I will not finish with you.” ”

I came out here with Cai Mei to travel, and was ambushed by Xi He, if I hadn’t met Lu Shaoqing by luck, I would have died in vain.

Lu Shaoqing shrugged, sighed, and said helplessly, “His grandfather is a god, he can’t afford to provoke, I’m afraid of death.”

“You are afraid of death, I will hack you to death now.” Yin Qi was angry and raised his giant sword to slash at Lu Shaoqing, “You bastard guy, or are you not a disciple of the Lingxiao faction?” ”

I used to be a backbone, but I haven’t seen it for a few years, but the backbone is still the same.

Yin Qi huffed and roared, “I’m going to eradicate this scum of yours for Uncle Shao Cheng and clean up the portal.”

Lu Shaoqing was unhurried, “You are like this, I won’t tell you about Senior Brother!”

As soon as Yin Qi heard this, he immediately put away the giant sword and immediately smiled, “Hehe, Senior Brother Shaoqing, I haven’t seen you for a long time, I want to kill you.”

Cai Mei, who was watching the play next to her, was speechless, and her face changed so quickly.

Lu Shaoqing yawned, “Don’t you plan to hack me to death and clean the portal for my master?” ”

Little sample, can’t hold you?

When Yin Qi heard this, he didn’t look the slightest bit embarrassed, and smiled, “What about kidding, what about senior brother?”

“What about the others?”

Without saying a few words, she couldn’t wait to inquire about Ji Yan’s situation.

“In Zhongzhou, I don’t plan to come back so soon.” Lu Shaoqing did not hide it.

“Huh? Don’t come back? Yin Qi’s smile quickly disappeared, and she looked very disappointed, she hadn’t seen anyone for several years, and she didn’t know how to come back to see it.

“Come back for what? There is no one here in Qi that can fight. Lu Shaoqing said casually, and then asked Yin Qi, “Why are you here?” ”

Although Cai Mei is the eldest lady of the Thousand Bandit City, she also entered the Lingxiao Sect later, she belongs to the half-way monk, and she can only be regarded as an inner disciple of the sect.

Yin Qi is very close to her and has a good relationship, and this time she came here to travel together and do some sect tasks.

I didn’t expect to encounter Xi He’s ambush here, if it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing, the two would definitely be fierce.

“The people in Guiyuan Pavilion are all so despicable, and they have been constantly targeting our Lingxiao faction in recent years, it’s really damned.”

Yin Qi greeted the people of Gui Yuan Pavilion indignantly, and finally refocused his gaze on Lu Shaoqing, “You said, you and Senior Brother are both gods?” ”

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