Yin Qi and Cai Mei were shocked and looked at Lu Shaoqing.

Such an age is a god, and it must be shocking to the world and scare a large number of people to death.

Lu Shaoqing disagreed with this, “Yes, Huasheng!”

Yin Qi’s scalp was numb, and she asked, “What happened to you?” Why is it improving so fast?

“Also, isn’t your spirit pet red?” How did it turn black and dye? ”

A few years ago, Lu Shaoqing was only a Yuan Infancy cultivator, and a few years to give others a small realm is enough to choke.

Lu Shaoqing poured well, directly from the Yuan Infant to the Transformation God, and Ji Yan was too.

Are both such demons?

“There are so many things along the way, our dog’s brain is almost out.”

“Ah, no, it’s your senior brother’s dog brain that is about to be punched out.”

He and Ji Yan fought countless battles along the way, not to mention nine deaths, but they were also full of dangers and experienced all kinds of difficulties.

The two of them belong to the kind of people who can break through in battle, after experiencing so much, they have to reflect on whether they are geniuses or not.

Yin Qi’s eyes widened, “This is too scary, you should not use any evil methods.” ”

No,” Yin Qi then reacted, glaring angrily at Lu Shaoqing, “Give me respect for Senior Brother.” ”

Senior brother is so powerful, don’t use evil methods to bring him bad, you learn bad yourself and no one will pay attention to you.”

“Go and go, can you speak, do you know what a genius is?”

In the following time, Lu Shaoqing also took Yin Qi on the road to learn about the movements of the sect over the years.

Although it had been five or six years since the Tianyufeng family left the sect, this time was nothing.

The time of the monks is measured in years, not to mention several years, even if it is more than ten years or decades, it is normal.

The Lingxiao Sect has not had any major problems over the years, on the contrary, the life of the sect has been prosperous and flourishing.

In Yin Qi’s words, the sect is much richer, the welfare of the disciples has been greatly improved, the cultivation resources given to the disciples have been greatly increased, and everyone’s strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

Relatives disciples like them have broken through and entered the Yuan Infant realm.

Yin Qi and these people don’t know why, but Lu Shaoqing can guess why.

The matter in the cave has been solved, and the sect does not have to invest resources all the time, and the extra resources can naturally be used to develop the sect and improve the strength of the disciples.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he was very pleased and said, “It’s good, it seems that in the years that I have not been in the sect, the sect can still develop like this, not bad, not bad.”

Yin Qi immediately gave Lu Shaoqing a roll of his eyes, and this kind of parental tone sounded really bad.

“I think it’s because you are not in the sect, don’t set a bad example for everyone, and make everyone more motivated to cultivate.”

Then, after talking about the good things, Yin Qi began to talk about the bad things encountered by the sect.

“But over the years, the Guiyuan Pavilion has become more and more excessive, and our people are met with them outside, and they are always provoked for no reason.”

“There have been a lot of clashes between the two sides, there have been many deaths and injuries, what a hateful and despicable fellow.”

“However, the head has always asked us to exercise restraint and try not to conflict with the people of the Guiyuan Pavilion.”

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Lu Shaoqing agreed, “It’s good, Gui Yuan Pavilion is so powerful, it’s good.” ”

Fart,” Yin Qi became angry when she heard this, and said breathlessly, “What do you know, you have been bullied by others, and you can’t fight back, what’s the point?”

“I see you’re itchy.”

Lu Shaoqing immediately said, “The people who return to the Yuan Pavilion should die, when the time comes, we will destroy the Guiyuan Pavilion and return Qi Prefecture to a tranquility.”

Yin Qi stared at Lu Shaoqing suspiciously, “Gui Yuan Pavilion has a god of transformation, you still want to destroy people’s families?”

“Dreaming without breaking the law.”

“Ah, I’m angry,” Yin Qi was so angry that her body trembled, and she took out the giant sword without saying a word, “I’m going to hack you to death.”

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing ran out of the cabin as soon as possible, “It’s too stuffy here, I’ll go out and blow a wind.”

“me off!” Seeing Lu Shaoqing running so fast, Yin Qiqi’s punch smashed on the deck, smashing the deck out of the Dao Rift.

Cai Mei snickered as she watched from the side, Yin Qi was in the sect, and no one dared to provoke easily.

Once you provoke her, you will definitely be chased and beaten by her.

However, in front of Lu Shaoqing, Yin Qi was so angry that he jumped to his feet, but he couldn’t help Lu Shaoqing.

“What a laugh,” Yin Qi glared at Cai Mei angrily, “This guy is the most hateful.”

Cai Mei asked tentatively, “You say, can I become a disciple of Tianyu Peak?” ”

Cai Mei entered the Lingxiao Sect, and at that time, she hoped to become a disciple of Tianyu Peak.

After all, whether it was Ji Yan, Lu Shaoqing, or Xiao Yi, they all left a deep impression on her.

However, at that time, Shao Cheng, the parent of Tianyu Peak, left Tianyufeng with his family, and no one was at home.

Therefore, it was put on hold.

Yin Qi muttered, “If you go to Tianyu Peak, you will be damaged by him sooner or later.” ”

Senior Sister Yin Qi!” Cai Mei bit Yin Qi’s hand and showed a pleading expression.

Yin Qi couldn’t help, “Okay, I’ll take you to ask, he doesn’t want to, I’ll hack him to death.”

Yin Qi took Cai Mei, who was excited in her heart, to find Lu Shaoqing, who would lie on the roof of the ship and blow the wind.

After knowing what Cai Mei was thinking, Lu Shaoqing did not refuse, “Come on, come on, but disciple, you have no drama.” ”

You absolutely can’t let Master take another apprentice, the stupid Junior Sister is already enough for him to have a headache.

It is good that there are a few more people from Tianyu Peak, so that after their family goes out to wave, no one will look after the house.

Cai Mei was overjoyed, “I’ve seen Senior Brother Lu!”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Don’t be so polite, in the future, everyone will be a family, just feel free.”

“Seeing Senior Brother, you can spray him.”

Yin Qi brandished a giant sword below, pointed at Lu Shaoqing and scolded, “Less teach bad guys here.” ”

Really, you have to teach the bad guys just after entering the door, and Uncle Shao doesn’t care?

Lu Shaoqing tilted his head to look at Yin Qi, and then said to Cai Mei seriously, “Seeing Senior Brother, you carry him to the bed and cook raw rice and mature rice.” ”

I cut you!” It’s unbearable, Yin Qi brandished his giant sword and slashed at Lu Shaoqing…

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