“I’m angry, I’m angry…”

Along the way, Yin Qi hung up this sentence the most.

She couldn’t beat Lu Shaoqing, even if she used all her strength, the giant sword was waving and whistling, and there was a tendency to crack the sky.

She struck with all her strength, and it was like tickling, which was easily dissolved by Lu Shaoqing.

I was so angry that my teeth itched, but I couldn’t do anything, not to mention how much I was depressed.

Therefore, Yin Qi was so angry that her chest kept rising and falling, and she was angry when she saw Lu Shaoqing.

What made Yin Qi even more angry was that Lu Shaoqing seemed to be fine, lying on the roof of the ship every day, either sleeping or watching the Tianji card.

And as time passed, the spacecraft arrived at Lingxiao City, and Lingxiao sent it.

Yin Qi drove the spaceship straight to the sect and directly killed the location where the head was.

“I will let the head do me justice!”

Yin Qi was like a suicide attack, driving a bomb spaceship, and in the eyes of many people in the sect, he directly stunned in front of the head Yu Chang.

“Boss, someone is bullying me!”

Yin Qi had not yet disembarked and was already roaring loudly.

“Who bullied you?” Yu Chang made a face and appeared with a powerful coercion.

His aura was powerful and flowing, and it could be seen that it only took a little more time for him to break through to the realm of the Avatar God.

Yin Qi jumped down from the boat and pointed back at the roof, “It’s him!”

Yu Chang was puzzled, “Who?”

Yin Qi turned back stunned, but he had already found that Lu Shaoqing didn’t know when he ran, and there was no one on the top of the boat, not even a single bird feather left.

“Bastard!” Yin Qi was so angry that he stomped his foot and stepped on the ground with one foot to create countless cracks.

“Light,” Yu Chang felt distressed, “don’t spoil my floor.” ”

The sect also doesn’t have the extra money to help him fix the floor.

If it is broken, you have to fix it yourself.

“Abominable!” Yin Qi stomped again and stepped on the floor with a hole, and the floor laid by the second-grade material was completely trampled.

Yu Chang hurriedly changed the topic, “Okay, who bullied you?” I’ll clean him up.

“Lu Shaoqing, who else but him?” Yin Qi huffed.

“Shaoqing?” Yu Chang was stunned, “Where are the others?”

“I was still here just now.” Yin Qi also looked helpless, “The devil knows where he is running now.”

Yu Chang didn’t say a word here, and immediately flashed away, “I’ll go to the Heavenly Royal Peak.” Leaving

the place where the leader retreated, Yu Chang went straight to the Heavenly Royal Peak, and when he passed Biyun Peak, he shouted loudly, “Lord Ji Feng, send someone to me to repair the floor!” ”

Ji Peng is more and more up, full of question marks, is there no one in the sect? How do I get the people of Biyunfeng to repair the floor?

Lu Shaoqing’s figure flashed and came to the Heavenly Royal Peak.

A place where I have lived for more than ten years.

Looking at the familiar environment, familiar items, spotless, as if he had just left yesterday, Lu Shaoqing sighed in his heart.

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“The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as their own kennel.”

Go out in search of a treasure, and it turns out to be gone for several years.

Now that he has finally returned, Lu Shaoqing feels relaxed and very comfortable in his heart.

He walked here at the Heavenly Imperial Peak, step by step, like a mortal, looking at the familiar homeland that could no longer be familiar.

Here, Lu Shaoqing can completely relax himself, and he does not have to be vigilant all the time like outside.

“Is this what it feels like to be at home?”

Lu Shaoqing whispered to himself

, here, the restless heart relaxed, like a wanderer returning home, feeling the warmth of home.

Suddenly, Lu Shaoqing felt his heart tremble slightly.

Then, it was like a spiritual spring of moisturizing life was swallowed, and a warm force was released from his heart.

In just a moment, Lu Shaoqing felt that his state of mind was further complete.

A mysterious feeling welled up in his heart, and Lu Shaoqing stood motionless in place, immersed in this feeling.

An ethereal and traceless sound sounded around, like the sound of heaven and earth, the language of the avenue.


A ball of light rose from Lu Shaoqing’s head and jumped out of his body, and the golden ball of light was like the sun, suspended above Lu Shaoqing’s head, and the light was scattered around.

The golden light was as vibrant and vibrant as the sun, and the plants within a radius of 100 meters of Lu Shaoqing were nourished by life.

The plant sways and grows rapidly.

In a short period of time, it is as if it has grown for several years, the trees have grown, and the flowers have bloomed.

Flowers are in full bloom, green leaves are verdant, and the breath of life permeates the forest.

Lu Shaoqing’s body also exuded a rich breath of life, and the breath of life nourished his body and soul.

Let his body quietly improve and seem to be moving to a higher level.

Lu Shaoqing’s expression was neither sad nor joyful, and his eyes did not know what appeared a white and a black intertwined Tai Chi pattern, exuding a detached aura.

If there was someone around, he would definitely feel afraid, because Lu Shaoqing didn’t feel like a human anymore.

Instead, he is more like an unknown being with a human body, giving people a feeling of awe.

Even the surrounding trees, flowers and plants bent down at him, as if he was a creator, and all things in heaven and earth remained in awe of him.

The faster the golden ball of light in the sky turned, the more intense the falling light became, and the surrounding area was already shrouded in golden light.

Lu Shaoqing’s body began to rise slowly, and he began to lie on his back in the air, although his eyes were open, but in fact he was like sleeping.

At the same time, the aura he exuded became more and more detached, he seemed to no longer belong to this heaven and earth, and everything around him seemed out of place with him.

The surrounding space quietly began to ripple with void slightly, as if layers of ripples began to squeeze Lu Shaoqing.

Heaven and earth are already rejecting Lu Shaoqing.

He does not belong to this space, he needs to go to a higher space, he is a higher being.

Lu Shaoqing’s body began to become illusory and transparent under the repulsion of space.

His body seemed to disappear into this heaven and earth, out of this world.

At this moment, the storage ring in Lu Shaoqing’s hand suddenly flashed, and a hot sting hurt Lu Shaoqing’s body…

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