Lu Shaoqing sighed, and after saying four long words, he jumped out.

Yu Chang pricked up his ears, ready to wait for Lu Shaoqing to say where the Tianyufeng family had gone.

It’s really outrageous, after going out for so long, and no news has come back, I don’t know if he is worried about this leader?

Not at all cooperative with the work of the boss.

However, after Lu Shaoqing jumped out and turned into four words, there was no movement, and he looked at Yu Chang with a smile.

Yu Chang was stunned, “That’s it?

“Yes, that’s it,” Lu Shaoqing nodded, “It’s a long story, I don’t want to say it.”

Yu Chang had to pinch his nose, trying to suppress his anger.

But the more I think about it, the more unpleasant it becomes.

Bear with it.

If you endure it, your blood pressure will soar and it will explode.

Dead, who will be in charge?

Let this little bastard be in charge, and the Lingxiao faction will be abolished sooner or later.

At that moment, Yu Chang shouted angrily and rushed over, “Bastard boy, see if I don’t beat you.”

Lu Shaoqing flashed lightly, and Yu Chang was stunned.

“Are you still hiding?”

Yu Chang was even more angry.

I haven’t seen you for so long, have you become stronger, or have I moved unfamiliarly?

I’m going to grab you and give you a good beating today.”

Junior Brother Shao Cheng is not here, I don’t hurry up and beat you up, I won’t have this opportunity in the future.”

After not seeing him for so long, he was so angry that he couldn’t bear it when he saw him, and Yu Chang decided to take the opportunity to clean up Lu Shaoqing.

However, Yu Chang was surprised to find that he could not catch up with Lu Shaoqing.


Yu Chang doesn’t believe in evil anymore, he hasn’t seen it for a few years, so evil door?

Yu Chang immediately stopped hiding his strength, and the strength of the nine-layer realm in the late Yuan Infant period broke out, and coercion filled the audience.

Lu Shaoqing was also a little surprised, “Nine layers realm? ”

And it’s still a kick in the door.

As long as the time is ripe, it can break through.

Yu Chang is not a genius like him and Ji Yan, it has only been less than six years and seven years, and Yu Chang is equivalent to crossing two levels in a row.

That’s pretty fast.

Yu Chang saw Lu Shaoqing’s surprised expression, and felt proud, laughing loudly, his voice echoed around, shaking like thunder, “Boy, let you know how powerful I am today.” Yu

Chang’s voice was very loud, full of breath, full of confidence, and full of arrogance.

No way, even if it was him, facing the two geniuses of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan was under great pressure.

He stepped into the Yuan Infant at such a young age, performed well, and was the most outstanding disciple since the founding of the Lingxiao Sect.

As the leader, the pressure is huge.

Being surpassed by disciples and passing it out, it is easy to be laughed at.

Over the years, the environment of heaven and earth seems to have changed, cultivation has become easier, plus the sect does not have to continue to invest resources into the heavens and earth, resources can be more invested in cultivation.

His strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and he has almost touched the threshold of the Transformation God.

Although your kid is a genius, as your leader, he will always be better than you, otherwise how can he hold you.

Lu Shaoqing nodded, and even applauded, “Not bad, very powerful.” ”

Bring it to me!”

Yu Chang shouted loudly, stretched out his hand towards Lu Shaoqing, and invisible spiritual power surged out, turning into a huge hand in the air.

Knowing that Lu Shaoqing was a Yuan baby, Yu Chang did not keep his hand.

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Almost with all his strength, he suppressed it fiercely, and also imprisoned the surrounding space, trapping Lu Shaoqing and capturing him.

However, in Yu Chang’s opinion, the operation was empty at the last moment.

The invisible palm fell, but it was empty.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t know when it had disappeared, and how it disappeared, how it disappeared, Yu Chang didn’t know.

“Chief, what are you doing?” Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded on Yu Chang’s head, “I haven’t seen you for a few years, you will bully me as soon as we meet, you wait, I will find the ancestor.”

“I want my grandmaster to do justice for me.”

Yu Chang raised his head in shock, how Lu Shaoqing ran to the sky, he didn’t notice at all.

“Boy, you…” Yu

Chang was startled at first, and then disgruntled.

Still dare to hide?

“Boy, you give me down!”

Yu Chang struck again, this time, his eyes widened, and his qi machine firmly locked on Lu Shaoqing, “Look where you are fleeing this time!” It

was still a grasp of the void, as if the entire sky was grasped by him.

However, what shocked Yu Chang was that Lu Shaoqing disappeared again, quietly disappearing from under his nose.

He hadn’t even discovered how Lu Shaoqing had disappeared.

“Boss, stop making trouble.” Lu Shaoqing appeared in front of Yu Chang, slightly disgusted, “How old is it, still making trouble?”

“Boy, what strength do you have?” Yu Chang had not reacted at this time, and he was not worthy of being in charge.

Once can be said to be an accident, twice is not an accident.


Lu Shaoqing fluttered a word, so that Yu Chang almost bit his tongue.

“Boy, what are you talking nonsense?”


How old are you, and you are already a god?

Lu Shaoqing didn’t talk nonsense, and showed his breath a little.

Feeling the unique breath of the god of transformation, Yu Chang really bit his tongue now.

He froze.

Is it really a god, is he dreaming?

Could it be that he retreated, and a hundred years passed at once?

Yu Chang people are stupid.

Is such a young Avatar really a disciple of his own sect?

“Boss?” Lu Shaoqing saw Yu Chang like a fool, and he couldn’t come back to his senses for a long time.

The whole person fell into a state of sluggishness.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but worry.

Shouldn’t you be stupid to stimulate yourself?

As soon as he came back, he stimulated the head into a fool, if so, Ling Xiao sent him to stay.

It’s better to pack up and run as soon as possible.

Therefore, Lu Shaoqing came over worriedly, waved his hand in front of Yu Chang, and shouted cautiously, “Chief, are you okay?”

“You, boy!”

Yu Chang came back to his senses, suddenly jumped three feet high, pointed at Lu Shaoqing and shouted.

Then his body rushed to the sky and flew towards the distance, “Haha…”

The voice echoed in the heavens and the earth, deafening.

Lu Shaoqing was dumbfounded, looking at the disappearing Yu Chang, his head grew big, “No, really crazy?”

“It’s over, I’ve got to roll up and run…”

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