Lu Shaoqing was speechless, and he went crazy before he came back to sleep.

What a crime.

The head is crazy, he can’t stay in the Lingxiao faction.

“The psychological quality of the head is not good, isn’t it a god, this is unacceptable?”

“When the head of the job without passing the assessment?”

When Lu Shaoqing was thinking about running away, Yu Chang went and returned.

He rushed straight down and shouted loudly, “Boy, follow me to see the ancestor.”

Lu Shaoqing was overjoyed when he saw this, “You’re not crazy? ”


This speech is full of breath, clear tone, not like crazy.

Yu Chang glared at him angrily, “Bastard boy, you just want me to be crazy, right?

“Go, quickly follow me to see the ancestor.”

“What is the ancestor for? I don’t have time! ”

As long as the head is not crazy, then it is good, Lu Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that there is no need to roll up and run.

Yu Chang’s side urged again, “Boy, you have become a god, this is a happy event, you must go and tell the ancestor.”

“And there are still big things to discuss with you.”

“I’m not available, I’m busy, I don’t have time.” Lu Shaoqing decisively made three consecutive decisions.

The head is not crazy, and there is no need to give him face, so he directly refused.

“Sect affairs, you can handle it yourself, don’t discuss with me, I don’t understand, and I’m not interested.”

Just kidding, sect big thing, when did he get involved?

When I come here, I want to be myself.

Besides, just came back, the bed was not hot, and I discussed a big matter.

Yu Chang glared at Lu Shaoqing viciously, “Boy, hurry up, don’t force me to do it.” ”

Didn’t you do it just now?”

The words made Yu Chang cover his head, and he had a headache.

This bastard kid in front of him is already a god, and his head is no longer an opponent.

Yu Chang suddenly missed Shao Cheng’s time here.

Now he can’t help Lu Shaoqing, Shao Cheng is not here, the only one who can suppress Lu Shaoqing may only be the ancestor.

He asked again, “Boy, really not going?”

“Don’t go! What you are going to do, I strongly support. Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, “You say how to do it, even if you kill people and set fires, rob homes and houses, and rob people and women.” As long as it is a decision made by you, I strongly agree with it, and there is no objection. ”

Bastard brat!

Yu Chang cursed in his heart, but Lu Shaoqing was unwilling, and he couldn’t help Lu Shaoqing.

It used to be difficult, but now it’s even harder.

Yu Chang could only cover his head and say cruelly, “Boy, you wait here for me.”

Lu Shaoqing watched Yu Chang leave, and laughed proudly, “Hehe, comfortable…” The

head is not crazy, he doesn’t have to run, he is still a child with a family.

“Hey, it’s been so long, this hammock won’t lie down anymore, it’s moldy.”

However, before Lu Shaoqing could lie down, Yu Chang came again.

And this time it’s not just Yu Chang.

Ancestor Ke Hong, head Yu Chang and four peak masters, Lu Ji, Si Yao, Ji Pengyue, Xiao Chuang.

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Six people came together, and Qi Qi appeared in front of Lu Shaoqing, and six pairs of eyes stared at Lu Shaoqing tightly.

The six did not speak, staring at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze as if they had seen a rare animal, with surprise on their faces.

Lu Shaoqing was stared at by everyone, waving his hand, as if he wanted to rush people, “What are you looking at me like this?”

“Don’t you all have to cultivate? Come and watch me, is it fun? ”

Lingxiao faction upper echelons don’t work hard, sect pills.”

Lu Shaoqing broke the calm, and Ke Hong also spoke, “Boy, you are already a god?” There

was shock and doubt in his tone.

Yu Chang came to tell him that Lu Shaoqing was a god, and he almost beat Yu Chang out.

Is it so outrageous?

It’s hard to believe.

“yes, how big is it?” Lu Shaoqing then showed his breath.

“It’s really a god!”

“Good boy!”

“I’m not dreaming, am I?”

Lu Ji and the others were shocked and cried out in disbelief.

That’s an exaggeration.

How old is Lu Shaoqing?

It was outrageous enough to be a Yuan Baby a few years ago, but now it is the realm of Avatar God.

Lu Ji and the others felt that their world had been greatly impacted.

These people have only broken through one or two small realms over the years, which is already exaggerated.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoqing was more exaggerated than them.

“Shaoqing, how did you do it?” Si Yao spoke, with surprise in her beautiful voice.

“What a genius!” Lu Shaoqing was triumphant, and the expressions of many elders as if they were frightened made him very satisfied.

“Senior brother is also a god.”

This news did not surprise them too much.

They are very clear about Ji Yan’s talent, Lu Shaoqing is a god, and Ji Yan is also a god, which seems very reasonable.

Ke Hong looked at Lu Shaoqing, but there was a little worry in his eyes.

He asked Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, do you know why you can break through the Avatar God so quickly?” Of

course, Lu Shaoqing knows that he has the current realm step by step, and there is no foundation instability.

“You know, I’m dying.” Lu Shaoqing was bitter to think about.

Constantly fighting with people, being chased and killed, and in order to earn a few spirit stones, racking his brains, painstakingly, dancing on the wire rope, the bitterness of which only he knows.

“Hard?” Ke Hong didn’t know Lu Shaoqing’s true energy, he shook his head and disagreed with Lu Shaoqing’s statement, “What do you call this hard work?”

“Haven’t you noticed that heaven and earth have changed?”

“Changed?” Lu Shaoqing was puzzled, “I don’t think anything is different. ”

Heaven is still this heaven, and earth is still this earth.”

“Nope!” Ke Hong said with a solemn face, “Heaven and earth have changed, and the Heavenly Dao seems to have relaxed its suppression of cultivators, becoming easier to cultivate, and it is easier for cultivators to break through.

Then pointed at Yu Chang and a few people, “Their strength has also grown by leaps and bounds in recent years, and they have broken through one after another.

“If it was before, they broke through a small realm, not hundreds of years, but also decades.”

Lu Shaoqing understood what Ke Hong meant, “You mean to say that I can progress so fast because the heavens and the earth have changed?”

“So, don’t get too carried away, so to speak…”

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