“Ke Hong, you are seeking your own death, and you can’t blame others!”

“Today I will completely uproot your Lingxiao faction. Above

the sky, Xi Yong’s voice resounded in the sky, like an icy cold wind whistling by.

“Xi Yong, you Gui Yuan Pavilion acted despicably, and you are immortal to my Lingxiao faction thieves, since that’s the case, you disappear

!” Ke Hong and Xi Yong kept fighting, each holding a long sword, the sword qi was rampant, the sword intent was splashing, the powerful force was constantly colliding, the sky was shattered, and the earth was shattered.

Both of them are sword cultivators, and they in the realm of the gods, they can break mountains and rivers with a single sword.

With each sword, the earth trembled, leaving bottomless sword marks on the ground.

Both knew that the other was not easy to mess with, and they almost did their best with each shot.

Xi Yong’s cultivation is high, the realm is one head against Kehong, and his talent is stronger than Kehong.

But Kehong Town has been guarding the cave for thousands of years, fighting countless battles with black monsters, and has rich combat experience, and a hundred Xi Yong horses can’t catch up.

When the two face each other, it can be said that they meet opponents, they will meet good talents, and they will fight to the ground, dimly, and no one can help anyone.

Within a radius of thousands of miles, the spiritual energy within thousands of miles was frantically absorbed by the two people, roaring, and the powerful coercion made the heavens and the earth tremble, and the sun in the sky also dimmed.

Within the range of the two fighting, an absolute forbidden place was formed.

Even if the Yuan Baby is involved, it will be torn to pieces in an instant.

The battle of the gods left the surrounding area in ruins, and mountains, earth, trees, boulders, etc. were all reduced to ashes in the hands of the two.

Lu Shaoqing came to the vicinity, but he was far away, suppressing his breath and secretly hiding aside.

Lu Shaoqing squatted on a tree, took out a handful of spirit beans from the storage ring, and smashed it up, just like an audience.

While knocking on the spirit beans, while commenting.

“Ancestor Master is awesome, if he hadn’t been dragged down by the heavens, he might have entered the Refining Void Realm a long time ago.

“Entering the Refining Void Realm, where is it still the turn of this old thing Xi Yong to jump here?” As

soon as the words fell, he saw Xi Yong swing out a sword, taking advantage of the void to enter, leaving a sword on Ke Hong’s body.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but praise, “Ouch, Xi Yong’s old thing is very strong, and it actually made the ancestor suffer a loss like this.”

“Well, the nine layers of the Avatar God are all very awesome.

After speaking, he felt that he had the ambition to destroy his prestige, and immediately spit out the spirit bean shell in his mouth, “Bah, it’s a fart.”

“If I really want to fight hard, I can also beat Xi Yong old thing to death, he really can’t help me except blow himself up.” Lu

Shaoqing’s words sounded very arrogant, but for Lu Shaoqing, he really had to fight hard, and he was sure to kill Xi Yong.

It’s just that the price paid is a little big, and if he is not careful, he may also hang.

After muttering a few times, Ke Hong in the distance struck a backhand blow and knocked Xi Yong flying.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but clap his hands, “Ouch, awesome, the ancestor is mighty!” ”

Sure enough, it’s the ancestor, it’s actually a flaw that was deliberately exposed, I didn’t even find it, Jiang is really old and spicy.”

“Ancestor come on, just beat him half to death, and I’ll clean up the rest…”

Ke Hong and Xi Yong fought this big battle, the battle was several days, and Lu Shaoqing was already yawning here.

The painting style of Ke Hong and Xi Yong is normal, there is only a small difference between the two, the difference in strength is not large, and both sides have their own hole card tricks.

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So, no one can help anyone.

After fighting for so long, both sides have injuries left by the other side, and both sides are very consuming, and they have begun to weaken.

However, neither of them had any intention of stopping.

Because they know that at this time, no one can retreat, and as soon as they retreat, this breath will be vented and defeated.

If it continues, the two will only lose both.

Suddenly, Xi Yong shouted, and his voice resounded through the heavens and the earth with his attack, “Ke Hong, do you think you can win me?” Xi Yong

was full of momentum and majesty, but the weakness in his tone could not be concealed.

Ke Hong responded lightly, “Fight to the end, don’t you know?”

“Hmph,” Xi Yong continued to drink coldly, “My realm is stronger than yours, and if you fight to the end, you must die of exhaustion.” ”

Try it!” Ke

Hong’s tone was still flat, and his mood did not fluctuate.

At his level, a heart is as hard as a rock and will not be easily affected by others.

Lu Shaoqing, who was watching the Tianji card from a distance, put away the Tianji card and set his eyes back on the battlefield.

He quickly guessed Xi Yong’s intentions, “Xi Yong’s old thing plans to attack the ancestor and want to shake the ancestor?”


!” In the distance, Xi Yong’s voice continued to sound, as if just as Lu Shaoqing guessed, “You and I have lost both battles here, and once my apprentice recovers, your end will still be inevitable.” ”

Xi Yong has Chao Yan, and Ke Hong naturally also has Lu Shaoqing.

“Chao Yan is not my apprentice’s opponent, who do you think will come first?”

One sentence made Xi Yong’s figure appear in Lu Shaoqing’s mind, and the evil fire rushed upward, that little bastard was too annoying.

He gritted his teeth and sneered, “Didn’t you find that your so-called apprentice was quietly followed by

my apprentice?” “He was injured in my hand, do you think he can escape from my apprentice?”

Lu Shaoqing had an accident, he was in danger, and the Lingxiao faction was also in danger.

Ke Hong was worried here, and his movements were a little delayed.

Xi Yong immediately found an opportunity and quickly drew his sword.

The sword light struck like a poisonous snake, and the sword intent was like a poisonous fang, fiercely climbing on it.

“Poof!” The

sword light penetrated Ke Hong’s body, and Ke Hong finally reacted a step slower, and suffered a loss again.

But Kehong is Kehong after all, fighting monsters for a long time, and he already has an instinctive reaction.

Almost at the moment of injury, he fought back as soon as possible.

The sharp sword qi struck Xi Yong like lightning, Xi Yong did not expect Ke Hong’s counterattack to be so fast, and he was caught off guard, and was hit by Ke Hong’s attack, and blood splashed.

The two of them lost both in an instant.

However, Ke Hong’s injuries were much more serious after all, and under Xi Yong’s attack, he had basically lost his combat effectiveness.

And Xi Yong, at least has the power to act.

“Haha…,” Xi Yong laughed proudly, “I won, the Lingxiao faction, it will become history…”

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