Xi Yong’s blood-stained beard trembled, and now he was extremely excited.

After fighting for a few days, I finally decided to win and lose.

It was he who had the last laugh.

Xi Yong laughed proudly, with deep hatred in his hideous eyes, “Kill you, and the Lingxiao faction can be removed from now on.” ”

Without Ke Hong sitting in town, who else can resist him?

Xi Yong seems to have seen the future of Guiyuan Pavilion dominating Qizhou.

In the future, Guiyuan Pavilion will become more powerful, and the endless resources will also allow him to go further.

He said to Ke Hong coldly, “Go down and find your bastard apprentice.”

Ke Hong was desperate, but he would not easily admit defeat, he covered his wounds and gritted his teeth, “Don’t be proud too early, I haven’t lost yet.” Xi

Yong was now full of confidence and arrogance, feeling that he was a flying dragon riding face, he laughed maniacally, “Hahaha… At this point, what ability do you still have to resist?” ”

I can still take you down.” Ke

Hong’s eyes showed a determined gaze, and the aura in his body skyrocketed.

“Want to blow yourself up?” Xi

Yong was also taken aback by Ke Hong’s ruthlessness, but he was not worried.

“Do you think you can pull me with you like this?”


Xi Yong instantly retreated a long distance, with Ke Hong’s current state, it was a little difficult to pull Xi Yong on the road together.

Just when Ke Hong was desperate, a voice sounded, “Hey, Ancestor, you have a little confidence in me, you were actually frightened by this old thing, and you can’t laugh at the dead when you pass it out.”

As soon as this voice came out, Ke Hong was overjoyed and surprised.

When Lu Shaoqing’s figure appeared in the sight of the two, Xi Yong’s hands and feet were cold, and there was a sharp pain in his heart.

His apprentice followed Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing appeared here, what does it mean?

Damn, just now he also said that his apprentice followed Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing was dead.

But he never thought that the punch in the face came so quickly, and according to this situation, it was his apprentice who died.

Xi Yong’s eyes instantly turned red, and he roared, “You, why are you still alive?” Lu

Shaoqing shook his head, “Your apprentice is too dish, I can only send him to reincarnation.” Let him choose a better master in his next life, it would be too shameful to follow a master like you. Xi

Yong’s heart seemed to have fallen into the bottomless abyss, and he roared angrily, “Damn, I’m going to kill you!” Then he

swung his sword fiercely at Lu Shaoqing, and the terrifying aura was pervasive, and the sword qi was rampant, as if opening the heavens and the earth.

The ground collapsed and cracked in front of this terrifying force, and countless tiny cracks appeared in the void.

Heaven and earth trembled, and the terrifying sword qi swept across three thousand miles, fiercely shrouding Lu Shaoqing and Ke Hong.

However, Lu Shaoqing had long been guarding against him, and with a backhand sword, the sword light was brilliant, and the invisible sword intent soared into the sky, colliding fiercely together.

However, by the time the sword light dissipated, Xi Yong’s figure had long since disappeared.

“Boom!” The

powerful aura even blew the injured Ke Hong away.

“Ancestor, you can’t die, right?” Lu

Shaoqing caught Ke Hong, and after looking at it, although he was seriously injured, at least his life was not in danger.

“Are you all right?” asked Ke Hong, staring at Lu Shaoqing in amazement.

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he injured before?

“What can happen?” Lu Shaoqing didn’t care about what to say to Ke Hongduo, “Ancestor, take care of yourself, I’ll chase him.” ”

Now is a good opportunity to beat the falling water dog, this opportunity has been waiting for a long time, Lu Shaoqing is not willing to miss it.

After saying that, he hurriedly killed in the direction of Xi Yong’s escape.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s performance, Ke Hong couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, feeling that he was old.

The back wave pushes the front wave, and the front wave will die on the beach.

Xi Yong was running fast here, and while his heart was filled with anger, he also had endless hesitation.


Yong couldn’t help but ask himself, while fleeing, he reflected in his heart to find out what went wrong.

Obviously a good plan, the mantis catcher yellow finch is behind, he plays not only the role of yellow finch, but even the hunter.

Lu Shaoqing did appear in Thousand Bandit City as planned.

Chao Yan was not an opponent, so he made a move, even if he injured Lu Shaoqing, he couldn’t kill Lu Shaoqing, but let him delay time and wait until Ke Hong appeared.

However, even if Kehong appeared, he was not afraid, in fact, in the end, he also defeated Kehong.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s appearance made him have to flee in a hurry.

“It’s him!” After Xi Yong read it again, the target was determined, everything was because of Lu Shaoqing, and everything was chaotic because of Lu Shaoqing.

“Damn it!”

Xi Yong hated so much that he crushed his old teeth.

If Chao Yan or he killed Lu Shaoqing, the situation would be good.

However, Lu Shaoqing was so strong that he opened the door to Outrageous.

He fought for a long time and failed to kill Lu Shaoqing.

It is true that there is also the reason why he is greedy for the Wutong Divine Tree, which gave Lu Shaoqing a chance to breathe many times.

But this can’t hide Lu Shaoqing’s toughness.

Especially Lu Shaoqing’s sword technique, both moves made him feel threatened.

If Lu Shaoqing’s strength was similar to him, he would have to be injured if he didn’t die.

Xi Yong cursed in his heart, how could such a demon genius appear in Qizhou?

“Next time, I won’t be so careless to give you another chance. Xi Yong bit and said hatefully.

This time he planted it, but just as the so-called stay in the green mountain without worrying about burning firewood, he has unlimited opportunities to live.

Xi Yong fled to the southwest of Qizhou, and he had no intention of escaping back to the Yuan Pavilion.

Running back to the Yuan Pavilion, once blocked by someone coming to the door, he couldn’t run if he wanted to.

“If I am not in the Guiyuan Pavilion, the Guiyuan Pavilion can be saved!” Xi

Yong thought very clearly, he did not stop all the way, frantically urging the spiritual power in his body, vomiting blood with injuries all the way, and running for several days.

At the moment, he had almost run out of the scope of Qizhou, and only after he was about to enter Dongzhou did he slowly stop.

At this time, he was almost at his limit.

“Lean, what are you doing running so fast?” a

voice sounded behind him, taunting and creepy, and the next moment, behind him, a sword light struck…

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