“From Longwu disciple, when you received this letter from the master, the Guiyuan Pavilion no longer existed…”

However, the contents of the letter made him tremble.

The two gods of Guiyuan Pavilion fell, and the Lingxiao faction attacked in a big way, and Guiyuan Pavilion was destroyed.

“You are the last hope of Guiyuan Pavilion, if you live, Guiyuan Pavilion will be able to make a comeback, you are dead, and Guiyuan Pavilion is completely finished.”

“So, after you received the letter, you left Zhongzhou as soon as possible, left the academy, and hid, I believe that with your talent and strength, you will definitely be able to avenge your teacher and Guiyuan Pavilion…” After

reading the letter, Zhang Conglong burst into tears and knelt down in the direction of Qizhou.

“Master, the apprentice is not filial!” Zhang

Conglong wept silently, and the Guiyuan Pavilion was destroyed, and his master, his younger brother, his relatives, and his fellow disciples all died.

He became alone, and Zhang Conglong felt cold all over his body and felt lonely for the first time.

“Damn Lu Shaoqing, I don’t share the sky with you. After

the sadness, endless hatred surged into his heart, and Zhang Conglong’s hatred rushed to the sky.

After destroying the Lingxiao faction of the Yuan Pavilion, he did not have much hatred.

After reading the letter, he knew who caused the fall of Guiyuan Pavilion.

Everything, it’s Lu Shaoqing.

Thinking of Xiao Yi deliberately provoking him a few days ago, he thought of a decisive battle with him.

Zhang Conglong was chilled, it turned out that the Lingxiao faction had long planned to make a move against Guiyuan Pavilion

? Is everything in Lu Shaoqing’s calculation?

Xiao Yi he can’t beat it, and what is even more terrifying is that there is still a plan here in Zhongzhou.

Fortunately, Ji Yan was ready to duel with Ao Hu, the second elder of the Ao family, and did not have time to pay attention to him.

“Go, you must leave

Rucheng!” Zhang Conglong didn’t think much, Rucheng was no longer safe here, even if he was a student of Zhongzhou Academy.

If Ji Yan made a move to kill him, Zhang Conglong did not think that the academy would stand up for him.

In this world, everything speaks by strength.

Ji Yan’s terrifying talent made countless forces think of wooing him.

He was a Yuan Infant student, he was beaten to death, and no one wanted to offend a Avatar God for this, and he was also a Avatar God with unlimited prospects.

Zhang Conglong was very decisive, and after receiving the letter, he immediately secretly left Rucheng and headed south.

Zhang Conglong ran very fast, as if Ji Yan or Lu Shaoqing were chasing and killing him behind him, rushing along the way.

Fear, sadness, hatred and other emotions are mixed, as well as huge pressure, making him age for dozens of years in a short period of time, and he seems to be a person.

There is no more self-confidence and domineering in him.

Without Guiyuan Pavilion, he was like a rootless duckweed, hesitant, and he felt incomparably lonely, as if the world had abandoned him.

Zhang Conglong had unknowingly arrived in the southwest direction of Zhongzhou, and in front of him was Xiazhou.

Yi Yu Forest was straddling in front of him, and if he wanted to safely go to Xiazhou, or Nanzhou further south, he had to detour.

The Yi Yu Forest was already very dangerous, and some black monsters appeared from the void some time ago, making the Yi Yu Forest even more dangerous.

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Under the huge pressure, Zhang Conglong’s thoughts were blank, and he seemed to have lost his usual calmness, he did not choose to detour, but plunged into the Yiyu forest.

In the forest, Zhang Cong’s dragon aura was fully released, like a reckless ox with red eyes rampaging through.

Countless beasts and ferocious beasts encountered Zhang Conglong, and they could only wail and be killed neatly.

Now Zhang Conglong has a fire in his heart and needs to vent it, otherwise he feels that he will go crazy.

Time passed minute by minute, Zhang Conglong didn’t know how long it took, nor how far he had walked in the Yiyu Forest, and how many beasts and ferocious beasts he had killed.

As a Yuan Infant-level ferocious beast screamed and was strangled by him into a blood mist, Zhang Conglong regained his composure.

Sniffing the pungent smell of blood in the air, his mind unconsciously thought of his sect.

Perhaps, the master, junior brothers and sisters were also killed by the Lingxiao faction.


Zhang Conglong roared into the

sky, “Why?” “Why is there a person like Lu Shaoqing? Why is there a person like Lu Shaoqing? Why is he not as good as Lu Shaoqing, not as good as Ji Yan?

The angry Zhang Conglong’s eyes are red, like a fierce beast, his long sword is pointed at the sky, and he shouts angrily, “Thief God, it’s not fair!”

“I hate…” The

voice was deafening and echoed through the forest.

He was answered by the rustle of the wind blowing through the trees.

After a few roars, Zhang Conglong felt endless sadness welling up in his heart again.

Sadness seemed to drain his whole body’s strength, and he plopped down on his knees, “Master, younger brother…” At

this moment, Zhang Conglong was like a homeless child, very pitiful.


, black lightning appeared behind Zhang Conglong, and black lightning appeared out of thin air, emitting a crackling sound, squirming like life, like two big hands tearing the calm space apart, pulling apart, revealing a black void.

“Roar!” came

a roar in the void, and then black monsters emerged from the cracks.

After seeing Zhang Conglong, scarlet eyes showed excitement and rushed straight to Zhang Conglong.

“Monsters!” Zhang Conglong was furious, “You dare to fool me too?” ”

Die!” ”

I can’t help Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan for the time being, I still can’t clean up you monsters?

“Roar!” In

the crack, there was an angry roar, and then a humanoid, meta-infant-level monster appeared, with black mist lingering on its body, looking terrifying.

“Die!” Zhang

Conglong was not afraid, but took the initiative to attack the black monster.

“Roar!” The

black Yuan Infant level monster was exactly the priestly monster that Lu Shaoqing had seen.

Exuding black mist entangled with Zhang Conglong, and finally, black mist shrouded Zhang Conglong.

Wait until the sound of the battle dies, everything disappears here, calm is restored, only the whistling wind blows ….

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