More than a month passed, and Lu Shaoqing also woke up from meditation.

After this period of healing, his injury has finally improved a lot, at least his combat effectiveness has partially recovered, and he has more self-preservation power.

The reason why he was able to recover so quickly was largely because he had cultivated the Taiyan Body Refining Technique, and even serious injuries could recover quickly.

And it will take a year or two to fully recover.

And this Lu Shaoqing is not worried, he has a storage ring, and it is enough to enter the Time House to recuperate and cultivate when the time comes.

Lu Shaoqing stood up and glanced around, intending to return to the sect.

It turned out that when he saw it like this, his gaze suddenly froze, and a coolness arose on his back, as if a cold breath came out.

Lu Shaoqing rubbed his eyes and scolded, “What’s going on? Could it be that the monster found here?” In

the distance, at the center of Xi Yong’s self-explosion, there was a black crack two or three miles long, like a demon’s mouth opening silently, ready to swallow people in.

Such a crack has also been seen by Lu Shaoqing a lot, and it is also very familiar.

So his scalp is numb, if those black monsters appear here, the Lingxiao faction should still move.

The crack appeared here, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t sit idly by, after all, his current strength was considered a tall man in Qi Zhou.

The sky in Qi Zhou collapsed, and it was he who was the first to hit this handsome man.

“Tragic!” Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry without tears, “How did you unknowingly become a tall man, why is it so miserable?” Lu Shaoqing

approached cautiously, while secretly praying in his heart, the heavenly spirit and the earth spirit spirit, don’t be a black monster.

However, he was afraid of what would come, and before he could get close completely, he knew that it was the cracks of those black monsters.

Without it, from far away, Lu Shaoqing could smell that smell, black, corruption, death, and withering.

Lu Shaoqing looked up to the sky and sighed depressedly, “Your uncle, I just want to do one thing when I come back this time, that is, I want to be a beautiful man quietly, can’t this work?” After sighing

depressedly, Lu Shaoqing suddenly found that this was just a crack, and no black monster appeared.

Immediately overjoyed, he rushed over, “Haven’t the monsters discovered this passage yet?

“When it’s off, go back to sleep.” The

surface of the crack lingered with black lightning, a black lightning that made others helpless, but for Lu Shaoqing, it was easy to handle.

Lu Shaoqing rushed over and found that there were indeed no black monsters, and his mood was even more beautiful.

As long as those black monsters did not appear here, Lu Shaoqing felt that this air was fresh, even if the smell of sulfur was in the air, he also felt fragrant.

“None of you woke up, you all stayed at home, and none of you noticed here…” Lu

Shaoqing prayed secretly while absorbing the black lightning.

The crack gradually became smaller as the black lightning continued to be absorbed, just when Lu Shaoqing thought that it would be done soon.


, a fluctuation, a divine consciousness rippled from behind the crack, from the void.

The icy divine consciousness was like a cold wind, and then a roar came from the void.

“Roar!” Lu

Shaoqing was shocked, and in his divine sense, a petite black monster came straight from the depths of the void and rushed straight to the crack.

“Ma De

!” shouted Lu Shaoqing, “Get away!” While

his hand was speeding up, his divine consciousness rushed into the void, wanting to delay time.

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The divine consciousness is invisible, but it is like a tangible one, and it attacks the black monster fiercely in the void.

After cultivating the Divine Shocking Technique, his divine sense was very terrifying, and he had already surpassed the nine-layer realm of the Transformation God.

It’s like a sledgehammer smashing the black monster into the air.

“Roar!” the

black monster roared again, and a pair of scarlet eyes looked particularly terrifying in the pitch-black void.

Then, there were fluctuations in the void again, and the next moment, a sharp aura rushed out and went straight to Lu Shaoqing.

The sharp breath was like a sharp sword, and the air around it was cut and shattered.

“I rely on

!” Lu Shaoqing was shocked again, “Your sister’s

sword intent?” “No, it’s your brother’s sword intent!” “What’s going on?” The

black monster actually exerted a sword intent, the sword intent was sharp and compelling, the same as Ji Yan’s sword intent


It’s just that it carries the smell of corruption and death.

“It’s also enchanted, play…” Lu

Shaoqing couldn’t think of why this was when he broke his head.

However, although it is the same as Ji Yan’s sword intent, its power is not comparable to Ji Yan’s.

It is okay to deal with others, but it is very powerless to deal with Lu Shaoqing.

After discussing with Ji Yan countless times, Lu Shaoqing had already thoroughly understood Ji Yan’s sword intent.

Lu Shaoqing just snorted coldly, and Mo Jun jumped out and directed Mo Jun’s sword to fight back.

The sword light suddenly rose, easily defeating the monster’s sword intent, and also killed into the void, launching a counterattack against the monster.

“Roar!” This

monster was not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent, and Lu Shaoqing caused it to be injured with a counterattack, spilling black blood in the void, and its figure squirmed, disappearing into the black void.

“Hide?” Although

the monster disappeared, Lu Shaoqing felt that someone was staring at him in the black void, which could prove that the monster did not escape.

Lu Shaoqing smiled coldly, and his divine consciousness permeated again, although the monster hid, it could not hide from him.

Soon, Lu Shaoqing found the monster, and his divine consciousness surged out, turning into an invisible blade and launching a fierce blow at the monster.

“Roar!” The

monster was hit hard again, spraying blood.

However, Lu Shaoqing felt that his divine sense seemed to be swallowed up by something, and the power of the backlash made him extremely uncomfortable.

A mouthful of blood was used in his throat, and before Lu Shaoqing could react, the black void rippled, and in his divine perception, the monster seemed to disappear into the void, and then disappeared completely.

“Is it a special monster again?” Lu

Shaoqing had a headache, the monster was strange, coming from above, God knows what kind of existence would appear in the future.

After the black monster left, not long after, countless monster roars came from the void, and countless scarlet eyes lit up in the void and came straight here.

“Your sister!”

was so frightened that Lu Shaoqing almost peed, but before the monster arrived, the crack was finally closed at the last moment with his efforts.

Lu Shaoqing only spit out the blood that gushed up at this time, feeling that his injuries had worsened a lot, he wiped his mouth and sighed, “Future, pills!”

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