“Pills, pills…”

Lu Shaoqing let out a long sigh, and black monsters had appeared sporadically in Zhongzhou.

And here in Qizhou, there was actually a void crack, if it weren’t for him, no one would be able to close it.

Thanks to the fact that the monster was not discovered immediately, otherwise Qi Prefecture would have fallen first.

“They all blame old things, play self-detonation, harm others and harm themselves.

“In the future, maybe it’s not safe anywhere…”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, and after dealing with the affairs here, he returned to the sect.

Back in the sect, almost two months had passed since he left.

After returning, Lu Shaoqing found that the whole sect revealed a sense of excitement.

The result of the battle with Guiyuan Pavilion, Lu Shaoqing is still unclear.

However, judging from the reaction of these disciples, the results should be very good.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, he didn’t go to find the head or anyone.

Now the sect should be very busy, and the head is even more busy to the ground, he is stupid and ran to find the leader.

Go, 100% to be caught.

It’s better to go back to Tianyu Peak to sleep well, or go to heal your injuries.

Lu Shaoqing slowly and quietly returned to Tianyu Peak.

Tianyu Peak is very quiet here, and Cai Mei is not here, but this is exactly what Lu Shaoqing wants.

He returned to his room, smiled slightly, flashed his figure, and entered the time house.

The CD is already ready, Lu Shaoqing came to the coffin, and said viciously to the coffin, “Didn’t the price increase, right?”

“Give me ten years first!”

Ten years, Lu Shaoqing spent about two years to recuperate, too hurt.

Lu Shaoqing’s distance was equivalent to eating all the power of Xi Yong’s self-explosion.

If it weren’t for the help of the dead ghost little brother, Lu Shaoqing would have been completely melted.

Looking at his repaired body, Lu Shaoqing was even more sad.

Without more than 100 million spirit stones, my heart is very sad.

Physical injuries can be recovered, but heartaches are difficult to recover.

“Alas, fortunately there is a little compensation, otherwise I would really have cried to death. A

jade Jane appeared in Lu Shaoqing’s hand, which was an exercise that he had taken advantage of the opportunity to extort from the hands of the dead ghost junior.


!” Lu Shaoqing muttered again, “This name sounds like the soul of the middle two is about to explode.”

“The name is too rampant, it’s not a good thing, and it doesn’t fit my humble personality, so let’s change the name.” ”

The Star and Moon Immortal King Forbidden, the Star and the Moon, and the word Immortal King, it may not make people think.”

Just like Lu Shaoqing was worried about the Immortal Fireball Technique, maybe some ancient forces would know, thus causing danger to themselves.

Lu Shaoqing pinched his chin and thought of a few names after thinking for a while, “Wang Ba shrunk his head, turtle shell…”

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But soon he shook his head and vetoed, “Forget it, it sounds like scolding yourself, or have you thought about something else.”

In the end, Lu Shaoqing thought of a satisfactory name, “Eight Forbidden Dead Ghost King!” Lu Shaoqing

was very satisfied with this name, and laughed proudly, “Hehe, I’m really smart, adding a dead ghost is not scolding myself.” ”

Dead Ghost King Eight Forbidden, what a good name, hehe…” After

laughing proudly a few times, Lu Shaoqing began to understand.

This is a life-saving exercise, and it must be studied carefully.

In the future, if you encounter a self-detonating soldier, you can at least protect yourself, and you don’t need to waste spirit stones without the death ghost little brother making a move.

Together they are all on their own. Lu Shaoqing turned his back to the coffin, and time gradually passed.

The aura gathered, and the surroundings were like white smoke.

The woman’s silhouette appeared above the coffin, and the beautiful face would be covered with dark clouds, and the looming silver teeth were clenched.

She raised her slender jade hand, the jade hand was as white as jade, like a work of art, but the slender five fingers had faintly emitted a faint light

, “Turtle King Eight?” The

sound of a woman gritting her teeth echoed around, and she couldn’t wait to slap it up and fiercely clean up Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing’s actions really made her angry enough.

Dead ghosts, Wang Ba, turtles, if it is not in the connotation of her, three-year-old children do not believe it.

However, the woman’s hand did not slap in the end.

Instead, she put her hand in front of herself, which seemed more real than before, not as illusory as before, but with a real touch.

She’s getting better by the day.

Suddenly, the woman showed a smile that was enough to confuse everyone, looked at Lu Shaoqing, and her voice echoed around again.

“One day, I’ll have a good talk with you. ”

The voice is calm, light as the wind, gentle and beautiful.

However, a cold wind blew around him, making Lu Shaoqing’s body tremble, as if he felt the cold.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing showed signs of awakening, the woman waved her hand and disappeared her figure, while the aura around her wrapped Lu Shaoqing, making him more at ease.

The rest of the time flickered by, and Lu Shaoqing withdrew from his enlightenment.

After waking up, the first thing Lu Shaoqing did was to look around and muttered in a low voice, “Strange, it seems to feel a little cold before, after eating so many spirit stones from me, has it become more advanced, is there a four-season weather?”

However, the Eight Forbidden Exercises of the Dead Ghost King are still good, and it can be regarded as comforting my wounded soul. ”

The Xingyue Immortal King Forbidden This set of exercises is very strong, and it is also a technique that surpasses the heavenly level.

The Star Moon Immortal King Forbidden does not have the slightest attack power, mainly protection.

Lu Shaoqing has been comprehending for many years, and he is only a beginner in front of him, and with his current realm strength, he can only stretch once, and he can’t cast it a second time.

Like the Immortal Sword Technique, he can use the first move Starfall several times.

As soon as the second trick is used, others will be drained.

“The exercises given by the dead ghost junior brother are all good exercises, but they are all very advanced exercises, and if you want to truly exert your true power, you need a more powerful realm and strength. Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “No matter what, something is better than nothing.”

“In the future, if you encounter a self-detonating soldier, you should run first to respect…”

Lu Shaoqing stood up, looked around, and then knocked on the table with his hand. With a bit of a smug look of a villain, he shouted to the coffin, “Dead ghost, give me a peace of mind!”

and then left triumphantly, and after Lu Shaoqing left, the spirit card on the table jumped a few times…

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