After Lu Shaoqing got out of customs, he was in good spirits and in a good mood, so he naturally went to lie down under the tree and sleep.

The huge Tianyu Peak left him alone, and even his daughter Xiaohei asked Yin Qi to help take care of him because of the battle before.

Now he is still with Yin Qi.


Lu Shaoqing stretched out comfortably, knocked on the spirit beans, and looked at the Tianji card beautifully.

More than two months have passed, and the battle between the Lingxiao faction and the Guiyuan Pavilion is the biggest thing that happened in Qi Zhou.

Naturally, the genius machine wants to report around this matter.

The battle between the Lingxiao faction and the Guiyuan Pavilion was largely over.

Guiyuan Pavilion lost Xi Yong and Chao Yan, the two most powerful top combat powers, and without the Transformation God, it also lost the deterrent weapon.

A few years ago, Lu Shaoqing slaughtered two Yuan Babies in Guiyuan Pavilion, making Yuan Babies in Guiyuan Pavilion one of the bottom of the Three Great Sects.

Even if all the development over the years, it is not as good as the Lingxiao faction in terms of the quantity and quality of the Yuan baby.

The Lingxiao faction also poured out here, and Yu Chang, Lu Ji and other Yuan Infant masters led many disciples to besiege the Yuan Pavilion.

In the great battle, many masters led by Yan Chun, the head of Guiyuan Pavilion, fell one after another, and the last defeat was lost, and the headquarters of Guiyuan Pavilion was breached.

The remaining disciples scattered and fled.

The rest had to surrender and become prisoners of the Lingxiao faction.

Although the headquarters of Guiyuan Pavilion was breached, the hundred-footed worm was dead and not stiff.

Hao Gangster is also one of the three major factions in Qizhou, with a huge sphere of influence, and countless forces large and small under his rule are closely related to it and deeply entangled.

There are even forces that were originally part of the Guiyuan Pavilion.

The headquarters was defeated, and many forces gave up resistance and surrendered to the Lingxiao faction, but some forces resisted stubbornly and planned to fight the Lingxiao faction to the end.

Thus, the big battle is over, and the small area of the battle continues.

The rest of the Lingxiao faction had been busy for a long time.

However, none of this has anything to do with Lu Shaoqing.

After he did what he had to do, he didn’t plan to meddle in the rest.

Although with his strength, he can quickly sweep away the remnants of Gui Yuan Pavilion.

But in this way, the other disciples of the Lingxiao Sect could not be exercised.

Lu Shaoqing lay on the hammock, looked at the tree trunk above his head, and said faintly, “The demon race will attack sooner or later, and the black monster is the same.”

“The future is destined to be a war-torn environment, if you don’t take advantage of this time to exercise and exercise, when you encounter a demon race or monster, you will only die faster.” ”

Compared with the demons and monsters, the monks of the thirteen states are like docile little sheep in a sheepfold, and when they encounter demons and monsters that are comparable to tigers and lions, the little sheep will be torn to pieces in an instant.

“Alas, I don’t make a move, it’s also for everyone’s good, everyone work hard, come on…” For

the rest of the year, Lu Shaoqing completely lay down here at Tianyu Peak.

Order a takeaway when you have time, and sleep when you are not free.

He was not in a hurry about cultivation, and he only used the Time House once in most of the year.

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If you want to be fast, you can’t reach it, and Lu Shaoqing knows this well.

If he was Ji Yan, he would definitely be cultivating all the time, relying on the Time House, hoping to enter the refining period early.

However, he is not.

He is lazy by nature and does not want to be impatient and aggressive, contrary to Ji Yan’s personality.

He pays more attention to his heart than the realm.

He is lazily working as an otaku, seemingly not doing business, but actually cultivating his mind.

More importantly, “there are not many spirit stones, so we have to save some use.”

Speaking of the spirit stone, Lu Shaoqing looked up at the sky, sad.

“In the past, when it was tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, I also felt that the spirit stone was not enough, why is it that now the kinetic energy can earn millions, tens of millions, or not enough?”

Fighting to the death, or this kind of hard life.

After thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing finally found the reason, “In the end, it’s still the little brother of the dead ghost, seeing that I have made a lot of money, so I opened my mouth and raised the price without authorization.”

After shaking his head and feeling sad for a while, Lu Shaoqing flipped his wrist, and a jade Jane appeared in his hand.

After he held the jade Jian and looked at it for a while, his face was a little depressed, and he shook his head, “The sixth-level formation requires too many materials.

“I don’t know if there is a seventh-level formation in the hands of the dead ghost junior, but even if there is, I can’t arrange it.” ”

The sixth-level formation requires a lot of materials, and Lu Shaoqing’s gains over the years are enough to surpass a medium-sized sect, but he still can’t make up enough materials.

If it is level seven, let alone him, even the Lingxiao faction does not have the ability to gather materials.

Seventh-level materials, not to say that there are any, some have not appeared for thousands of years.

The Qi family can have a seventh-level large array, and it is also their accumulation of thousands of years that they have the financial resources to arrange the seventh-level large array.

Therefore, Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to go to the dead ghost little brother to ask for a seventh-level formation, if he did, he couldn’t arrange it, and besides, he now had no excuse to attack the dead ghost little brother.

“The sixth-level great array depends on the luck of the sect. ”

Knowing that there may be big changes in the future, Lu Shaoqing is the only thing he has done for the sect.

Help the sect to arrange a sixth-level large array to resist possible dangers in the future.

The sixth-level large array is not afraid of transforming gods, and it can also resist the existence of the refining void realm

, if there is an enemy in the Convergence Realm, Lu Shaoqing feels that it is better to accept his fate.

Put away the jade Jane, Lu Shaoqing continued to lie on the hammock, and looked at the Tianji newspaper with a beautiful look.

He is in Qizhou, and the Tianji News is mainly news from Qizhou, but there are occasional news published in Zhongzhou.

For example

, there is a news article right now, Ji Yan competed with Ao Hu, the second elder of the Ao family, and finally Ji Yan defeated Ao Hu while breaking through in public, causing Zhongzhou to be shocked.

As a result, Ji Yan has become the most beautiful boy in Zhongzhou, like a rising star, overwhelming all young people of his generation.

After seeing this news, Lu Shaoqing pouted, showing disdain, “Shaobao, I still like this set.” ”

Break through in public at every turn, it hurt me miserable before, hehe, I’m smart

, start early…” Lu Shaoqing laughed here, and suddenly a stream of light streaked through the air, and a black shadow rushed into his arms, “Dad…”

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