“Good daughter!” I

haven’t seen it for most of the year, Lu Shaoqing is also very happy, touching Xiao Hei’s head, and finds that Xiao Hei has grown up a lot.

It is larger and the black feathers are brighter.

“I’ve grown up a lot. Lu Shaoqing was relieved and smiled kindly like an old father who saw the growth of his children.

Touching Xiao Hei’s head, he asked, “What realm?” Xiao Hei’s

origin is not simple, and he is called a divine beast by that mysterious man.

Even let the man give up his body willingly, but also wanted to occupy Xiao Hei’s body, which shows that Xiao Hei’s origin is awesome.

Xiao Hei spread his wings on Lu Shaoqing’s hand, and a breath emanated.

In the middle of the Yuan Infant period, the four-layer realm is up.

It has only been more than two years since Xiao Hei was born, less than three years.

“So fast, really envious. Lu

Shaoqing was envious in his heart.

Xiao Hei’s cultivation method is mainly sleeping, and he can improve his strength while sleeping, which is the way Lu Shaoqing dreams of.

“Work hard, get stronger quickly, and help Dad clean up the bad guys in the future.”

“Good, good!” Xiao Hei fluttered his wings excitedly like a praised child, and said happily, “In the future, I will help Dad clean up the bad guys.”

Looking at Xiao Hei, Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, his wrist flipped, and a half-foot long branch appeared in his hand.

The branch exuded a rich life force, and as soon as it appeared, Xiao Hei was deeply attracted by it.

The branches of the Sycamore God Tree.

And also a special branch.

Unlike to Shao Cheng, the body of the Wutong Divine Tree said that the one it gave to Lu Shaoqing could grow into a new Wutong Divine Tree.

The little black mouth pecked on the branch, but could not leave the slightest trace on it, and the little black eyes looked at the sycamore divine tree, very impulsive to take possession of himself.

“Dad, what is this?” ”

Wutong Divine Tree!” Lu

Shaoqing thought for a while, and then threw it away, and the branch was inserted into the ground.

The rich breath of life spread, and I saw a green light on the surface of the branches, and the light was faint, as if breathing.

Then, the ground squirmed, the green light gradually intensified, and the branches of the Sycamore Divine Tree seemed to take root and sprout, constantly stretching into the ground.

“Boom…” The

two big trees above Lu Shaoqing’s head suddenly shook.

Lu Shaoqing looked up and saw that the branches and leaves of the two old trees were rapidly withering and falling, as if winter had arrived.

Lu Shaoqing felt that the vitality of the two big trees was constantly flowing, being absorbed by the branches of the Wutong Divine Tree.

Looking at the branches of the Sycamore Divine Tree, it was only half a foot long just now, but now it has grown more than three feet tall, and small green shoots have emerged around it.

In fact, not only the two big trees around Lu Shaoqing, but even the vitality of nearby plants were absorbed.

In half a quarter of an hour or so, within a few hundred meters of the surrounding area, all the plants seemed to have withered and died under the heavy snowfall in winter.

All the life force was absorbed by the branches of the Sycamore Divine Tree.

And the branches of the Sycamore God Tree, which absorb a lot of plant life energy, will have grown into a small tree.

Two feet tall, the bowl mouth is thick, and new branches grow from the trunk, and small green leaves emerge from the branches, although there are only a few pieces, but they exude a strong breath of life.

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The price is that the nearby plants have withered, lost their breath of life, and are in a bleak state.

The two old trees beside Lu Shaoqing were directly sucked dry because they were the closest, and the leaves fell light, revealing bare branches.

Lu Shaoqing poked the surface of the tree trunk with his hand.

“Poof!” Lu

Shaoqing easily poked his finger into the trunk, splashing countless wood chips, the inside of the trunk had decayed, and the two trees seemed to have withered for decades in a short period of time, turning into decay.

“It’s really domineering!”

Lu Shaoqing looked at the Wutong Divine Tree and couldn’t help but sigh.

No wonder when I saw that plane tree before, there was not a single tree around, and there was not even a single grass on the ground.

It turns out to be close and will be sucked dry.

When Xiao Hei saw the Wutong Divine Tree, his eyes brightened, and he flew directly over and stood on it steadily.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the two withered old trees helplessly, and said depressedly, “Where will I sleep in the future?” After

thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing found a stone, flattened it with a sword, and then threw it under the Wutong Divine Tree, and a simple lying bed was ready.

“Without a hammock, let’s keep it simple…” Lu

Shaoqing’s side didn’t take long before someone came.

“Xiao Hei, Xiao Hei, where

are you?” The person who came was Cai Jiu, Cai Jiu found here, found Lu Shaoqing, and was overjoyed, “Senior Brother Lu, are you back?” Lu Shaoqing

glanced at her, “Don’t say it, you just don’t come back.”

Cai Jiu was stunned, “Why?” He

didn’t deal with Lu Shaoqing much, and he wasn’t used to it.

“If you let the head know, you can’t arrest me to work?” Lu

Shaoqing’s unpretentious reason made Cai Jiu not know what to say.

However, when Lu Shaoqing came back, she also felt extremely at ease in her heart, Lu Shaoqing was a god, and with him sitting in town, she felt safe.

But Cai Jiu knew, and Yin Qi naturally knew.

And Yin Qi was not as obedient as Cai Jiu, and she immediately told her master the news.

Ji Pengyue knew, and the head Yu Chang naturally knew.

Therefore, within two days, Yu Chang came directly to the door.

“Good boy, you’re actually hiding here and being lazy. Yu

Chang saw Lu Shaoqing lying leisurely, and he couldn’t get angry.

Why is this kid so

lazy, obviously he has the ability but would rather be a lazy worm.

“Hurry up and help!” defeated

Guiyuan Pavilion and received the strength of Guiyuan Pavilion, there are too many things involved, and he, the leader, is too busy to keep his feet on the ground.

When Lu Shaoqing saw Yu Chang, he was very strange, “Chief, what have you done

?” “Are you very idle, do you actually have time to harass me

?” “Don’t be lazy, as the leader, not doing business, how can you lead the Lingxiao faction to continue to move forward and lead to glory

?” “Guiyuan Pavilion is a lesson from the past, haven’t you learned from experience?”

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