“Senior Gu Lan spoke, I am obliged!” the shepherd boy was the first to respond, he smiled coldly, and the child’s face had a cruel smile, “I have long seen him unpleasantly.” ”

Later generations, dare to call themselves adults?”

the White Dream Goddess laughed, her charming laughter was full of temptation all the time, and she laughed, “I heard that the Holy Lord is very tall and strong, I really want to try it.” ”

Naked lewdness, without the slightest disguise.

Shepherd Boy and Gu Lan were not surprised by this.

The shepherd boy even sneered, “Then how about you have to exert more strength and catch him when the time comes, and let you squeeze him dry?”

Gu Lan’s figure disappeared, leaving a sentence, “Strike tomorrow!” ”

He has been arrogant for three months, and now it should be over.”

“Tao City, no such arrogant people are allowed…” The

next day,

a voice suddenly sounded above Tao City.

“Lord Sheng

, you are so powerful!” “Do you think Tao Cheng is yours? so oppressing my senior cultivators, today, spare you!” The

voice rolled, resounding in all directions, and Tao City shook.

“It’s the shepherd boy!” “Don’t die, it’s the shepherd senior!” ”

God, is the shepherd boy senior going to make a move against the Holy

Lord?” “Will the Saint Boy be the opponent of the shepherd boy?” “God knows, it is said that the Saint Lord is only the seventh-layer or eight-layer realm of the late Transformation God, and the shepherd


is already a nine-layer realm.

“Haha, God has an eye, what about the Holy Lord, arrogant and domineering, provoking the senior shepherd boy, retribution!”

Everyone here in Taocheng is talking a lot, some are surprised, some are excited, but there are also people who are worried.

“If you fight, will Tao Cheng be crushed?” ”

Huashen ah, we people better escape, otherwise we don’t know how to die.” ”

Flee…” After

the shepherd boy’s voice, there was no movement on the Holy Lord’s side.

Then, the delicate, alluring voice of the white dream goddess also resounded in Tao City.

“Lord Sheng, surrender, I can save your life.” The

voice was delicate, like poison poured into the heart, tickling the hearts of many cultivators in Taocheng, and an evil fire could not be suppressed, straight to the brain.

Many people shouted one after another, “It’s

the White Dream Goddess, my Goddess!” “White Dream Goddess, I, I, I love you!” “Goddess, please spoil me, please…”

“Lord Shit, don’t you hurry up and worship under the skirt of the White Dream Goddess?” ”

God, how beautiful this voice is, if I can be kissed, my death in this life is worth it.” ”

But there are also monks who are very calm.

But they were shocked that the White Dream Goddess also spoke.

“Could it be that the White Dream Goddess and the Senior Shepherd Boy have joined forces to deal with the Holy Lord?”

“Hehe, arrogance and arrogance, after all, bring disaster to himself.”

While everyone was talking, another voice sounded.

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The sound of vicissitudes is ethereal, as if coming from all directions, making it difficult to determine.

“Lord Sheng, Tao City is not your Tao City, it’s everyone’s Tao City, you, pass!” Many

people were very strange after hearing

this, “Who is talking?” “Yes, the tone is so big, listening to this tone, it is more powerful than the predecessors of the shepherd boy and the white dream goddess?”


the person who knew who the owner of this voice was, his face changed drastically, and his face showed horror.

They drank their companions and covered their mouths.

“Shut up! You don’t want to die, shut up

!” “Do you know who this is

?” “It’s Gu Lan senior!” ”

What? is he? Known as the most powerful existence in Tao City

?” “Oh my God! Gu Lan senior is also going to make a move, the three join forces, does the Saint Lord still have a way to live?”

“Deserve it, act domineeringly, God can’t see it.” ”

Tao City is really boiling, and the noise is endless.

And many people’s eyes flickered, secretly rubbing their hands.

The reshuffle is both a crisis and an opportunity.

Many people are already ready to follow behind to pick up some leftovers to eat.

However, what made people feel strange was that even if Gu Lan, Shepherd Boy, and White Dream Goddess spoke, there was no movement on the side of the Holy Lord, and there was not even a word of response.

It was so quiet that it was as if there was no one anymore.

“Could it be that Lord Saint has already fled?”

“Yes, otherwise it would not be possible to not move at all.

“What conspiracy is

brewing at this time?” “What conspiracy can there be by this time? In the face of the joint efforts of the three seniors, only refining the void can survive…” As

soon as these words came out, many people shook their heads, and some even sneered.

It is not surprising that the god of transformation came to Taocheng, but it is very surprising if it is the refining period.

During the refining period, even if he offended the five families and three factions, he was fearless.

It is still dashing and comfortable to change places, and there is no need to run to a place like Taocheng.

Tao Cheng must be a place of self-exile to say well, in fact, it is a place of self-exile, not a good place.

“Hmph, pretend to be a ghost, kill the past!” A

cold snort, the voice of the shepherd boy sounded, and the order went down, “There is no need to leave a living mouth, there is no pardon for killing!”

“Haha, Lord Sheng, you act domineeringly

, I can’t see it, I’ll take the lead!” “It’s the old demon of the Yuan Nether, I heard that I was suffered a loss at the hands of the Holy Lord before, now seize the opportunity, jump out immediately!” ”

Let’s go together, we can’t eat meat, and we can drink some soup.” ”

Knowing that the three major forces have joined forces, the people of Taocheng have joined one after another, ready to beat the falling water dogs to see if they can make some benefits.


Many people immediately killed the territory of the Holy Lord.

However, the monks who took the lead found that the road was unimpeded and unobstructed, which made them feel strange.

“What for?”

Just when everyone was strange, suddenly, there was a fluctuation in the deeper part of the Holy Lord’s territory, and then a strong white light rose up into the sky, dazzling…

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