The intense light, dazzling, as dazzling as the sun, everyone couldn’t help but close their eyes.

“So, what is it

?” “Why do I have a bad feeling?” The

three people sitting in the rear, Gu Lan, Shepherd Boy, and White Dream Goddess, were shocked.

“This, this is a spatial fluctuation!”

“Teleportation array?” The

three of them are the most powerful beings in Tao City, and they are also old monsters who have lived for thousands of years, and they have seen a lot of things, and they immediately detect what this is.

The shepherd boy looked ugly and said murderously, “Does he want to escape?” However

, Gu Lan’s face was gloomy, and as the oldest of the three, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

He stepped out, and his voice reached the ears of the shepherd boy and the white dream goddess, “Strike immediately, no matter what he is doing, you must stop him and kill him.” The

shepherd boy and the white dream goddess glanced at each other and quickly followed.

Gu Lan took the lead, and the bad premonition in his heart made him smell danger.

“Lord Sheng, this is Tao City, you are not allowed to be wild!” Gu

Lan seemed to enter no man’s land, and his figure seemed to merge into the void, and he came to the northwest corner here.

As soon as he entered the core range, he was stopped.

Cui Zhangwan finally appeared, and he coldly intercepted the three of Gu Lan, looking at them as if looking at a dead person.

The tall and burly figure was like a thick city wall, blocking the path of the three of Gu Lan.

The White Dream Goddess looked at Cui Zhangwan’s huge body, revealing a hot gaze, she licked her lips and said amorously, “Lord Sheng, come here, I will let you know what happiness is!”

While speaking, she gently twisted her body, her movements were not big, but she was full of extreme temptation.

Cui Zhangwan was unmoved, and didn’t even look at her more.

He said coldly, “Are you looking for death?” ”

Haha, domineering enough, I like it more!” The white dream goddess’s face was already flushed, and she seemed to want to knock Cui Zhangwan down immediately.

“Don’t you still see the situation clearly?” the shepherd boy looked at Cui Zhangwan unpleasantly, “Dare to call yourself a holy lord, what a big breath.”

Gu Lan’s gaze crossed Cui Zhangwan and looked directly behind Cui Zhangwan.

Seeing the huge teleportation array that was beyond his line of sight, the sense of danger in his heart became stronger.

“Lord Sheng, what are you doing?” Gu Lan stared at Cui Zhangwan and asked coldly, “Say, otherwise, die!” Cui Zhangwan

sneered, not taking care of Gu Lan.

Seeing this, Gu Lan was furious, and blatantly shot out, only to see that his wrist flipped, and a spirit talisman appeared in his hand.

A faint light flowed on the surface of the spirit rune, exuding a dangerous aura, and it was a fifth-level rune.

Without saying a word, he threw out.

The target of the rune was not Cui Zhangwan, but the huge teleportation array behind Cui Zhangwan.

“You are looking for death!” After

Cui Zhangwan found out, he was furious, the spiritual power in his body burst out, and his body seemed to become more tall and burly, like a giant.

He wanted to intercept it, but it was a fifth-level rune, even if he was a god, he was one step late.


a deafening voice sounded, and a huge explosion shot up into the sky, and the terrifying power was like Tianwei shrouding the teleportation array in it.

The terrifying explosion made the monks who followed behind hurriedly flee in panic.

Even the Yuan Infancy Old Demon was the first to run.

Level-five runes, even if the Yuan Infant is hit, he has to die.

Gu Lan looked at his attack, and a smile appeared on his old face, as if a cunning fox had hunted his prey, “Hmph, no matter what conspiracy you have, sabotage is it.”

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After the explosion, however, Gulan was stunned.

The fifth-level runes were actually unable to destroy this huge teleportation array.

Damn it!” Gu

Lan’s face was ugly, and he shouted at the shepherd boy and the white dream goddess, “What are you still stunned for?

“Oh my God, oh my God, what is that

?” “What kind of monks is this

?” “Why does it look so tall?” The

white light receded, and a group of burly and tall monks dressed in black armor appeared in front of everyone’s sight.

Their expressions were cold and indifferent, their eyes were sharp, they were dressed in standard armor and held standard weapons, exuding a fierce and fierce aura.

Gu Lan and the others were also shocked, staring at the black-armored cultivator who suddenly appeared.

And Gu Lan glanced at it a few times, suddenly his face changed wildly, he lost his composure, and shouted loudly, “Demon race?!”

The voice reached everyone’s ears, and everyone was in an uproar.

“What, what?” ”

Is this the Demon Clan?” “Demon, the Demon Clan? No, doesn’t it mean that they have been expelled and died

?” “Why, how do they look, they are so powerful

?” “Oh my God, have the Demon Race made a comeback?”

“Quick, run away!” After

Cui Zhangwan saw the success of the teleportation array, he couldn’t hold back his excitement anymore and laughed.

“Haha, our Holy Race can finally return to the Ancestral Star

!” “You inferior humans have to die!” ”


Yan Ba, Xing Suo and other demon people also laughed.

Thousands of years of expulsion, thousands of years of planning, today, finally able to return to the ancestral star.

“The Terran race, after all, is a race to be eliminated, only the Holy Race is the master of this world!” ”

How can inferior humans be compared with the Holy Race?” The

shepherd boy could not see others being so arrogant, he snorted, soared into the sky, and the aura of the gods burst out, shocking the audience.

“The Demon Race also dares to come to the Terran World to spread wilderness?” ”

Er and three hundred people, do you think that the world is invincible?” The

shepherd boy stood up, causing the panicked Taocheng monk to immediately calm down.

“That’s right, this person wants to talk about conquering the thirteen states?

“The shepherd boy senior is mighty!” “There are three gods of Gu Lan senior, shepherd boy senior and white dream goddess, these demon races can’t turn the sky

!” “My Yuan Nether Old Demon will meet you demon races!” A

figure came from a distance and went straight to those demon cultivators.

The Demon Race cultivator who had been standing still suddenly breathed out, and a tyrannical aura rose up into the sky.

“Yuan, Yuanbao, these people are Yuanbao…”


the Yuanlu Old Demon shouted, and then was strangled by several spears, turning into a blood mist in the sky.

“Kill!” The

Demon Race cultivators took the initiative to attack, and at the same time, the teleportation array behind them continued to burst into light, turning far away again…

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