“Oh, it’s boring!” ”

Dabai, I want to go back to Heavenly Imperial Peak.” ”

Zhongzhou, Rucheng!

After finishing his daily cultivation, Xiao Yi seemed to have nothing to do here, lying on his bed, bored in every way.

The white velvet big white also lay on the bed, like a big white cat.

Xiao Yi rolled over, used Da Bai as a pillow, looked up at the roof, and muttered, “For more than twenty years, Senior Brother has reached the realm of the ninth layer of the Transformation God, but he has been unable to break through the refining period, and I don’t know how the second senior brother is?”

“No, if the second senior brother enters the refining period, Senior Sister Yin Qi should write to me.

“It’s still not right, the cunning of the second senior brother, unless he actively exposes, no one knows what realm he is.” The

teacher of the academy also said that entering the refining period is not a matter of realm strength, that step, you have to pay attention to chance, and even said that the sky is destined in the underworld, if you can break through, you can break through, you can’t, you will be a god for a lifetime, and you will die if you live for thousands of years.”

“Although Senior Brother is not in a hurry, I can feel that Senior Brother wants to break through, so that I don’t dare to appear in front of Senior Brother now.”

“After all, compared to Senior Brother, I am also looking for an opportunity to break through the Transformation God now, heck, the pressure is huge.”

“Mainly because the people in the academy over the years don’t want to fight with me, which causes me to progress very slowly.” ”

Oh, if only the second senior brother were here, the second senior brother is not here, I always feel unsteady in my heart…”

Xiao Yi felt self-pitying and exuding resentment in the room.

Now she is in her thirties, and she is a young group of students in Zhongzhou College.

However, her strength is infinitely higher among her peers, and the strongest of her peers is only the early and middle stage of the Yuan Baby, and she, who has already arrived in front of the Huashen Gate, is almost a chance to push the door in.

After Xiao Yi entered Zhongzhou Academy, he had to find someone to challenge and negotiate at every turn, and he was a warmonger.

What made the people of Zhongzhou College feel even more terrifying was that Xiao Yi had a strong learning ability and made rapid progress.

Maybe those who can’t beat today will be able to fight in a month or two.

At the same time, Xiao Yi is very strong, and he has terrifying spells and sword techniques in his hands.

Especially the pig-killing sword technique, once used, no one can bear it, and the combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

Those in the same realm can’t beat it, and those who are one or two realms higher will lose their front hooves if they don’t pay attention to it.

Therefore, later everyone learned well and did not fight with Xiao Yi.

Ji Yan is similar, but the object of his challenge is more advanced.

The five families and three factions of the Avatar God, and the Huashen teachers of the academy were all his challenges.

Later, those masters also learned well, hidden, and no longer competed with Ji Yan.

Xiao Yi lay down for a while, touched Dabai’s hair, and muttered again, “If I hadn’t let Zhang Conglong run, I would have returned to Heavenly Imperial Peak a long time ago.”

“It’s not interesting here, it’s still cool to follow the second senior brother.”

“It’s so boring, give me something…” Xiao

Yi’s head rubbed back and forth on Dabai’s body, feeling that the days were boring, she now hoped for a world war.

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“It is also said that the demon race may have killed and deceived people, and there has been no movement until now.” ”

It should be that the second senior brother tossed the demon race too miserably, they are now overwhelmed by themselves, hey…” Thinking

of the second senior brother taking himself to the demon race for a tour, the old nest of the demon race was almost bombed.

Xiao Yi felt more and more that those days were interesting, Zhongzhou here has been peaceful for a long time, there are no waves, like a pool of stagnant water.

“But everyone is improving very fast, sister Yunxin and sister Meng Xiao are all gods, and that fat man is about to catch up with me, and I am under a lot of pressure.”

“Everyone has made rapid progress over the years, could it be that the rumors are true?

“If that’s the case, it’s still safe to follow the two senior brothers…”

Suddenly, a bell sounded from the academy outside, which was a signal to summon the students.

Hearing the bell, Xiao Yi jumped up and went out with Da Bai.

On the way, she met students who were also in a hurry, and everyone was told to assemble in the square.

“Sister Xiaoyi!”

a voice sounded, and then two pill heads appeared in Xiao Yi’s line of sight.

It was Meng Xiao who came.

Xiao Yi took Meng Xiao’s hand and asked, “What’s going on, suddenly you want to gather everyone

?” Meng Xiao also looked puzzled, shaking the head of the pill and saying, “I don’t know, is there something big happening?”

“Sister Fang Xiao, do you know what happened?” Fang Xiao

also didn’t know, “It was very sudden, and I don’t know what happened.

“It’s really

strange…” Coming to the square, students gathered one after another, everyone was talking, and it was very strange what happened.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi’s eyes lit up, waved his hand into the distance

, and shouted loudly, “Obscene man, here, here!” Jian Bei had a bitter face, appeared in front of everyone depressed, and shouted to Xiao Yi, “Big sister, can you stop shouting, I don’t want face

?” “Less nonsense!” Xiao Yi was not polite to him at all, and asked directly, “What happened?”

However, even if it was the eldest young master of the Jian family, Jian Bei didn’t know what happened.

He said seriously, “Something big has definitely happened.

Xiao Yi immediately gave him a roll of his eyes, “Aren’t you talking nonsense?” Jian

Bei looked up, saw a chubby figure, and waved and shouted, “Da Niu, here.” ”

Guan Daniu, who is a Heavenly Machine, can be said to be the most well-informed among everyone, and he is still holding the Heavenly Machinery card at this time.

“Da Niu, what’s the big deal?” ”

The demon race is coming!” As soon as Guan Da Niu spoke, he let Xiao Yi and several people froze.

That’s right, the killing came, appeared in a place called Taocheng, and now it has spread to many places in Qizhou, Yanzhou, and Dongzhou, and the academy wants to send us students to experience…”

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