Seeing that Lu Shaoqing said something serious, Yu Chang couldn’t help but rub his nose, and his anger was crooked.

He couldn’t help but roar, “Bastard boy, can you have a little backbone? ”

Yu Chang’s heart is extremely painful, how to drop, is there a problem with the ancestral tomb of the Lingxiao Sect?

With a genius like Lu Shaoqing, there is no problem with the ancestral tomb feng shui of the Lingxiao faction, but there is a problem with this character.

It is most likely a problem of orientation.

Greedy for money, shameless, lazy and cheeky.

You can shout surrender in public, and the first thing you do when you encounter something is also to think of surrender.

I don’t know what a face is.

The heart is tired, the heart is really tired.

Junior Brother Shao, when will you come back?

If you don’t come back, this little bastard is going to turn the sky upside down.

No one can control him but you.

Yu Chang sighed tiredly, and didn’t want to say anything more, he said to Lu Shaoqing, “Let me go to the council hall.” ”

Don’t go!” Lu Shaoqing was very decisive, “Chief, although so much time has passed, I can still feel the complaints of the rest of the sect against me.

“I don’t dare to go, I’m afraid I’ll be beaten to death.”

The sixth-level Great Array, as Lu Shaoqing said, made the Lingxiao faction a poor ghost sect again.

The benefits of defeating Gui Yuan Pavilion, before everyone in the Lingxiao faction could enjoy it, they were taken by Lu Shaoqing to arrange a sixth-level large array.

The sixth-level great array was top secret to the Lingxiao faction, and even the elders did not know it.

Only Ancestor Ke Hong, Head Yu Chang, and the Four Great Peak Lords knew.

With their support, even no amount of opposition is useful.

The disciples of the Lingxiao Sect were naturally full of resentment towards Lu Shaoqing when they saw that they could not use the sect’s materials continuously.

Even some of the disciples complained, feeling that the sect was too spoiled by Lu Shaoqing.

Yu Chang knew that Lu Shaoqing had sacrificed a lot for the sect, silently endured the infamy, and also knew that the sect owed him.

At the moment, his face was a little more guilty, “Boy, I have wronged you.” ”

Whew…” Lu Shaoqing immediately covered his face and whined, “Yes, the grievance is dead, so, chief, you let me continue to stay here, don’t let me go out.”

“If you have any decision, I will raise my hands in favor and firmly support the wise decision of the leader.”

Lu Shaoqing did this, so that the guilt in Yu Chang’s heart immediately disappeared, and he cursed, “Less pretend for me here, the people of Zhongzhou will arrive soon.” ”

Zhongzhou?” Lu Shaoqing let go of his hand and looked at Yu Chang curiously, “What are the people of Zhongzhou doing?” Enough to eat? ”

Although Zhongzhou is powerful, the five families and three factions in Zhongzhou are powerful, but this is Qizhou, and the Lingxiao faction is not a soft persimmon.

Even if the Ao family came to destroy the Ling Xiao faction now, the Ling Xiao faction could make the Ao family knock out a mouthful of teeth.

“Naturally, he intends to let us Lingxiao send it to deal with the Demon Clan.”

“The Demon Race is raging in the three states of Qiyan and the east, and the limelight is flourishing, and the five families and three factions in Zhongzhou naturally hope that we, the local strength, will fight with the Demon Race to the death.”

Yu Chang’s face was solemn, and he said to Lu Shaoqing seriously, “This time is a great risk for our Lingxiao faction. ”

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Go to deal with the Demon Race, fight real fire, the Demon Race concentrates all its strength to deal with the Ling Xiao faction, and the Ling Xiao faction must not cry to death?

But if you don’t deal with the demon clan, the turtle shrinks and is publicized by people with intentions, and the reputation of the Lingxiao faction in Qi Prefecture will be ruined.

At that time, it will be pointed out by thousands of people and scolded by thousands of people, and the good image of the Lingxiao faction will be completely destroyed.

Therefore, Yu Chang is in a dilemma.

Go, easy to be used as a gun, not go, easy to be slandered.

It’s too hard to be in charge.

Lu Shaoqing was even more strange, “Isn’t this a very simple thing? Send a few people to do the appearance, even if you fight, protect yourself, if something is wrong, immediately run away, what is there to embarrass about?

Yu Chang simply sat down and faced Lu Shaoqing, he sighed, “Who to send?” ”

When the demon race appears, several peak masters must sit in the sect, and the strength of the other elders is slightly inferior, and I can’t bear these disciples of Yuchen.”

“The demon race is strong, who can be sent?”

The strength of the old is not good, the strength of the young is not very good, and it is still the future of the sect.

It is rumored that the demon race eats people and does not spit bones, the strength is beyond imagination, the young disciple goes, the experience is insufficient, in case of hanging, he Yu Chang must not cry to death?

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he slowly lay down, and then slowly closed his eyes.

In Yu Chang’s stunned gaze, Lu Shaoqing slowly snored.

Yu Chang reacted, his head was full of black lines, and the little bastard knew his intentions.

Confused in pretending to be sleepwear.

What the!

Yu Chang is rough, this little bastard is smart, the only thing that lacks is laziness.

“Less pretend to be confused here!” Yu Chang slapped it over, smashing the stone under Lu Shaoqing’s butt to pieces.

“I lean! My bed! Lu Shaoqing jumped up, his face showing pain.

“Chief, this is the bed I have been lying on for more than twenty years, it is covered with pulp, you smashed it today, this matter is not over with you, unless you give me a hundred million spirit stones.”

This day can’t be lived, Master likes to cut my hammock, and now the head also likes to smash my stone bed, life is bitter.

Yu Chang gritted his teeth and glared angrily at Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, say, are you going or not?”

Lu Shaoqing blinked, pretending to be confused, “Go for what?” I won’t say a word until I see my 100 million spirit stones. Yu

Chang decisively made a clear card, and this kid went around in circles, and he could make himself dizzy, “Boy, don’t put garlic here, people from Zhongzhou, you must express something, the right person here in the sect, only you.” ”

Over the years, the disciples under the disciples have made rapid progress, and breakthroughs abound.

Most of the disciples are already in the Yuan Infant realm, and their strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

However, compared with the sect Gemini, these disciples still have a big gap.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes widened in disbelief, “Chief, why are you so confident in me?

“You trust me so much, where do I usually do things that satisfy you?” You say, I’ll change. Hearing

this, Yu Chang wanted to hit someone.

But think about it, although Lu Shaoqing can usually make him angry half to death, but it still makes him trust him in his heart, and at the critical moment, he still thinks of Lu Shaoqing.

Yu Chang was sad in his heart, he was really a slut.

“Boy, the future of the sect depends on you….”

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