Lu Shaoqing jumped three feet high, as if he was about to be scared to death.

“Chief, don’t hurt me.”

“I am only shallow in learning, I don’t learn and have no skills, the biggest ideal in life is to lie down with spirit stones to sleep, eat and wait for death, don’t give me such a big burden.”

Yu Chang shook his head and sighed with emotion, “In the future, if it doesn’t depend on you and Ji Yan, who else can you rely on?”

“So, there are some things you have to be involved in.”

“Don’t!” Lu Shaoqing had a headache, what stimulated the boss?

You actually expect so much from me, don’t you know that my sadness is so great?

“Chief, you live a long life, no, bah, long live your life, the Lingxiao faction still has you to be the leader.”

Lu Shaoqing had a headache, like eating lotus seeds, and said with a bitter face, “Chief, you don’t want to do it, you can let Senior Brother Xiang do it, Senior Brother should be it, don’t look for me.”

Yu Chang snorted and said in an unquestioning tone, “So, I will give you two choices, one is to go to Taocheng, and the other is for you to participate in the affairs of the sect.”

“Chief, you are a strong man.”

Lu Shaoqing said that he was very hurt, and the good days were gone?

Let him participate in the affairs of the sect here, it is better to kill him.

Yu Chang saw that Lu Shaoqing was a little moved, and immediately struck while the iron was hot, and said the reason for letting Lu Shaoqing go, “It’s very simple to let you go, after all, you have strength, and you have also been to the demon world and dealt with the demon race.”

“If you don’t agree, I can only let the ancestor come.”

“You can’t help but give face to the grandmaster, right?”

I don’t give it, but I’m afraid that I will my ancestor to death, and then I will have to roll up and run away.

Facing Yu Chang with a rogue temperament, Lu Shaoqing could only agree, “Okay, I’ll go.” ”

It’s better to deal with the demon clan than with the boss.

After all, looking at the demon race is not pleasing to the eye, you can do it.

Lu Shaoqing reluctantly looked at the broken stone under his feet, and the slurry stone bed died at the age of twenty.

The leisurely days are due, and I have to go to the wave and come back to see if I can recharge.

“I’ll go now!” Lu Shaoqing said to Yu Chang, “Go back.”

Yu Chang shook his head to stop him, “Slowly, go to the council hall and let the people of Zhongzhou know.” ”

The five families and three factions in Zhongzhou are powerful, and the forces of other states cannot but give face.

“What five families and three factions, look at it is not pleasing to the eye, just start beating…” Lu

Shaoqing was very disdainful of this, and he was not a person who had confiscated the five families and three factions.

Having said that, Lu Shaoqing finally followed Yu Chang to the council hall.

Here in the council hall, Lu Ji and the other elders were already waiting here.

Seeing Yu Chang coming with Lu Shaoqing, some elders couldn’t help but frown.

Although he knew that Lu Shaoqing was a god, letting Yu Chang, the head of the house, personally invite Lu Shaoqing to come, which made many elders feel dissatisfied in their hearts.

Etiquette does not match.

Several elders even looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, feeling that he was too arrogant.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t bother to pay attention to these elders, and after coming in, he waved at everyone, “Hello everyone!” The

fluttering tone and attitude made many elders even more dissatisfied in their hearts.

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It’s not like a disciple.

Many elders couldn’t help but look at Yu Chang, who was expressionless and didn’t care about Lu Shaoqing’s attitude.

Yu Chang didn’t react, and the others looked at Lu Ji again.

Lu Ji’s status is that of the executive deputy head, and the head is not there, and the affairs of the sect are handled by him.

The head doesn’t care, the deputy head has to be in charge, right?

Usually, there is no up or down, and the disciples who have no respect are caught by him, and the face wall and door rules are routine operations.

Right now, Lu Shaoqing is like this, won’t he be allowed to copy the door rules a hundred times?

However, to the stunned of many elders, Lu Ji also seemed to be blind and did not say anything.

Lu Ji felt everyone’s gaze, and he secretly complained in his heart.

This kid can even give face to the ancestor, the ancestor still has to laugh, I’ll go to him for trouble, am I crazy?

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing’s contribution to the sect was well known to him, and he saw it in his eyes.

Over the years, Lu Shaoqing has not been greeted by the disciples of the disciples, and Lu Shaoqing has never refuted a word, paying so much for the sect.

What about informality?

Friars, do what you want.

After Yu Chang sat down, he inspected everyone around and asked, “Where are the people from Zhongzhou?”

“I’ve arrived in Lingxiao City, but I haven’t gone up the mountain yet…”

“Chief, do you want to go down to meet them?”

Yu Chang ignored these words and said lightly, “Wait!”

“Since they are here, it doesn’t hurt to stroll below, don’t disturb the interest of others.”

Just kidding, it is also the big faction of Qizhou, although the five families and three factions in Zhongzhou are strong, they will not let the Lingxiao faction send people down the mountain to meet them.

As soon as everyone waited, it was a few days, which was nothing to the monks.

However, the people from Zhongzhou deliberately wandered underneath, which showed that they did not put the Lingxiao faction in their eyes and did not respect it.

The council hall was quiet, Lu Shaoqing yawned, and his voice echoed in the quiet hall, very clear.

“Still not coming? If not, I’ll go back to sleep.

Yu Chang also frowned and looked at an elder, “Where are the people?”

“Still in Lingxiao City!”

“Chief, it seems that they really want to go down to meet them, it is better to give them a face, after all, they are the special envoys of Zhongzhou.”

Some elders proposed so.

Lu Shaoqing shouted dissatisfied, “The people in Zhongzhou are amazing? The Zhongzhou people have the least credit, and the Zhongzhou people cannot be trusted in the slightest.

“Zhongzhou people, I want to fight once I see it!”

Especially the crow-mouthed Zhongzhou fat man, the old and tender want to beat.

“Fooling around,” finally an elder couldn’t help it, and drank, “so rude, it will make people laugh when the time comes.” ”

These elders have never been out of Qi Prefecture in their lives, and the five families and three parties in Zhongzhou are thunderous to them.

They are like rich people in a small city, and when they suddenly hear that the richest man in the capital city has sent someone to the small city, they can’t help but be in awe in their hearts, lest they offend the richest man in the capital.

For these elders, Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to get used to it, these elders also greeted him, and immediately pouted, “Rude? Could it be that Elder Fei wanted to kneel to greet you so that they could praise you for being polite?

“Tell you, what Zhongzhou envoy, annoyed me, see if I beat them to death…”

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