On the way back, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but complain about Shao Cheng.

“Master, what are you going to do?”

“Outsiders and dogs are not allowed to enter Tianyu Peak, why did you let Senior Sister Xia Yu come.”

Doesn’t that mess with me? Is there such a master?

When Shao Cheng heard this, he couldn’t help but panic in his heart.

He hurriedly glanced around a few times, and then cursed angrily, “Bastard, what are you talking about?” ”

Also outsiders and dogs.

If these words were heard by outsiders, Tianyu Peak would not be scolded to death by the leader?

When did Tianyu Peak dare to do this?

With this guy like you, you still dare to play big names?

Even if it is the number one Yuan Domain Peak, Dan Ding Peak, who is good at refining pills, does not dare to drag it like this, right?

Who is an outsider and who is a dog?

Lu Shaoqing pointed to Xiao Yi, who was following him, and said, “Look, this guy is about to close himself.” ”

In case you lose, you will be seen by Senior Sister Xia Yu, and you will not face Senior Sister Xia Yu in the future.”

“You who are a master, why don’t you think about your apprentice?”

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing resentfully.

Second Senior Brother, don’t think about me in a tone that can’t work, I’m panicking.

Xiao Yi asked again, “Second Senior Brother, what if I lose?”

Lu Shaoqing looked indifferent, considerate, and said, “If you lose, you will lose, whether there is anything, victory or defeat is a common thing in soldiers.”

Shao Cheng also comforted, and the image of a loving father was fully displayed, “Xiao Yi don’t need to be too nervous, besides, the other party is a foundation building second layer, not much more powerful than you.”

Shao Cheng had confidence in his apprentice.

To be precise, he had confidence in Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing would not joke about this kind of thing.

Xiao Yi’s heart was even more panicked.

It’s just a foundation building second layer, Master, you are a Yuan baby, you have nothing wrong with saying this.

What strength am I?

Building the second floor is a very strong opponent for me.

The difference between refining gas, building foundations, and settling is nothing.

It’s not like the Yuan baby, one realm, one day.

But it’s still two realms higher than me.

Xiao Yi still couldn’t calm down in his heart, and said, “But I, the other party has long been angry, and I’m afraid of fighting…”

That is to use all his strength, and even because of the second senior brother, he can still play beyond normal.

For this, Shao Cheng did not have any worries, and said, “Don’t worry, even if you lose, it will be fine.” ”

At that time, it will be a fight at the Heavenly Royal Peak, even if the people of the Yuan Pavilion hate Lu Shaoqing to the bone, they will not dare to kill Xiao Yi.

Even if Xiao Yi won the battle, it would only make Xiao Yi suffer a little, and he would not dare to act excessively with Xiao Yi.

This is the territory of the Lingxiao faction, unless they don’t want to live, they dare to kill Xiao Yi.

Hearing Shao Cheng say this, Xiao Yi’s face looked much better.

“Okay, Master, I’ll do my best.”

Lu Shaoqing followed, his tone was elusive, “Yes, just do your best.”

“It doesn’t matter if you lose, even if you have a punishment, you can’t die.”

“It’s like Master just bothered me yesterday, I’m fine, right?”

Xiao Yixin began to panic again.

From the tone of Lu Shaoqing’s words, she could hear Lu Shaoqing’s threat.

If she doesn’t defeat the other party this time, she will have to suffer.

Xiao Yi regretted it, why did he try to be quick at that time, and his mouth was cheap to cause Master’s bad memories?

She quickly assured Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, don’t worry, I will definitely defeat Zhang Zheng…”

Xiao Yi was working hard to cultivate in the courtyard.

Time is running out, and she has to hurry up to familiarize herself with the current realm.

In the competition three days later, it was foreseeable that the opponent would not show mercy to her subordinates.

Suddenly, I felt someone coming.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes.

Seeing the person coming, he was surprised, “Second Senior Brother.” ”

The person who came is Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly and said, “How?”

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“Have confidence?”

Xiao Yi hurriedly shook his head, never admitting that he had confidence, “No, Second Senior Brother, do you really want me to go up?” ”

It’s all this time, no confidence yet?

Lu Shaoqing’s tone changed and became stern, “The words are all out, should you tell me that you haven’t made up your mind yet?”

Lu Shaoqing narrowed his smile, and his gaze gradually became stern.

“If you don’t have that confidence, you say it now, and I can promise you not to let you go up.”

Not sure why.

Xiao Yi’s heart suddenly tensed.

She could hear that Lu Shaoqing’s words were not joking.

If she nodded, Lu Shaoqing would definitely not let her go.

Although this was the case, Xiao Yi had a voice in her heart telling her, telling her not to nod.

Xiao Yi had a hunch that if she nodded, she would make Lu Shaoqing disappointed in her.

Xiao Yi subconsciously shook her head, she didn’t want Lu Shaoqing to disappoint her, and said, “Second Senior Brother, I know, I will seriously defeat Zhang Zheng.”

This time, Xiao Yi was completely determined.

Only then did Lu Shaoqing smile.

“You said it yourself, I didn’t force you.”

Xiao Yi wanted to cry in his heart, you didn’t force it yourself, don’t you know it yourself?

Seeing Xiao Yi’s expression, Lu Shaoqing went straight to the subject, ready to give her a little support, “Okay, didn’t you say before that you wanted to learn my Meteorite Grand Summoning Technique?”

When Xiao Yi heard this, the depressed atmosphere in his heart suddenly disappeared, revealing his excited eyes.

“Second Senior Brother, you, are you going to teach me?”

Lu Shaoqing’s move, although Shao Cheng said that it was a fireball technique.

But in Lu Shaoqing’s hands, it was much stronger than ordinary fireball techniques.

Moreover, it is really like an extraterrestrial meteorite, handsome to the extreme.

Lu Shaoqing said, “If I don’t teach you, what am I doing here?”

The words made Xiao Yi even more excited, “Second Senior Brother, you are really good to me.

“Come on, I’ll only teach you once, if you can’t learn, don’t ask me.”

“If you lose in three days, see how I will clean you up.”

The true name of the Meteorite Grand Summoning Technique: Immortal Fireball Technique.

It’s from the ring.

There is a fairy character and it is also very powerful.

In order to avoid getting into trouble, I changed my name.

After passing on the mantra of this trick to Xiao Yi, and letting her try the mantra several times and find that there was no problem, Lu Shaoqing left here and let Xiao Yi cultivate by himself.

Xiao Yi got a new move and immediately practiced excitedly.

Xiao Yi comprehended the sword intent, cultivated the Qingping sword technique, and obtained this meteorite summoning technique taught by Lu Shaoqing.

It seems that there are not many tricks, but in Lu Shaoqing’s opinion, it is enough.

As for the other spell exercises, she would earn contribution points herself if needed and go to the sect library to learn them.

Time flies quickly.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

According to the agreement, Zhang Conglong brought Zhang Zheng and several other Gui Yuan Pavilion disciples to Tianyu Peak early in the morning.

Xiao Yi also came here early to wait.

Xia Yu, Bian Rourou and Fang Xiao, who were the audience, also came here.

Zhang Conglong glanced at it and did not see Lu Shaoqing’s figure.

Coldly said to Xiao Yi, “What about the others? ”

You’re alone?”

Xiao Yi was depressed, it seemed that the second senior brother had not gotten up yet?

Faced with Zhang Conglong’s tone, Xiao Yi hummed, “How? Am I not alone?

“Let your man come out and see how I clean him up.”

Zhang Zheng sneered and mocked, “It’s such a big breath, the strength of the people of Tianyu Peak is not very good, but the mouth is very powerful.” This

taunt was too simple for Xiao Yi.

Following the second senior brother all day, I didn’t dare to say anything else, at least the kung fu in my mouth had made great progress.

Xiao Yi pouted and easily counterattacked, “My senior brother’s strength is not very good, and he can make your eldest brother unable to raise his head.” Zhang

Conglong Qi, how did it get involved with me again, secretly gritting his teeth and saying hatefully, “Sharp teeth and sharp mouth, looking for death.”

“Up, go clean her up and let her know how powerful Gui Yuan Pavilion is.”

Zhang Zheng stood up, and Lu Shaoqing’s voice came, “What’s the hurry…”

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