Everyone looked at it, and Lu Shaoqing came out slowly.

Still yawning.

It’s like I just woke up.

Lu Shaoqing patted his mouth and said slowly, “I’m sorry, I almost overslept.”

“Blame my alarm clock for not working.”

The mouth said embarrassed, but the tone was not the slightest embarrassment

, and then scolded the alarm clock Xiaohong on the shoulder, “Silly bird, let you wake me up, what are you doing?”

Xiaohong rolled her eyes to Lu Shaoqing, not bothering to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing, and took care of herself to sort out her feathers.

It has recently molted, the previous feathers have almost fallen off, and the newly grown feathers are more shiny than before.

The people on Zhang Conglong’s side were so angry that their teeth itched.

The monks also took a nap.

Zhang Conglong, they all thought that Lu Shaoqing was deliberately humiliating them.

Even Xia Yu thought that Lu Shaoqing was intentional.

Only Xiao Yi knew that what Lu Shaoqing said was true.

His second senior brother really almost overslept.

Usually, the second senior brother oversleeps, and the long sword of the senior brother will go to wake him up.

After Lu Shaoqing came, he looked Zhang Conglong up and down before saying, “I thought you didn’t dare to come.”

Zhang Conglong’s eyes were cold, and he didn’t want to answer Lu Shaoqing’s nonsense.

Will he Zhang Conglong be afraid?

Even if it is a sea of sword and fire here, he will not flinch.

“Don’t talk nonsense, let your people suffer.”

Zhang Conglong didn’t want to wait for a moment.

He wanted to let his younger brother clean up Xiao Yi fiercely and take a good breath of evil qi in his heart.

If he could, he would want to do it himself.

Lu Shaoqing was not in a hurry, straightened his chest, put on a frame of an elder, and used a tone of lessons, “Young age, can you be calmer?” ”

What about the second person in Qizhou, I think you are the first urgent in Qizhou.”

After Zhang Conglong wanted to hit someone in anger, his voice changed, and he asked Zhang Conglong expectantly, “Do you have a spirit stone?” Zhang

Conglong frowned, do I have a spirit stone to shut you up.

Is this something you care about?

To such idiotic questions, he refused to answer.

Facing the silent Zhang Conglong, Lu Shaoqing smiled and comforted, “Don’t be shy, poor is poor, no one laughs at you.” ”

Oh, I’m sorry, your people who returned to the Yuan Pavilion were robbed, I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”

“Alas, I still want to give you a chance to gamble with me, let you win me, and vent your anger.” It doesn’t seem to work now. Zhang

Zheng and the other Gui Yuan Pavilion disciples were not lightly angry.

They were looted, penniless and desperately poor.

The long sword in Zhang Zheng’s hand was still given to him by his eldest brother Zhang Conglong.

Other than that, Zhang Zheng didn’t have anything of value on him.

As for the magic weapon or something.

Two words, no.

Zhang Conglong looked at Lu Shaoqing, suddenly smiled contemptuously, and smiled happily, “You? Want to bet with me? Zhang

Conglong seemed to have found an opportunity to laugh at Lu Shaoqing.

“How many spirit stones can your Lingxiao Sect have?”

“Even if you are a personal disciple, how many spirit stones can you receive every month?”

“Are the spirit stones you received enough?”

“What qualifications do you have to bet with me?”

The poverty of the Lingxiao faction is not a secret among the other two factions.

Relatives disciples can only receive a hundred Lower Grade Spirit Stones in a month, not to mention that compared to the Shuangyue Valley where rich women are piled up, even Guiyuan Pavilion is not comparable.

Therefore, in Zhang Conglong’s view, Lu Shaoqing is a poor ghost.

The cost of receiving spirit stone cultivation is tight, what spirit stones can be bet on?

Lu Shaoqing was happy in his heart, “If I didn’t have some spirit stones, would I dare to say such a thing?” ”

You have spirit stones?” Zhang Conglong sneered even more, “How many?” Hundreds, or a thousand?

“Less than 10,000 spirit stones, don’t come and bet with me.”

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Zhang Conglong’s tone was proud, and his words were full of disdain for Lu Shaoqing.

In and out of words, it seemed to be determined that Lu Shaoqing did not have a few spirit stones on his body, and he was a poor ghost.

The other Gui Yuan Pavilion disciples also supported their senior brother one after another.

Although we don’t have spirit stones anymore, our master brother does.

How many spirit stones do your Lingxiao faction guys have?

“Yes, you Lingxiao sent a poor ghost, dare to bet with the master brother on spirit stones?”

“If the number is too small, don’t take it out to avoid laughter.”

“It’s really a laughing death, all of you Tianyu Peak combined don’t have as many spirit stones as our senior brother.”

Lu Shaoqing was not angry, but very happy. It sounds like there are a lot of spirit stones.

I like this kind of person the most, and it’s cute no matter how you look at it.

Lu Shaoqing’s body revealed pleasure and asked Zhang Conglong, “So, you really have a lot of spirit stones on your body?”

Zhang Conglong raised his head, and his tone was full of pride, “It can be sure that it is, more than you.”

“Okay then!” Lu Shaoqing was even happier.

I like local tyrants the most.

With a wave of his big hand, a bunch of shining spirit stones appeared, blinding everyone’s eyes.

“Forty-seven thousand lower grade spirit stones, you can also take out this number, let’s gamble.”

“My junior sister won, your spirit stone belongs to me, lose, my spirit stone belongs to you, how?”

Forty-seven thousand lower grade spirit stones appeared in front of everyone like this.

Reflecting the sunlight, it is crystal clear and dazzling.

The highest strength in the realm present is Zhang Conglong, the ninth layer of Jiedan, and most of the others are in the Foundation Building Realm.

Spirit stones are used for cultivation, purchasing resources, etc., and are widely used and are the currency of cultivators.

Up to now, more than 40,000 spirit stones have been used.

However, with the tens of thousands of spirit stones that they can store in their current realm, I am afraid that there are few people.

The people of Twin Moon Valley may have.

However, seeing Bian Rourou’s shocked expression, it seemed that she did not have so much.

It is even more impossible for financial resources to return to the Yuan Pavilion that are inferior to Shuangyue Valley.

Among so many people present, only Xia Yu’s expression remained unchanged.

With an indifferent mood, she does not value these external objects.

However, Lu Shaoqing, a disciple of the Lingxiao Sect, actually possessed so many spirit stones, which still made her secretly surprised in her heart.

With so many spirit stones, how long does it take to save money.

Xia Yu looked at Lu Shaoqing and couldn’t help but admire in his heart.

Junior Brother Lu, who endures hardships and stands hard work, and saves money and uses thrift.

Zhang Conglong looked at the shining spirit stone in front of him, his expression was ugly, as if he was constipated.

Even if he was a senior disciple of Gui Yuan Pavilion, he couldn’t carry so many spirit stones on him.

For people of his realm, spirit stones are also resources, and it is enough to ensure that they are usually enough, and it is more cost-effective to exchange excess resources for other resources to enhance their strength.

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, he didn’t expect that the usually stingy second senior brother was so rich.

Obviously there are so many spirit stones, and they still want to soak her wool.

It’s abominable.

Looking at the spirit stone in front of him, Lu Shaoqing felt a little sense of accomplishment in his heart, these were all the fruits of his own labor.

He said to Zhang Conglong, “Come on, show it.”

“Let me see how many spirit stones you, the second person in Qi Prefecture and the first urgent in Qi Prefecture, can have.”

Zhang Conglong’s face was even more ugly.

This bastard, how can there be so many spirit stones. Was he robbed?

How did I meet this bastard, always eating deflated?

Zhang Conglong felt very uncomfortable in his heart, hateful, and he knew that he would not laugh at him with this.

Zhang Conglong never expected that Lu Shaoqing would have so many spirit stones.

But the words were all released, and now he had to bite the bullet, Zhang Conglong waved his big hand and took out all the spirit stones in his storage ring.

It was also a pile of spirit stones, but compared to Lu Shaoqing’s, it was more than half smaller.

The spiritual sense of everyone present swept by, and how many spirit stones were instantly clear in their chests.

Lu Shaoqing was upset in his heart, he thought that he could meet a fat sheep, but he didn’t expect it to be a poor ghost, cursing and cursing, very contemptuous, “Only more than 26,000 spirit stones?”

“This little spirit stone also dares to laugh at me? Who gave you courage? Cang Zhengchu that old product?

Zhang Conglong felt that his face hurt, and took out a few more jade bottles from the storage ring.

“Three pindan pills contain spirit pills, ten, is it enough?”

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