Lying groove, three pindan medicine contains elixir?

Calculate the price, about 20,000 spirit stones.

The price is also about the same.


Lu Shaoqing’s face was full of disgust, that dead ghost did not eat spirit pills, only spirit stones.

“No more spirit stones? Really poor. Zhang

cursed in his heart, what the I have, all my belongings add up to more than a million, you know a fart.

“Bet or not?”

“If you don’t dare, forget it.”

Zhang Conglong’s tone was a little inadequate.

After all, this face hurts a lot.

He never expected that Lu Shaoqing actually had so many spirit stones.

Where did this fuck go and grab it?

Damn, this bastard is really nasty.

Zhang Conglong stared at Lu Shaoqing, gritting his teeth in his heart.

He is usually in the eyes of others, domineering, self-respecting, and saying one thing.

In front of Lu Shaoqing, he was repeatedly deflated.

I don’t believe I can’t win you this time.

I don’t have as many spirit stones as you, but my brother is stronger than your junior sister, you wait to lose.”

“Let’s get started.”

Zhang Conglong hugged his hands and was full of confidence in his brother.

“The long sword in Zhang Zheng’s hand is a three-rank sword that I captured, and I don’t believe that smelly girl can have a third-grade long sword.”

Zhang Zheng was robbed, and all the weapons and magic weapons were gone.

Zhang Conglong gave his brother a third-grade long sword that he had previously captured.

A third-grade weapon, extremely sharp and powerful.

Spirit armor below the second grade could not resist.

In addition, Zhang Zheng is the realm of the second layer of foundation building, which is two small realms higher than Xiao Yi.

Such a realm, holding a sharp weapon.

Zhang Conglong didn’t think his brother could lose.

The disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion around him also said one after another, “Yes, Senior Brother Zhang Zheng made a move, and that smelly girl lost.”

“Wait and see how that Lu Shaoqing cries.”

Speaking of Lu Shaoqing’s three words, the disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion gritted their teeth one after another.

I can’t wait to smash it into pieces.

For the first time, someone dared to provoke a disciple of Gui Yuan Pavilion like this, and it was also possible for them to not dare to make a move easily.

Such encounters made them hate madly.

Zhang Conglong looked at Lu Shaoqing, who was smiling and staring at the spirit stone in front of him.

I also hate it in my heart.

Let you be proud first, and let you know regret later.

Zhang Conglong shouted at his younger brother, “Zhang Zheng, show all your strength and teach her a hard lesson.” ”

Ouch, full of confidence. Lu Shaoqing smiled secretly in his heart.

Do you think I’m doing things for nothing these days?

Your brother was yin by me, even if he recovered in the past few days, he is a body that has just healed.

It will definitely not be able to exert ten percent of its strength.


Lu Shaoqing reminded, “Don’t forget the gifts that Senior Brother and I gave you.

Xiao Yi was stunned, and then reacted.

With a flip of the wrist, a long sword with a red hilt appeared, and then a red spirit armor was worn on the body.

In an instant, Xiao Yi changed from a cute little girl next door to a heroic female cultivator, heroic and compelling.

Xiao Yi, who was dressed in a third-grade spirit armor and held a third-grade long sword, suddenly burst into confidence.

Three-grade weapon armor, this is already the normal equipment of cultivators in the Jiedan period.

Generally speaking, the cultivators of the foundation period are usually the weapons and equipment of the second grade.

Zhang Zheng in front of him was just holding a third-grade long sword.

As for the rest.

Spirit armor, no.

Magic weapon, no.

As a disciple of the Great Sect, Zhang Zheng could see at a glance that the spirit armor on Xiao Yi’s body was a third-grade spirit armor.

For a while, he didn’t know whether to attack or defend.

With the three-pin spirit armor, Xiao Yi was already invincible.

Looking at the spirit armor on Xiao Yi’s body, there was also a third-grade long sword that was not inferior to the one in his hand.

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Zhang Zheng was sad and indignant in his heart and wanted to cry.

He was fleeced twice in Lingxiao City and was bald.

The third-grade long sword in his hand was still given by his brother.

Now the other party not only has a third-grade long sword, but also a third-grade spirit armor.

It’s still hairy.

Even if he was two realms higher than Xiao Yi, he was a little less confident.

Zhang Conglong saw that his brother was actually frightened by the other party like this.

So angry that his hair stood on end.

Is this still worthy of being Zhang Conglong’s younger brother?

“Zhang Zheng, what are you doing? Come on! ”

Zhang Zheng can’t do it, he can only bite the bullet.

His strength is not strong, his talent is average, and he is far worse than his eldest brother Zhang Conglong.

He could only be regarded as an ordinary sect disciple.

He swung out his long sword, and a sword shot towards Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi’s combat experience is not rich, and she takes it seriously in the face of the incoming sword mang.

The three-rank long sword in his hand was decently facing Zhang Zheng’s sword radiance.


Easily resisted, Xiao Yi’s confidence skyrocketed.

“This is your strength?”

Building the second layer of the foundation, the strength is average.

Xiao Yi was puzzled and overjoyed at the same time, and it seemed that it should not be difficult to deal with.

She immediately used the Qinglian Sword Technique.

Countless undercurrents appeared, like ferocious beasts lurking underwater, undercurrents surging, choosing people to eat.

The surrounding aura undercurrents swallowed up, forming a large net that tightly surrounded Zhang Zheng.

Zhang Zheng’s face was solemn, and Xiao Yi’s sword technique made him feel more pressured.

However, not to be outdone, he took a step back and also used his sword technique.

Defuse Xiao Yi’s attacks one by one.

Then he squeezed the magic technique with both hands and pointed at Xiao Yi.

The surrounding air became hot and furious, and the fire element in the air gathered.

A fireball appeared out of thin air, forming at a fast speed, almost instantaneously, and roaring towards Xiao Yi.

This is an ordinary fireball technique, but its power should not be underestimated.

Once hit, you have to be seriously injured if you don’t die.

The speed of the fireball was extremely fast, and in an instant, it came to Xiao Yi.

The high temperature made Xiao Yi’s face change slightly, and she hurriedly retreated to open the distance.

At the moment when the fireball hit her face, the long sword narrowly split the fireball in half.


Xiao Yi’s face turned pale.

Seeing that he was just an ordinary fireball technique, he was able to force Xiao Yi to retreat.

Zhang Zheng’s confidence has greatly increased.

Find a way to defeat this girl.

Zhang Zheng sneered proudly and mocked, “I thought how powerful you were, it turned out to be the same as your senior brother, with a powerful mouth.”

“Look at the move!”

Gaining momentum, Zhang Zheng once again operated the trick.

Suddenly, several fireballs appeared, encircling and attacking towards Xiao Yi.

Zhang Conglong, who was watching the battle, had a satisfied smile on his face.

Very happy with my brother’s performance.

The disciples of Guiyuan Pavilion next to him whispered.

“The other party has a third-grade long sword and a third-grade spirit armor, and melee combat does not have any advantage.”

“In that case, it’s better to distance yourself and use spells against her.”

“That’s right, the little girl has just built the foundation, and the way of using spiritual power is naturally inferior to Senior Brother Zhang Zheng.”

“Even if she uses the magic technique, it is impossible to be the opponent of Senior Brother Zhang Zheng.”

“We won…”

Zhang Conglong nodded secretly in his heart, yes, as long as it goes on like this, Xiao Yi is not Zhang Zheng’s opponent.

Zhang Conglong’s gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing.

Hmph, see what you can do now?

However, he saw that Lu Shaoqing’s face was not flustered, but he still kept staring at his spirit stone.


Zhang Conglong felt contempt in his heart.

At this moment, Xiao Yi shouted, “Don’t fool people too much, look at me.” ”

Meteorite Grand Summoning…”

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