A huge fireball appeared in the sky, carrying billowing smoke, falling from the sky and smashing towards Zhang Zheng.

Looking at its momentum, it seems that it is really a meteorite falling from the sky.

After Xia Yu next to him saw it, his expression did not change, and he glanced at Lu Shaoqing lightly.

Her gaze was meaningful.

Seeing this extraterrestrial meteorite-like fireball, she remembered the even bigger fireball she saw that day.

With one blow, he almost crushed the fourth-grade spirit talisman that was comparable to a blow in the Yuan Infancy Period.


Is it passed to Sister Xiaoyi now?

Xia Yu looked at Lu Shaoqing and secretly said in his heart.

No wonder there is such confidence. Don’t worry that Sister Xiaoyi will lose.

Everything is ready.

Then Xia Yu’s gaze fell on Zhang Conglong.

Compared to Lu Shaoqing, in the three days, the people of Gui Yuan Pavilion did not seem to have made any preparations.

Zhang Zheng didn’t add anything, only a three-rank long sword, and if he rushed into battle, could he not lose?

Zhang Conglong was also stunned to look at the large fireball rolling down the sky.

What kind of magic this tower meows is unheard of.

And Zhang Zheng was almost scared to pee.

Is this also fireball?

Why is it so big?

Why is it so oppressive to me?

Xiao Yi’s move was aimed at him, and the fireball falling from the sky had firmly locked him.

Even if he escapes, he may not be able to escape.

Zhang Zheng, who knew that it was useless to escape, roared angrily and did everything he could.

The spiritual power in the body operated, and several fireballs appeared again in an instant.

And the appearance of these fireballs almost drained the spiritual energy in his body.

“Give it to me!”

With a loud shout, Zhang Zheng pinned all these hopes on his fireball technique.

Several fireballs scrambled to get the lead, desperately falling straight into the sky to get the big fireball.


The two collided, and explosion after explosion occurred.

Smoke rose and flames splashed.

The smoke emitted covered the sky above everyone for a while, and the sky was not visible.


Xiao Yi couldn’t help but exclaim, and the imposing fireball disappeared into the explosion.

After Lu Shaoqing saw this scene, he secretly shook his head in his heart.

I still have to practice.

However, it is not bad that this girl can practice to this point in a short time.

At that time, I practiced repeatedly in the time house for almost half a year before I could use it proficiently.

Don’t look at Lu Shaoqing’s usual scolding and scolding, always spraying Xiao Yi stupid.

In fact, Xiao Yi’s talent is no worse than others.

She can be called a genius.

Of course, it’s just an ordinary genius, and there is a gap compared to the genius of the demon.

The Immortal Fireball Technique made by Xiao Yi was huge, but it was actually powerful.

It can even be said that Zhang Zheng’s flesh blocking bullet will not have much problem.

Xiao Yi has only practiced for three days, and it is not bad to have such a momentum that can scare Zhang Zheng.

It shows that she has talent.

As for the power, this needs to be slowly tempered in the future.

Zhang Zheng saw that his fireball did not take much effort to defeat Xiao Yi’s big fireball.

I couldn’t help but be stunned.

Such a weak chicken?

Then he was furious, and he was actually frightened.

Lost the dead.

“You give me death!”

Zhang Zheng wielded a long sword, and his figure was like lightning, straight towards Xiao Yi.

“Why did Senior Brother Zhang Zheng change his attack again?”

The onlookers of Gui Yuan Pavilion were puzzled.

After breaking Xiao Yi’s attack, you should take advantage of the victory and pursue, continue to attack in the way you just now, and you can win more easily.

Zhang Conglong snorted coldly without explanation.

However, the gaze that looked at his brother was full of appreciation.

There was not much spiritual power in Zhang Zheng’s body, and it was no longer realistic to use the fireball technique to deal with Xiao Yi like just now.

Only by using the three-rank long sword in his hand could Xiao Yi taste the bitterness.

Hmph, my brother’s sword skills are no worse than that girl’s.

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That girl’s move just now had almost exhausted her spiritual power.

She is definitely no match for my brother.

Zhang Conglong’s heart was full of confidence.


Xiao Yi’s side was very angry.

The first time he used the Great Meteorite Summoning Technique taught by his second senior brother, he wanted to surprise Zhang Zheng, and also wanted to let everyone see how powerful she was.

But I didn’t expect Zhang Zheng to break it easily.

Let her calculations fall short.

In that case, I’ll surprise you again.

“Give me death.”

Xiao Yi shouted loudly

, and the third-grade long sword in his hand swung out, and the long sword light lit up.

A soft but sharp breath is revealed.

Zhang Zheng’s pupils shrank sharply, and the expression on his face gradually became frightened.



Zhang Zheng screamed, blood splashed, like a kite that flew out of the line.

Zhang Conglong shouted in a lost voice.

‘Sword, sword intent?’

Zhang Conglong couldn’t believe it, he looked at the light of Xiao Yi’s long sword and felt that sharp breath.

He wanted to curse.

What the hell, what is the Heavenly Royal Peak?

Why did Ji Yan comprehend the sword intent, and this smelly girl also comprehended the sword intent?

Sword intent.

This is something that Zhang Conglong dreamed of comprehending in his dreams.

On the other hand, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t comprehend it.

He finally pinned his hopes on the breakthrough of the Yuan Infant, comprehending the laws of heaven and earth, and then comprehending the sword intent.

Looking at Xiao Yi, who comprehended the sword intent, although it was only the first sword intent, it was a real sword intent.

Zhang Conglong’s eyes were red.

Envy died.

Jealousy died.

That night, he witnessed that Ji Yan had reached the third sword intent realm, and the sword heart was clear.

He was even more eager to comprehend the sword intent.

Now I saw Xiao Yi, the girl, who also comprehended the sword intent.

Zhang Conglong was very impulsive, grabbed Xiao Yi and tortured him to ask how he comprehended the sword intent.

The other Guiyuan Pavilion disciples were also shocked.

Unexpectedly, another person from Tianyu Peak comprehended the sword intent.

Could it be that Tianyu Peak has any unique tips?

And the three Xia Yu who were watching the battle looked as usual, without any surprise.

Xiao Yi comprehended the sword intent, and the three of them already knew it.

Fang Xiao looked at Zhang Zheng, who flew out upside down and didn’t get up for a long time, and said, “Zhang Zheng lost.”

Then she glanced at Lu Shaoqing.

Still as scary as ever.

Xia Yu looked at Zhang Conglong and secretly shook his head.

By this time, Xia Yu had also figured out many things.

She said, “Senior Brother Zhang has already fallen into Junior Brother Lu’s calculations from the beginning.

Bian Rourou didn’t quite believe it, “How is this possible?”

“He counts today?”

Xia Yu shook her head, she was not sure about this.

But a voice inside her told her that this was the way it was.

“So you win?”

Xiao Yi was a little unbelievable, a little doubtful if it was true.

After she entered the Heavenly Royal Peak, she followed Lu Shaoqing to the secret realm for the first time.

In the secret realm, whether it was the opponent Gong Ding, Xin Zhi, or the fierce beast demon beast, she fought very hard.

Now against Zhang Zheng, she won so easily.

Although the spiritual power in her body was almost exhausted, in her senses, it was easy to win.


When Lu Shaoqing saw that his junior sister had won, he was satisfied and laughed.

“Your brother is not powerful.”

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on the pile of spirit stones in front of Zhang Conglong.

Just about to collect what belongs to you.

Zhang Conglong suddenly said, “Slowly…”

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