“How?” Lu Shaoqing looked at Zhang Conglong unpleasantly.

Does this kid have to repent? If you dare to repent, I will burst your dog’s head.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was unkind, and he was very suspicious that Zhang Conglong wanted to repent, “You shouldn’t regret it, right?”

Zhang Conglong looked at Lu Shaoqing, his eyes flashed, and he did have an impulse to repent, but remembering his identity, he could only suppress the impulse and said, “You have to answer me a question.” ”

If he repents here, it will only add to the joke.”

Zhang Conglong pointed at Xiao Yi and asked with anticipation, “How can she comprehend the sword intent?” ”

I have been pursuing sword intent for many years, but I can’t enter it.

Seeing Xiao Yi, this little girl actually comprehended the sword intent.

He didn’t mention how envious and jealous he was.

Eager to comprehend the sword intent, he couldn’t care about the contradiction between himself and Lu Shaoqing, and asked it directly.

Does this guy have a problem losing to the brain? Lu Shaoqing just wanted to give him a roll of his eyes.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, put away the spirit stones and elixirs in front of Zhang Conglong, and asked with concern, “You don’t have a problem with your brain, right?”

“Need a doctor?” I can introduce you to one for a cheap fee.

Zhang Conglong was stunned at first, and then reacted.

Isn’t this self-inflicted?

This guy is damn it, don’t let me find a chance. Zhang Conglong’s heart was full of hatred, staring

at Lu Shaoqing, “You…” “What are you,” Lu Shaoqing was not afraid of Zhang Conglong at all, a small sample, and then he dared to provoke my Tianyu Peak people, and then even your pants would be ripped off, “Don’t you have points in your heart?” Lu

Shaoqing treated Zhang Conglong unceremoniously, and he had no intention of being friends with Zhang Conglong or the people of Gui Yuan Pavilion.

I have dealt with the people of Guiyuan Pavilion before, and the people of Guiyuan Pavilion are extremely domineering, and Lu Shaoqing does not like these guys from the bottom of his heart.

This time, Cang Zhengchu actually dared to kill Ji Yan and kill him.

It made Lu Shaoqing have no good impression of Guiyuan Pavilion.

As for comprehending the sword intent, even Xia Yu did not dare to ask.

This involves the secrets of cultivation. How is it possible to show people.

Zhang Conglong actually dared to ask, and Lu Shaoqing didn’t mind stepping on Zhang Conglong again.

“Isn’t comprehending the sword intent as simple as drinking water?”

“You can’t comprehend it, don’t say anything else, you can only say that your own people can’t do it.”

“I wonder, how dare a guy like you claim to be my senior brother’s opponent?”

“Now it seems that it should be your self-styled, smelly and faceless, you are the first faceless in Qizhou.”

After listening to Xia Yu, who was watching the battle next to him, his face also showed a little depressed expression.

No more indifference.

Although Lu Shaoqing was despising Zhang Conglong.

But Xia Yu felt that he was also despised.

Because she is also a person who does not comprehend the sword intent.

According to Lu Shaoqing’s meaning, she is not a person.

Xia Yu noticed that Zhang Conglong’s hand was trembling, and couldn’t help sighing.

Such Zhang Conglong also looked quite pitiful, Xia Yu said in a low voice, “Senior Brother Zhang can’t beat Senior Brother Jiyan, and he can’t get any bargain when he meets Senior Brother Lu.” ”

It can be said that Zhang Conglong can’t help the pair of junior brothers Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing.


Xia Yu’s gaze was meaningful, and he secretly said in his heart, Senior Brother Zhang, you still don’t know how strong the strength of the person standing in front of you is.

Lu Shaoqing not only had a strong mouth, but even his own strength was no worse than anyone present.

At least Xia Yu didn’t have the confidence to beat Lu Shaoqing.

Zhang Conglong’s body was trembling.

Lu Shaoqing’s words were like knives, poking fiercely in his heart, and after poking, he had to pour salt on the wound.

“You, damn it!”

Zhang Conglong’s heart was full of endless killing intent, and at this moment, the killing intent towards Lu Shaoqing reached its peak.

He had never had such a strong urge to kill someone.

Lu Shaoqing was the first.

Zhang Conglong did not hide his killing intent towards Lu Shaoqing, and it permeated the surroundings.

Mockup, dare to do it? Lu Shaoqing said lightly, “My master is here, do you dare?” This

is very threatening.

Zhang Conglong’s expression froze.

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Although he was domineering, he couldn’t wait to slaughter Lu Shaoqing immediately.

But he didn’t dare.

If he dared, he would have made a move when he gathered in the Immortal Tower.

Because of what Cang Zhengchu had done to Ji Yan, Zhang Conglong did not dare to mess around.

He did not dare to give Shao Cheng a chance, so as not to die young.

What a damn fellow, hmph, will only rely on the waste of the master. Zhang Conglong stared at Lu Shaoqing and suddenly smiled, “You can only rely on your master Yu Meng.”

“Let’s go!”

Good men do not suffer immediate losses, and if they continue here, they will only be laughed at.

“Don’t go, you haven’t called me grandpa yet.” Lu Shaoqing kindly reminded Zhang Conglong, “If you leave like this, you will be laughed at.” ”

I’m special, I call you grandpa before I get laughed at.”

Zhang Conglong was determined to repent, no matter what, it was impossible to call Grandpa Lu Shaoqing.

When he didn’t hear it, he turned away with the people.

Lu Shaoqing did not have to force them to call grandpa.

Alas, for the sake of spirit stones, don’t worry more with them.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand happily, “Don’t send it, from the dragon grandson, come to me next time you have a spirit stone, and make sure you are satisfied.” Many

Guiyuan Pavilion disciples covered their chests, they were afraid that they would explode with anger.

Zhang Conglong did not have any abnormalities, did not speak, looked straight ahead, and left with a firm step.

But if you pay a little attention, you will find that Zhang Conglong’s fist has never been released.

has been holding tightly, full of killing intent.

Zhang Conglong never thought that he, who was usually high, would be deflated one after another after coming to the Lingxiao faction and meeting Lu Shaoqing.

Even more hateful, he has no way to fight back.

Lu Shaoqing backed the mountain of Shaocheng and ate him to death.

Lu Shaoqing felt very difficult for him, even in the face of Ji Yan, he did not feel so difficult.

Ji Yan went straight to the end, even if he lost in Ji Yan’s hands, Ji Yan would not beat the falling water dog like Lu Shaoqing.

Just ignore him.

At that time, he still felt that Ji Yan’s disregard was very hateful.

Today, I found out that compared to Ji Yan’s disregard, Lu Shaoqing’s practice was more hateful.

Wait, you wait for me, you won’t be here in the Lingxiao Sect one day, and then I’ll let you know what regret is….

Looking at the domineering Guiyuan Pavilion, everyone left silently like this.

In front of Lu Shaoqing, he couldn’t take advantage of it, and left grayly, and Bian Rourou’s heart was very complicated.

Even Zhang Conglong couldn’t take advantage in front of Lu Shaoqing, let alone her.

She remembered the words of Senior Sister Xia Yu in her mind.

It seems that don’t provoke him for the time being, and teach him a good lesson when you have the opportunity in the future. Bian Rourou said to herself in her heart.

Wait for the opportunity, this is called forbearance for now, hum.

The main reason is that the current Lu Shaoqing is strong and shameless, and Bian Rourou feels that she can’t help Lu Shaoqing.

It is not good for her to continue to work with Lu Shaoqing.

In fact, Bian Rourou did not find that she had actually developed a fear of Lu Shaoqing.

As for when the fear arose, she didn’t know.

Xia Yu saw Zhang Conglong and their gray departure, and his back looked so silent.

She turned her head to look at her junior sister, she didn’t want her junior sister to be like this at that time.

Noticing Xia Yu’s gaze, Bian Rourou smiled bitterly, “Senior sister, I know how to do it, I won’t trouble him.”

“It’s best to think like that.”

Xia Yu was relieved that his junior sister still figured it out.

In fact, there is no benefit at all in making enemies of people like Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi jumped to Lu Shaoqing’s side and stretched out his hand towards Lu Shaoqing for a spirit stone, but was slapped away by Lu Shaoqing’s palm.

“I’m poor, don’t worry about my spirit stone.”

“Second Senior Brother,” Xiao Yi rubbed his little hand and reacted, “Are you calculating Zhang Conglong?” From

this point of view, it is not to dig a hole for her, but to dig a hole for Zhang Conglong.

Today’s Zhang Conglong not only lost the spirit stone, but even his face was thrown on the ground and trampled on fiercely.

Lu Shaoqing did not answer this question, it was not bad that the stupid junior sister could think of this, Lu Shaoqing ordered her, “Send Senior Sister Xia Yu and them back.”

Xia Yu didn’t want to leave here, and she suddenly said to Lu Shaoqing, “Junior Brother Lu, I wonder if I can live in Tianyu Peak for a while?” ”

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