A lazy voice wanted to sound, and then a blue-shirted young man yawned and appeared in everyone’s sight.

Seeing this, some elders could no longer tolerate this kind of behavior.

“Lu Shaoqing, this is the deliberation hall, you have a correct attitude.”

“That’s right, this is not the Heavenly Royal Peak, not where you sleep.”

“It’s not a place for you to be lazy either.”

Many elders were very dissatisfied with Yu Chang in their hearts, what were they doing here with this person?

Do you deliberately want to lose the face of the sect?

Lu Shaoqing didn’t bother to pay attention to these elders, and he greeted Ao Jun and Gongsun Qing with a smile, “Two, long time no see.” Ao

Jun and Gongsun Qing’s faces turned pale at this time, and their hearts beat violently, as if they saw a terrifying existence.

In fact, for the two of them, Lu Shaoqing was indeed a terrifying existence.

The Qi family’s Ao Beiluo, the Ao family’s Ao Changdao, and the Ao monks went to hunt down and kill Lu Shaoqing, all of which fell.

Although there was news that it was a Late Transformation God Late Nine-Layer Realm existence named Mu Yong who killed them.

But everyone knows that the fall of the three gods is absolutely inseparable from Lu Shaoqing.

This time, if it weren’t for someone forcing them, they wouldn’t have dared to come here as special envoys.

Before they saw Lu Shaoqing, they felt that they were still, and they were the uncle of Zhongzhou.

After seeing Lu Shaoqing, the two felt that they were a poor little sheep.

However, in front of so many people, the two of them could not show cowardice.

“Hmph, long time no see!” Ao Jun didn’t want to let himself act so intimidated, and said coldly with a straight face.

However, this sentence was like a fuse, which angered Lu Shaoqing.

I saw Lu Shaoqing jumping up, like a sturdy cheetah pounced on its prey, pounced on Ao Jun and Gongsun Qing.

The two were suddenly shocked, they never expected that Lu Shaoqing would suddenly make a move.

By the time the two reacted and thought of doing something, it was too late.

A powerful divine consciousness shrouded, like the dark curtain of this day, shrouded the two, and the terrifying coercion made Ao Jun and Gongsun Qing, who were in the infant stage, tremble.

The movement slowed down, and then the two of them felt as if their heads had been smashed hard by a sixth-level divine hammer.

With a buzz, the eyes of the two turned black.

Lu Shaoqing flew over and kicked the two to the ground.

Then in the shocked eyes of everyone, they pressed the two to the ground to clean up.

Punch by punch, while scolding while hitting, “Arrogant? ”


“Special envoy of Zhongzhou? What a majesty.

“This is my place, when will it be your turn to go wild with you Zhongzhou guys?”

“It’s okay if you’re not polite to me, you’re not polite to my boss, you’re not polite to my uncle, you don’t want to live, right?”

Yu Chang and Lu Ji looked at each other, feeling relieved, and at the same time felt a light on their faces.

Special envoy of Zhongzhou? Haven’t you been beaten by my family’s disciples?

However, the two quickly laughed bitterly again.

This kid really exceeded their expectations.

It seems that he said that the people who beat up the five families and three factions are true, not bragging.

Lu Shaoqing smashed down with a punch, which could not kill people, but it could make people feel painful.

Ao Jun and Gongsun Qing were beaten and screamed.

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The two cried to death in their hearts, how could they beat people as soon as they met?

After so long, is this bastard still so arrogant and unreasonable?

Also, isn’t this the hall of his sect?

Why does this bastard dare to hit someone here?

Are their heads and elders dead?

So far, I haven’t said a word.

“Okay, Shaoqing!” Yu Chang’s heart was dark, and when he saw that it was almost the same, he quickly opened his mouth so as not to kill them by Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing stopped, clapped his hands, and finally gave them a kick, “Get up for me.”

Finally, an elder who reacted pointed at Lu Shaoqing and said, “Lu Shaoqing, what are you doing?” ”

This is the people of Zhongzhou, the people of the five families and three factions in Zhongzhou, what is the difference between beating them and beating the five families and three factions?

Lu Shaoqing’s actions frightened these elders.

Lu Shaoqing sat down again and said slowly, “They don’t know how to be polite, and I can’t see how to be polite, so I have to teach them what it means to be polite.” The

elders suddenly felt a sullen breath blocked in their chests, making it difficult to breathe.

Don’t know how to be polite, do you have the face to say this?

Who is the least polite, you yourself have no points in your heart?

Some elders covered their chests and huffed, “Do you know what you are doing? ”

You’re going too far.”

This is the special envoy of Zhongzhou, representing five families and three factions.

What’s the difference between you like this and smoking the faces of five families and three factions?

Aren’t you afraid of causing trouble to the sect?

“What’s excessive?” Lu Shaoqing was strange, and asked the elder, “Tell me, what’s too much?” ”

It’s not too much to beat someone?

The elder tugged at his white beard and wanted to jump up and theorize with Lu Shaoqing, “Are you doing this as hospitality?” ”

Isn’t it?” Lu Shaoqing was very strange and said to him, “Ask them, do you have any opinions?”

Everyone’s gaze couldn’t help but fall on Ao Jun and Gongsun Qing.

The two roared in their hearts, hateful! Hold back!

The two hated the sky, and they couldn’t wait to fight with Lu Shaoqing.

However, even after a long time has passed, Lu Shaoqing’s murderous name is still the same.

His legend still lives in Zhongzhou.

Although the two of them have made great progress over the years and are already in the late stage of the Yuan Infant, they still dare not be arrogant in front of this Great Demon King.

Therefore, the two stood up, forcibly endured the pain in their bodies, took a deep breath, and then saluted Lu Shaoqing respectfully, “We are abrupt.” The

actions of the two suddenly froze everyone here in the hall.

The elders suspected that they had seen the wrong eye.

How did the two special envoys, who were arrogant and proud just now, become so respectful and courteous?

Are the bones of Nakashu people soft?

After being beaten like this, he was actually not angry, but also became polite.

How are Zhongzhou people cheap?

Lu Shaoqing did not speak, but stared at the two with a sneer, his eyes were faint, as if he wanted to see through the minds of the two.

The two suddenly felt numb scalps and great pressure….

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