The two bowed again, lest Lu Shaoqing beat them again, Gongsun Qing barely squeezed out a smile, trying to make himself laugh, “After twenty years, Gongzi’s demeanor is still the same.”

However, his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and he laughed like crying.


The elders looked at it, and their heads were suddenly covered with black lines.

Lu Shaoqing, who was picking his nostrils and playing his boogers, had a hairy demeanor.

In which sect, dare to pick their noses in the hall of the council, the behavior of flicking the boogers, it cannot be said for ten years and eight years without facing the wall.

Are you two blind?

Is this called style?

Lu Shaoqing flicked his finger and pointed at Yu Chang, “This is my master!”

The two hurriedly saluted Yu Chang, “I’ve seen Yu Zhangmen!”

Lu Shaoqing pointed to Lu Jidao again, “This is my uncle.” ”

I’ve seen Lord Lu Feng!”

Shouting Lord Lu Feng, what does this mean?

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was even deeper, indicating that they had already done their homework.

He sneered in his heart, and then pointed around, and the elders were dumbfounded.

To be able to be saluted by the envoy, this face has light.

However, Lu Shaoqing put his hand away and did not intend to introduce these elders.

After staring at the two for a while, Lu Shaoqing asked with a smile, “You two said, I’ll deal with the Demon Clan, is it enough?”

“Enough, enough!”

The two did not dare to come out, and nodded repeatedly.

Gongsun Qing even said, “With Lu Gongzi’s move, the end of the demon race has arrived.”

“Okay, you can roll.”

As if amnestied, the two hurriedly turned around and left.

Lu Shaoqing stood up, stretched out in the eyes of everyone, and said to Yu Chang, “How big a thing, do you need this?” Yu

Chang was crying and laughing, and the people from Zhongzhou, known as special envoys, made the whole sect nervous.

As a result, the other party saw Lu Shaoqing like a mouse seeing a cat, and he didn’t dare to put one more.

If you were beaten, you have to say that you beat well.

The elders also opened their mouths and looked at Lu Shaoqing stupidly, their minds were blank, and they didn’t know what to say.

They thought that the envoy who was currying favor was as docile and well-behaved as a rabbit in front of Lu Shaoqing, and such a contrast made their brains blank, and they didn’t react for a long time.

“Okay, so be it, I should go.”

Lu Shaoqing stepped out and instantly disappeared into the council hall, and the elders looked at each other.



Yu Chang stood up and snorted, “What’s wrong with such behavior?”

“He is disrespectful to the boss!”

“His move is easy to cause disaster for the sect!”

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“This trip is disrespectful!”

“Yes, there is no square circle without rules, you must punish him, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public.”

The elders couldn’t help it, and they all complained to Yu Chang, hoping that Yu Chang would punish Lu Shaoqing.

Yu Chang sneered, iron-hearted to protect the calf, “Is it? How do I not think? ”

This kid is giving me face, didn’t I see you people, didn’t he give face at all?

If you have his ability, don’t say that you are not polite to me, the position of the head can be given to you.

The elders were stunned, so you didn’t intend to punish him?

Is he your illegitimate son?

No wonder you haven’t been looking for a Taoist.

Also, you ignore the opinions of us elders and act arbitrarily, aren’t you afraid of sect pills?

Yu Chang waved his hand impatiently, “Dispersed…”

Ao Jun and Gongsun Qing both looked panicked, leaving directly from the Lingxiao faction, running as fast as they could.

The two of them looked bitter, and they ran all the way for tens of thousands of miles before stopping.

Stopping Gongsun Qing couldn’t help but scold, “It’s really unlucky.”

Ao Jun also gritted his teeth and was resentful, “Who made us a collateral clan? ”

In front of the Yan family, our collateral clan is no different from outsiders

” After being depressed for a moment, Ao Jun looked in the direction of the Lingxiao faction and asked, “How to report back when you go back?”

Gongsun Qing’s face became even more bitter and indignant, “Naturally, he is very strong and can’t be tempted.”

“He was already a Avatar twenty years ago, and now he must at least be in the late Avatar Stage, right?”

“Just tell them this.”

“Oh?” Suddenly, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, “Who are they?” Is it Ao De, Gongsun Lie, them?

Then Lu Shaoqing appeared in front of the two with a smile, making Ao Jun and Gongsun Qing’s bodies stiff, and their hands and feet cold.

Ao Jun and Gongsun Qing were scared to death, why did this guy still follow?

After all these years of cultivation, the two of them have reached the late stage of the Yuan Infant and are powerful.

However, as they said before, Lu Shaoqing had already been a god of transformation a long time ago.

After so many years, no one knows what strength realm he is now.

The difference between Yuan Ying and Huashen is like a cloud of mud, although the two of them have some talent, they are not comparable to people like Lu Shaoqing.

They also didn’t think they could be better than the elders of the Qi family and the Ao family.

For Lu Shaoqing, they hated to death in their hearts, but they couldn’t give birth to the slightest heart of resistance, on the surface they were still respectful, and they didn’t dare to let themselves show the slightest dissatisfaction, and the two respectfully saluted Lu Shaoqing, “Lu, Lu Gongzi!”

The two were uneasy in their hearts, but they had acted too much today, which made this cautious guy hate.

Lu Shaoqing stared at the two, and he touched his chin, “I’m strange, you should know that the Lingxiao Sect is my sect, and you also know that I am here in the sect, but you two actually dare to come as special envoys.”

“After you came, you still want my boss to go out to meet you, what are you thinking?” Can you satisfy my curiosity? ”

This is the reason why Lu Shaoqing followed, these two guys came here, looking like they were sent towards Ling Xiao, but they were actually coming at him.

Lu Shaoqing felt that his smile was kind and kind, but in the eyes of Ao Jun and Gongsun Qing, it was like a devilish smile.

The two had numb scalps, and they didn’t know whether to answer for a while.

“Don’t say yes? Don’t blame me for being unkind. Lu Shaoqing narrowed his smile, and the killing intent he exuded almost scared the two of them.

The two did not want to be killed here, and hurriedly said, “Say, we said…”

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