Above the sky, dark clouds seemed to suddenly emerge from the void, and a few short breaths covered the entire sky, and the heavens and the earth also became dark in an instant, and it was difficult to see the five fingers when reaching out.

Then the razer in the sky rolls and winds, and the electric light flickers in the clouds from time to time, adding a little light to the dark earth.


Thunder sounded in the clouds, and lightning thundered in the clouds.

Lu Shaoqing raised his head, the thick cloud of calamity was constantly accumulating strength, and the powerful coercion was constantly increasing.

The wind howled, the sky shook, and after living here for decades, the animals of hundreds of years felt such a terrifying heavenly power for the first time, frightening them into the distance.

The coercive pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and under the strong pressure of the clouds, the ground continues to shake, as if an earthquake has occurred, and the tremor is getting stronger and stronger.


Finally, the power of the robbery cloud was completed, and a white thunder fell.

The thunder tore through the air, cut through the sky, and fell fiercely towards Lu Shaoqing with the aura of destruction.

Lu Shaoqing faced the falling thunder, did not dodge, nor did he take out any magic weapons or call formations to resist.

He faced the thunder and used his body to welcome the arrival of the thunderbolt.


The speed of the thunder was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it came to Lu Shaoqing from a height of 10,000 meters and slashed at him fiercely.

Shrouded in a strong electric light, turning into a dazzling sun, Lu Shaoqing disappeared in an instant, and there was only a dazzling light in heaven and earth.

The light quickly disappeared, and Lu Shaoqing reappeared.

“Whoosh!” At this time, Lu Shaoqing shouted, lifted it, and howled, “It hurts me.”

Lu Shaoqing spat out a mouthful of white smoke, his hair was fluffy, and the roots stood up.

The clothes on his body were fine for the time being, but under the clothes, his body was red.

The power of thunder is not a joke, this slash, Lu Shaoqing felt as if thousands of sledgehammers were smashed on him.

Having cultivated the Taiyan Body Refining Technique, his physical body was so strong that even the physical body of the Demon Race in the same realm could not compare with him.

The first thunder did not leave any wounds on his body, but the pain could not be avoided.

Lu Shaoqing’s side hurriedly used spiritual power to heal his injuries, and the redness on the surface of his body disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The pain was also subsiding, but before Lu Shaoqing could be happy, the second thunder came again in a roar.

Before Lu Shaoqing’s side could heal his injuries, the second thunder hit him hard, knocking him away.

The body smashed into the mountains like cannonballs, thousands of meters underground.


Lu Shaoqing was a little injured this time, not serious, but it was just as painful.

He rushed out, pointed at the clouds in the sky and roared, “Can you lighten it, I will die of pain.”

“Also, chopped so fast, do you want me to reincarnate?”

Lu Shaoqing wanted to cry, others crossed the robbery, and it took half a day to get the next thunder, giving enough time.

He poured well, this side is like a fart, poof, I can’t wait to finish it all at once.

“Does Heavenly Tribulation also fart? Dog Day!

Lu Shaoqing cursed, greeting the Heavenly Tribulation while hurrying to heal his injuries.


The clouds rotated slowly, and the black pressure clouds gave people heavy pressure.

I don’t know if it was the reason why Lu Shaoqing scolded, or if it was some other reason, the third heavenly tribulation did not fall for a long time.

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Lu Shaoqing’s side has healed his injuries and become alive again, and after more than a quarter of an hour, he has not seen the heavenly calamity fall, and Lu Shaoqing is very satisfied.

“Good, now we can continue.”

As soon as the words fell, a huge roar immediately emitted from the clouds, and it seemed that he couldn’t wait.

A huge and incomparable thunder fell towards Lu Shaoqing.

This robbery thunder is larger and thicker than the two robbery thunders just now combined.

In Lu Shaoqing’s line of sight, this huge thunder became the only one in his eyes, covering the sky and occupying the entire sky.

The power of the explosion was even more terrifying than the previous two robbery thunders combined.

“Your sister!”

Lu Shaoqing was scared.

After holding back for so long, is it originally holding back a big move?

As the saying goes, the longer the CD, the more powerful it is?

Now it seems that farting is still good.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t dare to delay, without saying a word, he waved his big hand, the light flashed, the formation arranged in advance operated, and the white light turned into a shield, protecting him behind him.

“Click! ”

Several level four large arrays did not have the slightest effect in front of the thunder, and the shields quickly melted like spring snow.


Lu Shaoqing shouted in fright, “Bastard, come out to work!”

Above him, a golden ball of light appeared, like the rising sun, rising into the sky.

The dripping ball of light looked ordinary, but to Lu Shaoqing, this was the strength for him to dare to cross the calamity here.

In the past twenty years, as Lu Shaoqing’s strength has improved, he has also been able to control the golden ball of light in front of him.

It can’t be done to kill people, but it can still be done by summoning the body to block the thunder.

The golden ball of light is formed by the fusion of golden thunder and black lightning, and when crossing the divine calamity, the golden ball of light has already shown the ability to devour the robbery thunder.


The thunder fell, all of them fell on the golden ball of light, and then all were devoured.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were brighter, with this plug-in, is it not easy to cross the calamity?

Lu Shaoqing felt good in his heart, watching the golden ball of light dripping and spinning, Lu Shaoqing pointed at the robbery cloud and shouted, “Come on, continue to fart, don’t hold back for me.” ”

Heavenly Tribulation also knows how to hold back big moves, is there still Heavenly Reason?

Doesn’t Heavenly Dao care?


As if he could understand Lu Shaoqing’s words, the huge thunder fell again.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes widened, as if they were about to bulge.

“Your sister,” Lu Shaoqing cried out, “farting is also a big move? You’re on hold! ”

However, with the golden ball of light, Lu Shaoqing can’t cause any damage.

The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh huge terrifying thunderbolts were all absorbed by the golden ball of light.

The ball of light that absorbed the thunder seemed to become larger.

After the seventh thunder, Lu Shaoqing became proud, “Haha, so easy, crossing the robbery is equivalent to vacation, I don’t believe you can chop me to death!”

However, as soon as his words fell, the golden ball of light suddenly disappeared….

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