I’m full.

An emotion spread to Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, and first slapped his mouth, “How has it taken so long, and the effect of the crow’s mouth?”

“Wish me a hundred small goals for income a year!”

Then he broke his mouth and cursed, “Your sister, you are full, what should I do?”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t wait to rush in and grab the golden ball of light to greet him properly.

Can you eat enough and won’t say a word in advance?

Say it in advance and you won’t have to be as fast.

“This little belly is also embarrassing to learn people as foodies?”

Lu Shaoqing looked up to the sky and sighed, “There are a bunch of foodies around, and few of them are reliable!” Looking

at the slowly rolling robbery clouds, it seemed that he was holding back his big move.

Lu Shaoqing whispered softly to Yu Yun, “Big brother, tap!”

“I’ll admit, I just spoke a little louder, didn’t scare you?”


The eighth robbery thunder fell, the momentum was not large, and it was not as thick as the previous few robbery thunders.

The previous several robbery thunders covered the sky and were extremely coarse, but this eighth robbery thunder is the normal size of robbery thunder.

Lu Shaoqing was overjoyed and said loudly, “I know that the eldest brother is good!” ”


The eighth thunder streaked across the sky, and a golden light flashed in the sky.

Lu Shaoqing only discovered that something was wrong.

The eighth thunder was a golden thunderbolt, streaked across the sky, like a golden dragon soaring into the sky.

The coercion of heaven and earth soared in an instant, the ground trembled, making a booming sound, and the powerful coercion was like an invisible palm pressing the ground down a layer, and the ground was endless smoke and dust.


Lu Shaoqing’s scalp was numb, and he shouted badly, “Changed skills?”

“Is there any heavenly reason?”

“Such a Heavenly Tribulation, Heavenly Dao, don’t you care?”

Lu Shaoqing shouted while quickly taking out various magic weapons from the storage ring.

So much robbery, not much else, many magic thieves.

There are few sixth-level magic weapons, fourth-level magic weapons can be wholesale, and there are many fifth-level magic weapons.

The fourth-level and fifth-level magic weapons were thrown out one after another, soaring into the sky, attacking and defending.

A colorful light lit up around Lu Shaoqing, and a thick shield protected him behind him.

However, this did not add much security to Lu Shaoqing.

“Boom!” Golden thunder fell.

“Click, click…” The

colorful shields were like paper paste in front of the golden thunder, shattered one after another, and the magic weapons also turned into pieces.

The power of the golden thunder had hardly weakened much, and it slammed firmly on Lu Shaoqing’s body.

“Your sister!”

Lu Shaoqing could only shout, and then sprayed blood from his mouth, flew thousands of miles upside down, and smashed into the ground again.

The robbery thunder dispersed, and the robbery cloud was still slowly rotating, brewing the next robbery thunder.

“It hurts me!”

Thousands of meters underground, Lu Shaoqing lay in the dirt, so painful that he put on a mask of pain.

From time to time, some electric arcs flashed on his body, the surface of his body was blurred with blood and flesh, and his internal organs were split into positions like they were displaced, and he felt pain when he took a breath.

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The blow of the golden thunder was nothing less than the all-out blow of the late stage of the Avatar God.

Even if it is the late Yuan Infant, it will be melted by this blow.

“Huhu…” It

took a long time for Lu Shaoqing to crawl out from under the ground, embarrassed.

The wound on the flesh recovered, but the body was still hot and painful.

The power of the eighth thunder made him lose half of his combat power.

His hair stood up again, messy like a chicken nest, and the paralysis and pain in his body made him cry.

If nothing else, the current of the thunder robbery alone was enough to make him want to die.

That’s a lot more than 100,000 volts.

Lu Shaoqing stuffed a handful of pills into his mouth, and at the same time, his body was like a black hole, absorbing all of Fang Yuan’s spiritual energy.

But even so, the aura in his body did not return to its heyday.

Looking inside, there are cracks in the body, the rift is nothing, it seems to be real, this kind of crack is not a simple physical injury, it can be restored by relying on elixir.

This is the scar left by the Heavenly Dao in his body, and if he wants to get better, he must survive the Heavenly Tribulation, and only when the Heavenly Dao acknowledges it, the rift will disappear and heal.

If he can’t get past it, the rift will turn into a tool to devour his life soul, making him disappear from this world completely.

“Your sister!”

Seeing his body like this, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but sigh again.

“Crow mouth or something, really the most annoying.”

“See you once in the future!”

The Yuan Baby in the body has been completely shrouded in white fog, and there is no shadow in sight.

After surviving the Heavenly Tribulation, the Yuan Infant transformation disappeared into the Yuan God and entered the refining period.

Yuan Shen can become an avatar, the only external incarnation, which is different from those refining incarnations.

However, these have to survive the heavenly calamity, but if they can’t survive, they won’t die, and this life will be wasted.

Lu Shaoqing swallowed another handful of pills, feeling the majestic spiritual power in his body, he raised his head and said to the clouds, “Come on, big brother, try to be light, okay?”

“Give some face, the meaning will do.”

I was given face before, why don’t I give it today?

A moment later, a boom sounded.

This time it was still golden thunder, coming straight at him.

“Depend, really don’t you give face?”

“Isn’t it good to give something white? I don’t like gold!

Lu Shaoqing cursed, and the Mojun sword appeared in his hand and shot at the thunder.

Black and white flames appeared in the sky, turning the sky into a sea of fire, burning the sky and destroying the earth, shrouding the thunder in it.

More than ten silver rays of light descended from the sky, cut through the black sky curtain, descended into the world, and killed towards the thunder.

With another wave of his hand, a huge fireball fell into the sky, smashing towards the thunder like the sun.

Finally, Lu Shaoqing drank, “Eight forbidden ghost kings!” The

dark sky suddenly fell with a silver light, shining on his body.

There seemed to be a buzz between heaven and earth, and a huge looming pattern appeared at Lu Shaoqing’s feet, and the pattern was full of mysterious and obscure words.

At the same time, there was also a void figure standing on Lu Shaoqing’s head, but it quickly disappeared, and then there seemed to be something more around Lu Shaoqing.

Even the air became thicker because of this.

Star Moon Immortal King Forbidden!

Lu Shaoqing looked up at the still menacing thunder under his attack, gritted his teeth and said, “Come on!”


Thunder fell, lightning raged …

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