Lu Shaoqing stood up and faced the frightened Tuoba Hui three, “How is it?”


Tuoba Hui and the three nodded, afraid.

Your sister, who can not be afraid?

The Yuan baby, who was stronger than the three of them, was punched by a little girl.

And he swallowed the Yuan baby in front of them.

What’s the difference between making them watch horror movies?

“Great, my lord…”

Tuoba Hui trembled, and almost knelt down and begged for mercy.

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “I’m human!”

“Senior, senior!” Tuoba Hui wanted to cry to Lu Shaoqing, “I, we are also forced to helpless. ”

Demon Clan, it’s too strong, we are not opponents at all.”

“Demon Clan…”

At this moment, a loud shout came from a distance, “Lu Shaoqing! Heaven

and earth roared, a powerful aura erupted, and the terrifying sword intent was like a violent storm wrapped in Dao Dao sword light and blasted towards Lu Shaoqing.

The strong sword light overwhelmed the sky, and a mighty wave descended from the sky, completely shrouding Lu Shaoqing in it.

The overwhelming sword light tore through the earth and shattered the void.

The spaceship under Lu Shaoqing’s feet turned into powder in an instant and disappeared into endless sword light.

Along with that, Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Hei disappeared, and it seemed that only the sword light that strangled everything remained between heaven and earth.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the three of Tuoba Hui fled to the side as soon as possible, and the three looked at the sword dust in the distance in horror.

“Too, it’s terrible.”

“I, we can’t die.”

Although I was terrified, I was also happy in my heart.

Just now, Xiao Hei let the three of them watch a horror movie, and the three of them once thought that they were dead.

Unexpectedly, Jian Chen suddenly made a move, and the monstrous anger made Tuoba Hui and the three wonder if Lu Shaoqing had gouged the ancestral grave of Jian Chen, otherwise how could Jian Chen be so angry?

Looking at the dazzling sword light raging, Tuoba Hui’s companion whispered, “He’s dead, right?

Tuoba Hui affirmed, “He’s dead!” Lord Jianchen was so angry that anyone could not escape death even if the Immortal Emperor came. The

sword dust sword was beyond Tuoba Hui’s imagination, and he didn’t think anyone could survive under such a terrifying sword.

Another companion asked in a curious whisper, “Why is Lord Jianchen so angry?”

Why he was so angry, Tuoba Hui didn’t know, but Tuoba Hui smiled proudly, “It’s so good, with Lord Jianchen here, we are safe.” ”

Hahaha…” the more Tuoba Hui thought about it, the happier he became, and even laughed loudly, “Let you be rampant, make you arrogant.” He looks like a dog, but he doesn’t know what it means to be a person who knows the time.

“When the Holy Race comes, this world will be theirs sooner or later, I will wait as a cultivator, take the first step to surrender, and in the future, we can also go further.”

Tuoba Hui’s two companions also burst out laughing, but just as the three laughed.

Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, and he shouted loudly, “Lean, you old thing, you destroyed my ship.”

“Don’t you know that my sect is poor now? My spaceship finally came from the hands of the boss, and he just lost it for me?

“You’d better pray that you have a boat in your storage ring, or I’ll have to greet your whole family even if you die.”

The three of Tuoba Hui seemed to be pinched by the neck, and they could no longer laugh.

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The sword light fell, Lu Shaoqing’s figure appeared, and Xiao Hei grabbed Lu Shaoqing’s hand and shook it, like a swing.

There was nothing going on with the two.

Tuoba Hui three people scalp numbness, what are the ingredients of these two guys?

Didn’t such a terrifying sword kill them?

“Lu Shaoqing!”

Jian Chen’s angry voice came, and he rushed over from a distance, his eyes spitting fire, as if he saw the murderer of his father.

“What’s it called?” Meeting Ben Handsome for the first time?

Jian Chen laughed angrily, his expression was hideous, “Haha, good, finally found you, kill you today!”

Lu Shaoqing was strange, he saw Jian Chen for the first time, “When did I offend you?”

“As for being so ruthless as soon as we meet? Do you know that it is easy to die, there is such a big hatred? ”

Jian Chen is even more angry, and by this time he is still pretending to be confused?

“My sword family is at odds with you.”

“Naa, this kind of thing came out, didn’t everyone get along quite happily at that time? At least I didn’t kill Kenichi. Jian

Chen couldn’t hold it, like an old wolf who broke through defenses, “You killed my brother!”

Lu Shaoqing was even more strange, his hands were spread, and he looked very innocent, “Your brother? Who?

“You make it clear, or I’m not done with you.”

“You give me death!” The sword dust trembled, and his anger had reached the extreme, and he slammed a sword at Lu Shaoqing, the sword qi roared, and the killing intent rushed to the sky.

“I’m going to kill you and avenge Jian Wu!”

The three of Tuoba Hui, who were closer, felt numb and terrified.

Your sister, what is the origin of this bastard Lu Shaoqing?

The three of them heard the terrifying truth from the conversation between Lu Shaoqing and Jian Chen.

It seems that Lu Shaoqing has been engaged in swordsmanship before?

And killed Lord Jianchen’s brother?

And Lu Shaoqing was also a little stunned.

Sword Five is dead?

However, Lu Shaoqing quickly reacted, and the trap he laid was successful, when Jian Wu rushed to the front, and it was normal to be killed. Sword Five should have a common topic with Pang Juan, but think about it, with the power of the multicolored Xun Demon Stone, Sword Five should become a slag, and die worse than Pang Juan.

Thinking of this, Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and flicked it, and when he sounded, the sword light in the sky, the terrifying sword intent, disappeared in an instant.

Sword dust is terrifying!

He is also a god realm, he was almost able to enter the middle stage, and Lu Shaoqing in front of him just stretched out his hand and flicked it, breaking his attack?

“You, you…”

A terrifying thought churned in his mind, but he didn’t dare to think about it, it was terrible.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and pressed against Jian Wu, signaling him not to be impulsive, “Come, tell me, did Mu Yong blow up?” ”

That bastard Mu Yong dreamed of killing him.

It’s not him, where will he be so embarrassed.

It doesn’t matter if others die or not, Mu Yong’s death is gratifying.

Jian Chen suddenly shot at Lu Shaoqing again, “Die!” ”

The sword light rushed into the sky, covering the sky, this is the strongest sword of sword dust, and then, he turned around and fled!

“Alas…” Lu Shaoqing shook his head, stretched out his hand, and above the sky, a huge fireball fell from the sky…

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