“So, what is that?”

The three of Tuoba Hui looked up, frightened the whole person stupid.

A huge fireball burned like a sun that had actually fallen from the sky.

The three Tuoba Hui on the ground felt the blazing temperature, terrifying power.

The huge fireball fell with the momentum of destroying the world, shrouding the sword dust in it.

There is no way to avoid sword dust, there is no way to retreat, and it can only resist vigorously.

Jian Chen shouted angrily, “Break it for me!” ”

At the moment of life and death, sword dust did not dare to keep his hand anymore, the spiritual power in the body operated, the sword intent exploded, and the momentum climbed to the extreme, and then he swept the sword fiercely, the sword light was radiant, and his whole person seemed to turn into a divine sword, rushing up to the sky with a thick sword intent.


The large fireball fell, with unparalleled momentum, colliding with sword dust.

And at the moment of collision, Jian Chen finally determined one thing.

Refining period!

Only in the Refining Void Period could there be this kind of power that he could not resist as a Avatar Period.

“Damn, damn it!”

Jian Chen couldn’t believe that more than twenty years ago, Lu Shaoqing was only in his infancy, and he was chased by his brother Jian Wu and fled like a dog.

Although everyone has improved rapidly over the years, including him, a member of the sword family who is not very talented, has also entered the Avatar God.

But compared with Lu Shaoqing, the gap is not too big.

Jian Chen was unwilling, and his heart was full of endless resentment.

At this moment, however, it’s too late to say anything.

The large fireball devoured his attack and swallowed him in it by the way.


Jian Chen could only scream unwillingly, and disappeared into the large fireball.


The huge explosion, even the city more than ten miles away was also shrouded in it, the flames burst into the sky, the fire on the ground was like a fire dragon, and the blazing temperature melted the ground.

Mountains melted and disappeared in the firelight, and finally a huge pit appeared in the ground.

Lu Shaoqing came to the three of Tuoba Hui, and said to them a little embarrassed, “I’m sorry, I’m not used to it.” ”

This is the first actual battle in the refining period, and the strength is still not controlled too well.

If the power of the Immortal Fireball Technique used by Lu Shaoqing in the Yuan Infancy Period was a basin of water, the Transformation Period was a pond of water, and the Refining Period was a vast ocean.

A hundred Transformation God Stage cultivators were not comparable to a single Void Refining Period cultivator.

With the improvement of Lu Shaoqing’s strength realm, the power displayed by the mysterious origin and the Immortal Fireball Technique that surpassed the heaven-level exercises became more and more powerful.

At least, with one blow, an Avatar was reduced to ashes in the firelight.

The three of Tuoba Hui were scared to pee.

Show them horror movies again.

Tuoba Hui plopped down on his knees, “Senior, senior, spare your life!” ”

Tuoba Hui doesn’t want to die, otherwise he wouldn’t be a traitor and bring the demon clan to harm his own people.

Lu Shaoqing looked down on Tuoba Hui, an internal traitor, a traitor, and no one would like it.

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Yin Qi rushed over, brandishing his giant sword, and shouted angrily, “Let me hack them to death.” ”

I was actually deceived by this kind of person.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly stopped Yin Qi, “Don’t be impulsive, I’m still useful.” ”

Lu Shaoqing doesn’t care about Tuoba Hui’s life or death, but right now, Tuoba Hui is of some use to him.

“They are traitors, what are they keeping for?”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand at her, signaling her not to worry, “No one can be a saint or sage, give him a chance to rehabilitate.”

“yes, do you want it?”

“Yes, yes!” Tuoba Hui nodded hurriedly, eager to light out a flower from his head.

Yin Qi was still unwilling, and continued to wield the giant sword, murderous, “It’s best to kill him.” ”

What’s the use of keeping him?”

“Naturally useful.” Lu Shaoqing looked at the ruined city and the dead demon race, a little helpless.

The demon race spread to three states centered on Taocheng, and the three states have not organized effective confrontations to this day.

Even the Lingxiao faction had no intention of making a move, and it was false to defend the glory of Qi Prefecture and contribute to the Terran race.

Only self-interest is real.

Everyone is watching Zhongzhou’s actions.

However, Zhongzhou only sent a special envoy, just let the door of the state send a hand, and did not even draw a big pie, and the fool would take the initiative to make a move.

Ling Xiao sent Lu Shaoqing out, which was already considered thin-skinned.

So, there is no real front, only the occupied zone.

The understanding of the demon race is only a little bit from the population who escaped from the fallen area.

And the authenticity of most of the intelligence has yet to be confirmed.

Lu Shaoqing originally planned to capture a few demon races and ask for information.

Originally, Jian Chen was the best candidate, but helplessly, Jian Chen was too weak, and it would become a slag with one move.

Thinking of this, he deeply despised Jian Chen, “When did the sword family have this kind of garbage?

“Still dare to say that Kazuken Five is a brother? Held the wrong one as a child? Or picked up? Said

, said, and patted his head again, “Marde, forgot their storage ring, it was so fierce all of a sudden, there was not even slag left.” ”

Tuoba Hui is a traitor, now as a waste use, Lu Shaoqing asked Tuoba Hui, “How much information do you know about the Demon Clan?” Tell me everything you know…”

Tao Cheng has now become the lair of the demon race, and fools are going there.

Even if Lu Shaoqing was refining, he didn’t plan to go.

What if the Demon Race also pops up a few refining periods?

Ask for information, find a suitable place to squat, and be beautiful.

“Senior, it’s like this…..”The

demon clan came to attack, and Tuoba Hui immediately surrendered with people after the people of his own family died seven seven eight eight, and became a lackey of the demon clan.

The demon race, led by the cultivators of the Transformation God, supplemented by the Yuan Infant Cultivators, and mainly the cultivators of Jiedan and Zhuji, continued to spread in the form of armies, and all the human beings who were unwilling to surrender were slaughtered along the way, and the means were extremely cruel.

After Jian Chen led people to slaughter a mortal city, he used it as a stronghold to sweep away the human beings in Fang Yuan.

This is a common method used by the demon race, which can eliminate the Terrans in the occupied area to the greatest extent.

Tuoba Hui and these traitors wandered around, looking for human cultivators, deceiving the trust of human cultivators, and then slaughtering them with demon cultivators.

When he heard this, Yin Qi was so angry that he drew his sword again, “I’ll hack you to death…”

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