Tuoba Hui and the others hurriedly shook their heads and said they didn’t know what happened.

“Sir, we really don’t know what happened.”

“Sir, I was looking for the whereabouts of humans outside, and as a result, there was an explosion, and when I returned, Lord Jianchen had disappeared, leaving only a huge deep pit.”

“Yes, there was a fierce battle, and before we had time to come back, Lord Jianchen was…”

“Sir, this matter has nothing to do with me and the others…” Except

for Lu Shaoqing and a few people, the others really didn’t know what happened.

However, the demon race who came here had a bad gaze, murderous spirit, and no patience, and roared angrily, “Shut up for me!”

Then he glanced at everyone, “If you don’t tell what happened, you will all die!” Several

people next to him also burst out in an instant, all of them were the strength of the Yuan Infancy Period, and the strong sense of oppression paralyzed some low-strength human traitor cultivators on the ground.

Although many of the traitors are in the infancy stage, they cannot give birth to any resistance heart.

If you are not afraid of death, if you dare to resist, you will not be a traitor.

Sensing the killing intent of the demon race, someone immediately jumped out, pointed at Lu Shaoqing and Yin Qi and shouted, “Sir, I haven’t seen the two of them.

“There is a problem with both of them.”

Someone took the lead, and someone immediately followed, pointing at Lu Shaoqing and Yin Qi, “That’s right, it’s also the first time I’ve seen them.”

“They weren’t with us before.”

“The two of them may be treacherous.”

Lu Shaoqing is good to say, but Yin Qi can’t keep a low profile if he wants to.

Childlike big breasts, as long as it is a normal person will notice.

And also with a blackbird, no matter how you look at it, it is conspicuous.

Being pointed at by so many people, Tuoba Hui stiffened and said, “Sir, the two of them want to join the Holy Family, and I took them to find Lord Jianchen, but it was still one step late.

“I also hope that the adults will know it!”

The Demon Race cultivator led by him had a cold gaze and scanned Lu Shaoqing and Yin Qi.

When he swept over Yin Qi, his gaze was still a little different.

Such majesty, even the Holy Family, has never had it.

Lu Shaoqing smiled at him and said, “Sir, I can swear allegiance to the Holy Family!”

“Hmph!” The Demon Race cultivator snorted coldly, and then pointed at Lu Shaoqing, “You cut yourself and said that you colluded with the human cultivator to attack Lord Jianchen.

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, is this okay?

Dare to say that you are not human?

You do not lack the bad roots of mankind.

Lu Shaoqing shouted loudly aggrieved, “Adult, it’s not fair, why me?” Is it because I’m handsome? Sure

enough, handsome people can’t keep a low profile if they want to.

The demon cultivator laughed, “If you don’t cut yourself, don’t blame us for doing it, when the time comes, the women around you will also die together.”

“If you want to save her life, just do what I want.”

Then, he pointed to the many traitors and said softly, “If you cut yourself, all of them will not have to die.” ”

What a vicious thing this is, one sentence made Lu Shaoqing stand on the opposite side of everyone.

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He doesn’t want to die, and others will let him die.

Immediately, an anxious traitor monk shouted, “Boy, you hurry up and cut yourself, otherwise, don’t blame me for being unkind.” ”

Boy, take your life, carry this crime, we will help you take care of your woman.”

“Boy, there will be a happy way to die by yourself, otherwise, hehe…” If

Lu Shaoqing’s strength was low, he was really powerless to resist.

Seeing everyone pointing the finger at him, Lu Shaoqing sighed helplessly and pointed at Yin Qi, “Let her die, okay?” The

protective desire in everyone’s hearts suddenly came up and became murderous.

Such a touching woman is also willing to give up?

Damn it!

“Boy, are you still not a man?”

“Damn it, my lord, let’s kill him.”

“Kill him, such scum, absolutely cannot be kept.”

“Little girl, come to Ye’s side, Grandpa will protect you…..”

Yin Qi was very itchy next to him, and he wanted to pull out the giant sword to Lu Shaoqing a few times, is he such a senior brother?

The demon cultivator shook his head, very disdainful, “It is indeed a lowly human being, who has revealed his inferior roots in the face of death.

Then, without saying more, he said to the many raped monks, “Kill him, and all the responsibility will be put on him.”

“Haha…” Many

traitors are in a good mood, and some people are scapegoats, which means they can live.

“Don’t worry, my lord, this kid will be handed over to me.”

“I will definitely let him die a painful death and avenge Lord Jianchen

…” “Haha, boy, you take your life…” Many

traitors and cultivators were overjoyed, except for Tuoba Hui.

The three of Tuoba Hui were also secretly happy here.

Sure enough, you guy is so annoying everywhere.

Shoot, hurry up, fight when the time comes, and let several avatars here come together to clean him up.

Lu Shaoqing’s strength exceeded Tuoba Hui’s imagination, and in Tuoba Hui’s opinion, only a few gods of transformation could join forces to defeat Lu Shaoqing.

Tuoba Hui and the three carefully took a few steps back to distance themselves from Lu Shaoqing to avoid being affected.

Seeing that everyone was about to make a move, Lu Shaoqing suddenly shouted, “Slowly, I have something to say.” The

cold demon cultivator didn’t have the heart to listen to Lu Shaoqing’s words at all, he turned around coldly and ordered, “Do it!”

Lu Shaoqing could only drink again, “I know Master Miao Ya!”

As soon as these words came out, Huo Ran, a demon cultivator who turned around and planned to leave, turned around and stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly, “You, know Miao Ya?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Yes, I don’t believe you let her come to see me.” ”

Absurd,” someone immediately reprimanded, it was another Demon Race cultivator, he came forward and stared at Lu Shaoqing in amazement, “You as a human dares to say that Master Miao Ya came to see you?”

“Also, I’m from the Miao family, I haven’t seen you, how do you know Master Miao Ya?”

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Low-level cultivators don’t inquire about high-level affairs, forget it, you don’t call it, I’ll call it myself…”

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