After Lu Shaoqing finished speaking, he hugged his hands and said coolly, “Wait, she will come soon.” The

confident look made everyone wonder.

It seems to be a little bit true.

The Demon Race cultivator who claimed to be the Miao family stared at Lu Shaoqing in amazement, and after a moment, he spoke again, “Do you really know my young lady?” ”

Nonsense!” Lu Shaoqing despised fiercely, “It’s all said, low-level cultivators don’t inquire about the things of the upper levels, it’s not good for you.” ”

Kill him!” The demon cultivator couldn’t help it, and drank loudly, “Kill him, the human who killed Lord Sword Dust.” ”

Find death!

Tuoba Hui sneered beside him.

At this time, do you dare to be arrogant and look for death?

Do you really think you know Master Miao Ya?

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, “Who are you going to kill?” Then

a young girl floated in, wheat-skinned and a little wild.

She looked at her clan with cold eyes, which frightened the Yuan Infant cultivator and hurriedly bowed his head, “Miss! The

person who came was Miao Ya of the Demon Clan, and she saluted Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, long time no see.” Seeing

Miao Ya saluting Lu Shaoqing, all the traitors were in an uproar.

Do you really know the big man of the Demon Clan?

Yin Qi was stunned beside her, and what Lu Shaoqing had said to her suddenly sounded in her ears.

I have someone on the demon side.

Thought it was bragging, but I didn’t expect it to be true.

Yin Qi is not a curious person, but at this moment she also wants to pull Lu Shaoqing’s ears and let him explain what is going on.

Lu Shaoqing glanced at Miao Ya and said with a smile, “I thought you didn’t recognize me.”

Miao Ya shook her head and smiled smartly, “Gongzi said and smiled, Gongzi’s strength is amazing, it is my honor to know Gongzi.” ”

Lu Shaoqing has turned the world upside down in the Holy Land, even if the Holy Land wants to block the news, it can’t be blocked.

There are too many people, the news spreads ten, ten and hundred, and the legend of Lu Shaoqing is already circulating on the cold star.

Miao Ya has been in contact with Lu Shaoqing and has a good impression of Lu Shaoqing.

The demon race worships the strong.

Lu Shaoqing went to the Holy Land and turned the Holy Land upside down, enough for Miao Ya to become Lu Shaoqing’s fan.

Although he knew that Lu Shaoqing was human, it did not prevent Miao Ya from being polite to Lu Shaoqing.

What’s more, Miao Ya still has her own plans.

“Gongzi, please over here, this is not the place to talk.”

“Okay!” Lu Shaoqing readily agreed, “Let’s go, it’s strange here.”

Miao Ya was overjoyed, “Gongzi, please!”

Lu Shaoqing and Yin Qi took the lead, Miao Ya glanced at Tuoba Hui and these traitors, and said coldly to the surrounding demon cultivators, “All killed, didn’t you hear Gongzi say that it stinks?” ”

Humans who surrender have no place here in the Demon Race.

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Tuoba Hui and the others were shocked and shouted one after another, “Lord, spare your life!” ”

Master Miao Ya, I’m waiting to know it’s wrong!”

“Master Miao Ya…”

However, they were greeted by the cold expression and fierce attack of the Demon Clan.

Yin Qi couldn’t help it, and asked Lu Shaoqing, “You, really know the people of the Demon Clan?” ”

Lu Shaoqing is a Terran, how can he know the Demon Clan?

Yin Qi couldn’t figure it out, and it was hard to accept.

Instead, Lu Shaoqing asked Yin Qi, “Do you know how the head praises me?”

Yin Qi nodded, “You know, the head said that you are lazy to eat, the first lazy person in the sect.”

Lu Shaoqing was injured, “He didn’t praise me for being honest?” ”

Honestly?” Yin Qi rolled her eyes, “You? ”

Nonsense,” Lu Shaoqing said coolly, “The most honest person in the Lingxiao faction is me, I never lie to people, I know when I say I know, you see, did I lie to you?”

Yin Qi was speechless for a while, “Well, you are a Terran, why do you know the Demon Clan?” Doesn’t it mean that the Terrans and the Demon Race are incompatible?

“That’s a liar, you believe it?” The demon race is also a person, what is the incompatible? Lu Shaoqing disagreed, “In fact, it is a war between the country and foreigners.”

“As for how to know the Demon Clan, it’s a long story, so let’s not talk about it.”

Seeing this, Yin Qi didn’t ask anymore, she changed to another question, “What do you want to do now?” ”

This is the Demon Race camp, there are several gods alone, aren’t you afraid to come here?

When Yin Qi heard that there were several avatars, her heart beat slowly for half a beat.

“Surrender! Aren’t you worried that you won’t be able to defeat the Demon Clan? So I will take you directly to surrender in one step, so that you don’t have to worry about not being able to fight. Lu Shaoqing looked at Yin Qi and said sincerely.

“I…..,” Yin Qi was angry by Lu Shaoqing’s desire to hit someone, and he wanted to pull out his giant sword, “What do you want to do?” You don’t make it clear to me. I’m not done with you. ”

Let’s find out the situation…”

Yin Qi’s eyes widened, “You want to find out the intelligence?” As for this? What if she betrays you when the time comes? ”

Yin Qi’s confidence in Miao Ya, after all, one is a Terran and the other is a Demon Race.

As the saying goes, if you are not of my kind, your heart will be different.

Yin Qi was a hundred guarded against Miao Ya, no matter how she looked at it, she thought that Miao Ya would sell them.

“Don’t worry, even if you are betrayed, you will surrender if you can’t beat it.”

Without leaving the surrender, Yin Qi’s urge to cut people became stronger and stronger.

She waved her fist and huffed, “I see what you want to do, you dare to betray humanity, I will be the first to hack you to death.”

While speaking, under the leadership of Miao Ya, he came to a tent.

After entering the tent, the noise outside suddenly disappeared, Miao Ya turned around, and said with a smile, “Should I call you Zhang Gongzi or Lu Gongzi?” ”

After Lu Shaoqing made trouble in the Holy Land, his name was not a secret to some demon races.

In this regard, Lu Shaoqing did not have any surprises, and said with a smile, “It’s just a title, you can call it whatever you want.” ”

I’ll still call you Lu Gongzi,” Miao Ya’s eyes were longing, looking at Lu Shaoqing a little more colorless, as if seeing her smile and asking, “I don’t know what Gongzi did when he came to the door this time?”

“Wouldn’t you want to kill all sides here…”

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