Lu Shaoqing snorted, “Duanmuqun? A little familiar?

Yan Hongyu withdrew his gaze, with a bit of depression on his face, and introduced Lu Shaoqing, “Young Master Lu, Duanmuqun is the new young master of the Duanmu family, the previous young master of the Duanmu family is Duanmuxian, and the head of the family is Duanmushan.

“Are they?” When the two names came out, Lu Shaoqing reacted, and at the same time became more curious, “Yuding Paiken let them go?” ”

Duanmushan and his father and son colluded with Hong Mo’s master and apprentice of the Yuding faction and almost killed the Yuding faction.

Attacking the heirs of the sect with the intention of rebellion, this kind of thing is a major sin to destroy the sect wherever it is placed.

The Yuding faction is a big force, if they don’t destroy the Duanmu family, how can they still have the face to mess around in Dongzhou?

Usually, Meng Xiao’s chick is very fierce, and the Yuding sect is not like a sect lacking in calcium.

Yan Hongyu smiled bitterly and shook his head, “It’s not that the Yuding faction doesn’t want to destroy the Duanmu family, but the Duanmu family has found a backer, and someone is willing to shelter them.”

Then, Yan Hongyu roughly said something, letting Lu Shaoqing know what was going on.

Although the Yuding Sect is powerful, it is not powerful enough to cover the sky with one hand.

There are many forces similar to the Yuding faction.

Among them, a sect named Canglei Sect was willing to shelter the Duanmu family.

The strength of the Canglai Sect was not weaker than that of the Yuding Sect, and the Duanmu family hugged the Canglai Sect’s lap and avoided the extermination of the clan.

Although the Yuding faction was angry, it could only be helpless in the end.

“And this time the Canglei Sect has become the alliance master, and the Duanmu family is even more arrogant.”

“Because my Yan family has a good relationship with the Yuding faction, the Duanmu family’s attitude towards my Yan family is not good.”

“And…” Yan

Hongyu didn’t continue, but judging from her disgusted expression, Lu Shaoqing could also guess what the reason was.

Marriage is the best way to unite forces.

Yan Hongyu is another big beauty, and it is very normal to be coveted.

At this time, seeing Yan Hongyu outside did not respond, someone shouted again, “Master Yan, Wu Jie asks for a meeting.” ”

Patriarch Yan, Le and Feng ask for a meeting.”

When Yan Hongyu heard this, her brows furrowed even more, and her face became ugly.

She subconsciously glanced at Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing was her guest and should not have been disturbed.

However, the people outside are not small, and she feels the pressure.

Lu Shaoqing smiled lightly and asked Yan Hongyu, “Is there a place to live?”

Yan Hongyu was grateful in her heart, so considerate, I don’t know how many times better than the brainless pig brothers outside.

“Lu Gongzi’s side, please!”

The place where Yan Hongyu lives is not big, but there is still a place to settle down.

She invited Lu Shaoqing and Yin Qi to the backyard, and then went out to greet Duanmuqun and other brothers.

“Who is this woman?” Yin Qi finally seized the opportunity and stared at Lu Shaoqing with an unkind face, she smelled the enemy.

“She, as you can see, likes Senior Brother.” Lu Shaoqing Shi Shiran found a place to lie down, Xiao Hei changed back to human form, and ran to Lu Shaoqing to stay next to him.

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“Damn, I’m going to hack her to death.” The giant sword was unsheathed, and the cold light was radiant, and Yin Qi said viciously, “Dare to hit the idea of the senior brother, I see that she has a long life.” ”

Senior brother is mine, no one can rob it.

Lu Shaoqing half-squinted, very comfortable, “What’s the matter?” You and the master brother didn’t skim a word, and you still don’t allow others to like it? ”

Besides, even if you get along with Senior Brother, others can dig into the wall, right?”

“Abominable!” Yin Qi was even more angry, she raised her giant sword and shouted, “I think it’s right to hack you to death first.”

“Don’t make trouble, don’t make trouble!” Lu Shaoqing squinted his eyes here, so comfortable that he almost fell asleep.

At this time, Yan Hongyu’s conversation came from outside.

Duanmuqun’s voice sounded, “Rainbow Rain girl, why are you alone?” ”

What do you mean by that?”

Yan Hongyu’s tone was unpleasant, just hearing her voice could imagine Yan Hongyu’s disgust in his mind.

“Of course it’s that little white face.” Another voice sounded, it was the voice of Wu Jie, who called himself.

Then, Le Hefeng’s voice sounded, “Yes, of course, we came here this time to see what skills that little white face has, so that the Yan family master can abandon the distinguished guest of Zhongzhou.”

Yan Hongyu’s tone was already tinged with suppressed anger, “Hmph, it has nothing to do with you.

Duanmuqun said fakely, “How can it have nothing to do with us?”

“Everyone is now an alliance to deal with the demon race together, and everyone should advance and retreat together, not special.”

“Besides, Rainbow Rain girl, you are still young, I am afraid that you have been deceived by people’s rhetoric.”

First accusations, then fake concern.

Yin Qi, who heard inside, almost vomited, “It’s disgusting.” Looking

at Lu Shaoqing squinting his eyes, his face didn’t matter, Yin Qi hated iron not steel, “You are said to be a little white face like this, don’t you give a reaction?”

“Give a reaction?” Lu Shaoqing said indifferently, “On the contrary, I am very comfortable listening to the little white face.” Not handsome, people still don’t call you little white face. Then he

said faintly sadly, “Alas, if only it were really white.” ”

Wasn’t it just struck by black lightning once? The painting style has not returned to normal until now, sad.

Yin Qi despised it even more, and swung his giant sword twice at Lu Shaoqing, “I really want to hack you to death.” ”

They were all said like this, and they could bear it.

The boss is right, you guy is thick-skinned.

“They scold me, what are you angry about? I said it all, be generous, what do you care? Lu Shaoqing stretched his legs, squinting comfortably, and did not take the people outside seriously at all.

With the improvement of the realm and the increase of strength, Lu Shaoqing didn’t bother to pay attention to these guys Duanmuqun.

Just as a person has become stronger, will he care about the ants under his feet?

If you care about everything, you still fart.

At this time, Wu Jie’s voice outside continued to sound, this time not only laughed at Lu Shaoqing, “But the woman next to Xiaobaiface is the best.”

“I have never seen such a busty woman.”

“Patriarch Yan, why don’t you come forward and let her accompany me?”

Wu Jie’s voice was obscene and disgusting.

“I lean!” Yin Qi’s side couldn’t help it, anger came out, and she immediately swung her giant sword and rushed out, “I’ll hack you scumbag scum…”

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