Because of Yan Hongyu, a potential love rival, Yin Qi was already very unhappy in her heart.

Coming to the backyard, I heard the three of Duanmuqun talking about Lu Shaoqing, with a small white face, and I was dissatisfied.

Now Wu Jie actually thought about the idea of hitting her, and his tone was lewd and obscene.

Yin Qi was originally not a good-tempered person, if it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing being able to beat her to tears, she would have chased Lu Shaoqing and cut her.

In the face of Wu Jie’s obscenity, Yin Qi’s anger rushed straight to his brain, he couldn’t bear it, and directly killed him.


To hell with it!

Only by hacking that obscene thing can you say generosity.

Yin Qi, who suddenly came out of the backyard, surprised the three of Duanmuqun.

Then seeing that it was actually Yin Qi, Wu Jie did not realize the seriousness of the matter, he laughed, “So here, how?”

“After hearing my words, can’t wait to come and accompany me?”


Yin Qi’s killing intent was even stronger, and he shouted angrily, the giant sword was raised high, the sword intent erupted, the surface of the giant sword shone brightly, and the terrifying aura was pervasive.

Wu Jie then realized that Yin Qi was going to make a move on him, and drank disdainfully, “How daring, you dare to do it to me…”

However, Duanmuqun next to him shouted, “Dodge!” The

sword light fell, the erupting sword intent raged on, and everything around it burst and turned into fragments in the sky.

The immense force caused the ground to crack apart, like an earthquake.

The surrounding aura vibrated and spread outward.

The heavens and the earth were shaken.

Yan Hongyu’s face changed greatly, and the secret passage was not good.

Because of anger, Yin Qi almost hit with all his might.

The power that erupted from the nine-layer realm in the late Yuan Infant period could even destroy this city under his feet.

And here in Huangcheng, many masters have gathered, and there are also several gods.

Provoked the god of transformation, and everyone was sad.

Yan Hongyu wanted to shout to stop, but was surprised to find that the fluctuations caused by Yin Qi seemed to be blocked by something and could not spread.

The powerful fluctuations are like hitting an invisible barrier, like waves crashing on the beach, and then receding.

Yan Hongyu’s eyes widened, she didn’t understand what was going on.

Before she could figure it out, Wu Jie screamed, and she hurriedly looked over, only to see that the arrogant Wu Jie had disappeared into the huge sword light.

Yin Qi’s blow shattered his body, and Yuan Ying escaped from his shattered body in panic.

But a black shadow suddenly flew next to him, and then Wu Jie’s Yuan Baby disappeared.

“Yuan, late Yuan infant, nine-layer realm!”

Yan Hongyu, Duanmuqun, Le Hefeng and their eyes widened.

They could not have imagined that Yin Qi’s strength was so terrifying.

Much stronger than the three of them.

A sword hacked Wu Jie to death, and Yin Qi looked at Duanmuqun and Le Hefeng murderously, and had the posture of hacking the two of them to death together.

Even, Yin Qi glanced at Yan Hongyu, and also thought of cutting Yan Hongyu together.

“You, you…”

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Duanmuqun and Le Hefeng were almost scared.

And Yan Hongyu looked at Wu Jie’s mutilated corpse, and a wry smile appeared on her face.

This is a big problem.

“They all said to be generous, you see, as soon as you impulsive, you will die, what should I do?” Lu Shaoqing slowly walked out of the backyard, with helplessness in his tone.

Xiao Hei stood on Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder, his mouth chirped twice, and he stared at Duanmuqun and the two with a fierce light.

Duanmuqun and Le Hefeng saw Lu Shaoqing appear, and the two were shocked, but Lu Shaoqing seemed to be better at talking, so Duanmuqun looked inward, “You, who are you?”

“Do you know you’re in trouble?”

Lu Shaoqing asked Duanmuqun suspiciously, “Don’t you know me?” ”

I know your sister.

Duanmuqun snorted, “I have no grievances with you, your people killed my companions, and you must give us an explanation for this incident.”

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, it seemed that the Duanmu family did not know him, and was very pleased, “It’s good.” ”


Duanmuqun and Le Hefeng came up angrily.

Killed our companions and said it was good.

The two were angry, plus Lu Shaoqing didn’t look as terrifying as Yin Qi, which made the two subconsciously think that Lu Shaoqing was good to talk.

Immediately, Duanmuqun pointed at Lu Shaoqing and drank and buttoned Lu Shaoqing with a big hat, “Do you want to be an enemy of the Dongzhou Alliance?”

“I see that you are a traitor of the Demon Clan, deliberately destroying our Dongzhou Alliance.”

Le Hefeng also echoed, “Our Eastern Continent Alliance has united hundreds of strengths, and there are no less than ten people in the Transformation God alone, do you want to be our enemy?” The

two moved out of the forces behind them, intending to deter Lu Shaoqing.


Lu Shaoqing pouted, over the years, everyone has entered the divine speed, although the number of gods has increased, but the essence of parallel goods cannot be changed.

For example, if a classmate scum, suddenly he scored a hundred points in the exam, not because he became powerful, but because the test paper became easier and simpler.

Lu Shaoqing slaughtered several demon gods, and he had long understood this.

In addition to geniuses, ordinary gods are vulnerable.

Therefore, for Duanmuqun and Le Hefeng’s words, Lu Shaoqing was very disdainful, “How?” Do you want to button my hat?

“Are you scaring me?”

Yin Qi brandished his giant sword, “Let me hack the two of them to death too.” Things gather people in groups, and these two guys are not a good thing. ”

Obscene goods should be hacked to death, humane destruction, and the world clean.”

Duanmuqun and Le Hefeng were shocked again, “You, you dare?”

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “What don’t you dare?” Come, hack them to death.

Duanmuqun and Le Hefeng finally thought of Yan Hongyu at this time, and the two hurriedly said to Yan Hongyu, “Rainbow rain girl, you can’t let them mess around, you are also a member of the alliance.”

“That’s right, kill us, the Yan family will be the enemy of the alliance, do you dare?”

Yan Hongyu looked at Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing was also looking at her, his expression was calm, and his eyes were calm and deep.

Yan Hongyu did not have any hesitation, and almost in an instant, she stood beside Lu Shaoqing, “Everything, according to Lu Gongzi’s meaning.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “Aren’t you afraid?

Yan Hongyu shook her head, “I believe Lu Gongzi.”

“Very good!” Lu Shaoqing said again, and then shouted at Duanmuqun, Le Hefeng, “Robbery…”

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