The young man who suddenly appeared, looking as if he was forty or fifty years old, was very young.

Many of the people present were older than him.

Everyone was talking, “Who?”

“Who is this?”

“It’s a bad look.”

However, there were also female monks who blushed slightly, “I feel quite handsome.”

“yes, it’s more handsome than a lot of people.”

“I don’t know why, I think he has a special attraction, no, I want to make friends with him…”

Xiao Yi heard this familiar voice, and when he looked back, his eyes immediately turned red.

“Two, Second Senior Brother!”

Xiao Yi wanted to cry, and sure enough, his second senior brother was the most reliable.

Whenever someone bullied him, the second senior brother could always appear in time.

Xiao Yi hurriedly rushed to Lu Shaoqing, wanting to throw himself into Lu Shaoqing’s arms, but finally held back.

Lu Shaoqing flicked her head and scolded, “After so much time, you are still just a baby of the Yuan?

“It’s stupid enough.”

In fact, small realms are easy to break through, but large realms are not so easy.

Not everyone is Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi covered her head here, the familiar tone, familiar movements, made her smile with tears.

Xiao Hei fluttered and flew to Xiao Yi’s head, and he lay down familiarly.


Da Bai also rushed over and turned into a small cat rubbing Lu Shaoqing’s pant leg.

Not far away, Ao Cang, Mi Fei and the others turned pale.

The memories of years ago resurfaced clearly, making them chill in their hearts and their legs tremble.

This bastard, isn’t he dead yet?

Isn’t he staying in Qizhou? How to get here in Dongzhou?

What is he going to do?

Ao Cang, Mi Fei and the others roared in their hearts, and at the same time, the two looked at each other, thinking of secretly leaving here very tacitly.

I definitely didn’t look at Huang Li when I went out this time, and I came to the wrong place.

Lu Shaoqing had already been a god before, and so many years had passed.

Ji Yan is already the nine-layer realm of the Transformation God, and Lu Shaoqing should be almost the same no matter what.

The nine-layer realm of the Avatar God is definitely an existence that can walk sideways here in Huangcheng.

Ao Cang and Mi Fei secretly cried in their hearts.

He knew that Lu Shaoqing was here, and they didn’t dare to find Xiao Yi’s trouble at this time.

This bastard is very short-sighted.

The two regretted it a lot, just now they laughed at Xiao Yi for kicking the iron plate, and now it seems that they hit the iron wall.

Slip, hurry up, and sneak back to Zhongzhou now.

Only Zhongzhou can give them a little bit of security.

However, before the two of them left, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came, “Oh, Ao Cang, Qi Fei, what are you doing?” ”

Why don’t you just come and say hello when you see an old friend?”

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Ao Cang and Qi Fei’s bodies were stiff, as if they had been hit by a body-fixing spell, and it was difficult to move.

Just when the two didn’t know how to be good, an angry roar sounded.

“You, damn it, I’m going to kill you!”

Gan Haonan jumped up from the ground, angry like an old lion, with hair open, and each hair emitted endless anger.

Gan Haonan is tall, and although he is wearing clothes, the bulging muscles under his clothes tell everyone that this body contains infinite strength.

Gan Haonan didn’t know how he fell from the sky at all, but it was certain that if he didn’t kill Lu Shaoqing, he couldn’t mess around here in Dongzhou.

Anger consumed his reason, and after he roared, the breath in his body exploded without reservation.

Like a bomb exploding, the monks who were closer vomited blood and flew backwards, and many monks fell unconscious.

The earth crumbled, and the heavens and the earth trembled, as if the end of the world.

Gan Haonan’s eyes flashed with ferocity, exuding a dangerous aura.

He punched out, and the spiritual power surged away, turning into a huge fist, accompanied by terrifying power, and slammed down on Lu Shaoqing.

Before the punch arrived, the house behind Lu Shaoqing, Yan Hongyu’s place of stay, collapsed.

Duanmuqing and the others, who fled to the distance, were in great spirits.

Duanmuqing, in particular, shouted excitedly, “This is Elder Gan’s trick, Split Empty Fist, he shot with all his strength, no one can carry it.” Ao

Cang and Mi Fei felt a little comforted in their hearts, such a terrifying punch could not kill Lu Shaoqing, but it should make Lu Shaoqing suffer a little, right?

After suffering a lot, knowing that there are people here who can calm him, they will converge a little, right?

In the face of Gan Haonan’s huge punch, a punch that seemed to be able to suppress everything, Lu Shaoqing’s expression remained unchanged, with a faint smile, which made people look at it.

I saw Lu Shaoqing slowly stretching out a finger and facing Gan Haonan’s fist.

Find death!

Countless people couldn’t help but roar in their hearts when they saw this scene.

This is an all-out blow in the late stage of the Transformation God, you are so big, aren’t you looking for death?

Soon, Gan Haonan’s fist came, smashing it fiercely with terrifying power.


The collision of the two forces made a loud noise, and at the same time produced a huge wave of qi.

The qi wave turned into a shock wave and rumbled around, constantly destroying everything around, and the cultivators’ faces changed again, and they hurriedly withdrew.

The slower monk was affected by the shock wave, blood spurted out, and he was seriously injured.

Several Avatar Gods hiding in the shadows hurriedly made a move to block this shock wave, otherwise this shock wave alone would be enough to turn Huangcheng into ruins.

After everyone was stable, their eyes hurriedly looked at the two who were fighting.

At this look, everyone froze.

Lu Shaoqing stood in place, intact, and even his clothes did not have a trace of wrinkles.

Gan Haonan, blood sprayed wildly, flying out upside down, he completely ate his own countershock power.

Everyone looked at the indifferent Lu Shaoqing, his scalp was numb, how strong was this person?

Even Gan Haonan in the late stage of the Transformation God is not his opponent?

Gan Haonan’s injury was not serious, he was just shocked by his own strength and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

His eyes were shocked, and

he stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly, “You…” It was just a round of fighting, he couldn’t determine Lu Shaoqing’s true strength, what he could be sure of was that he was not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent.

“What are you,” Lu Shaoqing put his hands behind his back,-for-tooth for tooth, “Just for this ability, dare to come out and learn to be nosy?” ”

Return this sentence to Gan Haonan intact.

Gan Haonan’s eyes instantly turned red, “I’m going to kill you…”

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