Anger once again rushed straight to the brain, devouring Gan Haonan’s sanity.

Being so humiliated, Gan Haonan couldn’t bear it.

He directly sacrificed his weapon, a fist, the fist sleeve was silvery-white, with spikes at the joints, and there were dark gray traces on the surface, which were traces of blood.

After putting on the fist, an even stronger aura erupted from him, and Gan Haonan’s anger and momentum had reached its peak.

He is the deputy sect master of the Canglai Sect, and he is also the god of transformation, and he can be described as stomping his foot here in Dongzhou, which can make Dongzhou tremble.

Dare to humiliate him like this, Lu Shaoqing must die.

He punched Lu Shaoqing angrily again.

After putting on the fist, Gan Haonan’s punch was more powerful and more powerful.

The entire Yellow City trembled under the coercion of his punch, as if there had been a strong earthquake that would collapse at any time.

The cultivator with low strength shivered, feeling that the sky had fallen.

Seeing Gan Haonan’s such a powerful punch, Duanmuqing, who had just been hit like a quail, immediately looked radiant and energetic again like an aphrodisiac, and he shouted loudly, “This is the elder’s fifth-level magic weapon, which can greatly increase the power of the elder’s Split Sky Fist.”

“I don’t believe he can easily resist.”

Duanmuqing couldn’t wait to put a few horns in his mouth and spread the words.

Cangleizong is the thigh of the Duanmu family, and the Cangleizong is bullish, and Duanmuqing is also bullish.

At present, only if Gan Haonan defeats Lu Shaoqing, the Cangleizong can save face, otherwise, whoever looks at the Cangleizong in the future will be a little contemptuous, and even the Duanmu family will also be looked down upon.

With a punch, the killing intent in Gan Haonan’s heart also reached its peak, and with a fist, the power of his punch had at least doubled, and he wanted to shatter Lu Shaoqing with one punch.

When everyone heard Duanmuqing’s words, they were all surprised, “It can also increase its power, how terrifying.” ”

The power of the flood is out.”

“Now, that kid will definitely not live.”

“I really don’t know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth, dare to challenge Elder Gan and look for death!”

Sensing Gan Haonan’s killing intent, Lu Shaoqing’s brows wrinkled slightly.

Facing Gan Haonan’s punch, Lu Shaoqing still stretched out a finger, just like just now, intending to use a finger to resist.

Seeing this scene, Gan Haonan’s eyes were about to breathe fire.

He roared in his heart, really thinking that the same move could still be resisted?

In that case, you go to die!

This is his Split Sky Fist, the power has increased greatly, I don’t believe Lu Shaoqing can still resist it.

Under the anger, the roaring fist seemed to increase its power a little.

In the face of the powerful force, the space around Lu Shaoqing seemed to be squeezed and deformed invisibly.

He wanted to shatter the space he was in and make him disappear into the void.

However, all this was like a child’s fist to Lu Shaoqing, weak and ridiculous.

He kept one finger motionless, and the result was the same.

There was another loud noise, and Gan Haonan’s punch was all blocked by Lu Shaoqing again, still relaxed.

At this scene, even the gods who were secretly watching the battle almost bit off their tongues.

“No, how strong is this kid?”

“He, what realm?”

“Is he really a god?”

“Could it be the late ninth layer of the Transformation God?”

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“What kind of joke, the nine-layer realm in the late stage of the Transformation God, you can’t do this step, Brother Gan is a seven-layer realm.”

“Could it be…” Those

present were all the older generation of avatars, who had lived for thousands of years and had seen a lot of knowledge, and in an instant, they guessed a terrible thing.

This terrible conjecture made cold sweat break out on their foreheads, and their souls seemed to tremble.

Another finger blocked Gan Haonan’s attack, and this scene shocked everyone.

Ao Cang, Mi Fei and others saw that their scalps were numb, how did this fucking not see for so many years, how did it become stronger?

Does this kind of demon really not accept him?

Lu Shaoqing looked at Gan Haonan coldly, and his tone was so calm that it was terrifying, “It seems that you are trying to find death.”

Gan Haonan was terrified, this time he couldn’t react, he didn’t deserve to get to this point.

Almost he struck with all his strength, but he was easily resisted by Lu Shaoqing, and the Transformation God Period couldn’t do it at all.

Three words instantly popped into his mind.

Refining period!

Only the refining period can do so easily.

Such a young cultivator in the refining period was terrifying to think about.

Gan Haonan suddenly regretted it in his heart, why did he jump out?

“You…” ”

What are you, don’t talk to me loudly,” Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were cold, “Dare to be arrogant in front of me, it seems that you are tired of living.” Sensing

Lu Shaoqing’s killing intent, Gan Haonan’s heart beat faster.

If Lu Shaoqing was in the refining period, he would be dead.

His mind was racing, trying to see if there was a way to keep himself alive.

At this moment, he noticed Xiao Yi not far away.

Xiao Yi didn’t look at him for a while, and was holding a little black bird and chattering there.

For the battle between the two, Xiao Yi did not pay the slightest attention, and seemed to have long believed that Gan Haonan was dead.

Seeing Xiao Yi so comfortable, Gan Haonan was angry again, and at the same time he also thought of a good way.

He shouted loudly and threw a punch at Lu Shaoqing again, and then his figure flashed and rushed towards Xiao Yi.

Only by taking Xiao Yi personally and taking Xiao Yi as a hostage can he have a chance to survive.

“Find death!”

Lu Shaoqing, who sensed Gan Haonan’s intentions, was furious, and dared to play these small actions in front of him?

Lu Shaoqing’s wrist flipped, and the Mojun sword appeared in his hand, and a sword light pierced Gan Haonan directly.

Feeling the terrifying sword intent, Gan Haonan’s soul flew away, but at the same time, the surface of his body seemed to ripple, and the surrounding space became turbulent.

As if there were invisible ripples spreading, the speed of the sword light instantly slowed down.


Gan Haonan felt the speed of the sword light behind him slow down, and he was relieved in his heart.

This is the characteristic of his field, everything that enters the field has to slow down.

It was a little bit of time, and it was enough for him to catch Xiao Yi.

However, before Gan Haonan was happy, it was just a meal, and his blood spurted straight out.

There seemed to be a soft sound, like the crisp sound of glass breaking, his domain was broken, and the sword light swallowed him up…

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