The harsh screams resounded throughout Huangcheng, like the sound of a ghost’s wailing that spread to everyone’s ears, making people fearful.

And the monks who were closest and witnessed everything were even more terrified.

Gan Haonan, the deputy sect master of the Canglai Sect, the existence of the seven-layer realm in the late stage of the Transformation God, screamed and disappeared into Lu Shaoqing’s sword light.

An avatar thus fell before their eyes.

It’s no different from watching a horror movie.

At this moment, everyone could guess what kind of strength realm Lu Shaoqing was.

If it weren’t for the refining period, they would have found out Gan Haonan’s scraps and eaten them.

Everyone looked at Lu Shaoqing in awe, right now, this young man with a somewhat lazy temperament was the most terrifying existence in Huangcheng.

Lu Shaoqing put away his sword, stood coolly, and scanned everyone, “Now, does anyone dare to talk to me loudly?” ”

Countless people cursed in their hearts, you said earlier that you are in the refining period, Gan Haonan don’t talk quietly, kneel and talk to you.

Then, Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and beckoned to the trembling Ao Cang and Qi Fei, “Come here, I haven’t seen you for so long, but I just come to say hello?” Ao

Cang and Mi Fei looked at each other again, and both saw the fear in each other’s hearts.

Although there was no evidence, they all knew that their elder had died at the hands of Lu Shaoqing.

The names of the five families and three factions could not scare him.

Lu Shaoqing really wanted to kill them, but no one could save them.

The two stiffened their heads and came to Lu Shaoqing in the complicated gaze of everyone.

Lu Shaoqing first stared at the two, making the two of them feel great pressure, just when the two were about to lose support, Lu Shaoqing slowly spoke, “You know, I have left my junior sister in Zhongzhou all these years, I am worried day and night, you see, I have lost a few pounds.”

“This is my most beloved junior sister, and I usually can’t even beat her.”

“It’s good for you guys, take advantage of our senior brother’s absence, unite to bully her, okay, there is a chance.”

Xiao Yi pouted beside him, and the second senior brother was talking nonsense again.

If he really missed me, he wouldn’t have come to see me for twenty years.

Leaving me in Zhongzhou must be very happy.

Also, reluctant to hit me? My forehead is still red.

Yin Qi said to Xiao Yi next to him, “Look, you’re talking nonsense.” ”

Missing Junior Sister?

I don’t know how leisurely I spent my days at Tianyu Peak.

Guan Da Niu said faintly, “I’m going to knock it hard.” Ao

Cang and Mi Fei’s hearts sank, it seemed that this matter was not so good.

Lu Shaoqing said, and his voice changed, “Originally, according to my usual personality, I had to split the two of you with a sword.

“But now that I have cultivated my mind over the years, I have become generous, and I don’t plan to deal with you.”

“You’re good people, you all understand, right?”

Understood, understood.


Only if you are given spirit stones will you be called a good person.

However, as soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words came out, Ao Cang and Mi Fei both breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Can save a small life, spirit stone or something to say.

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Under the astonished gazes of many cultivators, the two obediently handed over the shining spirit stone.

Lu Shaoqing took a look, his face full of disgust, “How?” Is it called Hanako? ”

Sent Hanako?

Then you will send me off, okay?

Qi Fei couldn’t help it, and the muscles on her face trembled, “You, how much do you want?”

“Twenty million for one person, I will forgive you for my junior sister.”

Xiao Yi was very depressed, pinching Xiao Hei, “Xiao Hei, your father is really bad.”

Yin Qi was grinding her teeth and huffing, “Look, is this called generosity? ”

Twenty million spirit stones as soon as you open your mouth, this is called generosity?

Large numbers usually make people boil, and Ao Cang boils, anger overwhelms fear,

“Twenty million? I didn’t! ”

Nothing?” Lu Shaoqing glared at him, and Ao Cang’s fear swallowed up anger, making Ao Cang’s heart beat wildly.

He said in a smug tone, “I, I really don’t.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Forget it, who let me be generous, give you a day, you can borrow and rob, anyway, I can’t see 20 million, kill you.” ”

What the hell is this called generosity?

Compared to you, stingy people all over the world seem generous.

With a wave of his hand, he drove Ao Cang and Qi Fei down, and then his gaze fell on Duanmuqing and several people.

Sensing that Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on him, the huge pressure, Duanmuqing and several people felt that their breathing stopped.

Duanmuqing and several people were extremely regretful in their hearts, they already knew that it was so terrifying, and they gave them a hundred dares not dare to come here to find Yan Hongyu’s trouble.

However, it is too late to say anything.

What they have to do now is to ask Lu Shaoqing’s forgiveness.

Thinking of Lu Shaoqing’s request to take the spirit stone as a ransom, he also asked Ao Cang and Qi Fei to give 20 million spirit stones.

Duanmuqing had a bottom in his heart, and he said to the two people next to him, “It seems that he likes spirit stones.”

“We give him spirit stones that should calm his anger.”

Le Qiao responded, “How many spirit stones to give him?” Is it 20 million per person?

“Twenty million, he’s robbing.” Since it was a transmission, Wu Xiong did not suppress his anger.

Little white face, really hateful.

Duanmuqing said coldly, “You talk to him.”

After speaking, he no longer paid attention to the others, and he respectfully said to Lu Shaoqing, “Senior, there was a lot of offense just now, and I hope that the senior will forgive me.” ”

I brought

the spirit stone, my son…” He planned to start with his own son, he had already decided, gave the spirit stone, calmed Lu Shaoqing’s anger, and left here with his son as soon as possible.

After returning to the family, Old Ancestor Yuming had to find a way to deal with it.

The existence of the refining period is an explosive existence no matter where it is placed.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand, and Duanmuqing and Le Hefeng flew from a distance and landed in front of several people.

Seeing that although his son was a little injured, the person was still alive, Duanmuqing was relieved in his heart, and then he just gave the spirit stone.

“Senior, this, many, how many spirit stones?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and said to Duanmuqing, “Do you have any last words?” ”

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