Yan Hongyu would want to cry to Lu Shaoqing.

Why did she suddenly become this alliance master?

In the Dongzhou Alliance, there are not a thousand or hundreds of large and small forces, and there are many cultivators in the Yuan infancy period like dogs, and their strength is stronger than her.

Whether it is seniority or her own strength, she is not qualified to be an alliance master.

She is in front of the allies, who will obey her? All kinds of dark arrows are not allowed to shoot her into a hedgehog?

What is the difference between making her the leader of the Eastern State Alliance and roasting her on a fire?

Yan Hongyu looked at Lu Shaoqing in horror, and tears were eager to come out.

“Gongzi, I, I can’t.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “How?” Men can’t say no, you women can say no?

“Isn’t it just a little alliance master? Just scared you?

Suddenly, countless words filled Yan Hongyu’s heart, and she wanted to complain.

Little allies?

This is the combination of large and small forces in Dongzhou, even the Yuding faction that does not deal with the Canglai Sect pinches its nose to participate.

The strength of the alliance is already the most powerful force in Dongzhou.

If you don’t make a move, even if your Ling Xiao sends it, you won’t be able to fight it.

Yan Hongyu really doesn’t have the confidence to be the leader of this alliance, and if he doesn’t do it well, he will not mention himself and the Yan family, and he will also affect Dongzhou, and even become a sinner of mankind.

More importantly, it will be a shame for Lu Shaoqing.

This burden is too big, she does not have the confidence to bear it.

She said to Lu Shaoqing again, “Gongzi, I can’t, you, choose another virtuous.”

Lu Shaoqing frowned, “Really don’t want to be?”

Yan Hongyu nodded heavily, pursed her lips, and tried her best to squeeze out a serious expression to let Lu Shaoqing know her determination.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Well, since you don’t want to, then I won’t force it.”

After speaking, Lu Shaoqing’s aura suddenly changed.

The lazy look disappeared, replaced by a cold and emotionless look.

At the same time, a powerful aura emanated from his body.

The faces of several avatars standing in front of Lu Shaoqing changed wildly, and in their feelings, Lu Shaoqing seemed to have a monstrous beast awakening in his body, about to choose someone to eat.

“Gong, Gongzi!”

The strength is strong, the feeling is the most sensitive, and several avatars almost want to pee.

Lu Shaoqing’s icy gaze glanced at them, and several avatars wanted to kneel.

What kind of gaze is this?

Ruthless, cold, like the Immortal Emperor above the nine heavens, indifferently looking at the ants on the ground.

A murderous aura permeated from Lu Shaoqing’s body and soon spread throughout the entire Huangcheng.




Countless cultivators with low strength could not support this terrifying killing intent, and they vomited blood and knelt down.

His face was pale, his body and even his soul were shaking, and he was weak, even if he wanted to, he couldn’t shout.

Even several Avatar Gods turned pale, and they were closer and more able to feel Lu Shaoqing’s terrifying.

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They believed that if Lu Shaoqing wanted to kill them, he didn’t need a second move, he could erase them from this world with just one stroke.

Yan Hongyu is also numb in the scalp, what does Gongzi want to do?

Shouldn’t I want to be the leader of the alliance and kill me?

Just when everyone was afraid, Lu Shaoqing slowly spoke, his tone was as cold as the cold wind in the moon, “I killed the people of the Canglai Sect and offended your alliance.

“When others come to be the alliance master, they will definitely come to me to take revenge, and I hate trouble the most.”

“In that case, I can only kill all of you, one hundred.”

Lu Shaoqing’s words made everyone fall into an ice cave, and no one suspected that Lu Shaoqing’s current appearance was laughing.

A refining period, wanting to kill them, it is easy, even if all of them unite, it is useless.

After Lu Shaoqing finished speaking, he put his fingers together into a sword and pointed at several Avatar Gods.

The invisible sword intent pervaded, surging towards several Avatar Gods like a tide, enveloping them.

In an instant, several avatars felt that they had come to a world of sword intent.

Even the air breathed in the air was filled with terrifying sword intent.

The sword intent was violent, like a hot-tempered elf, rushing forward to tear them to pieces.


Several Avatar Gods resisted vigorously, and after a few breaths, the sword intent disappeared, but they all carried more or less wounds on their bodies.

Several of them looked terrified, and after personally feeling Lu Shaoqing’s terrifying strength, the fear in their hearts reached the highest.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing has not completely exerted his strength, but only slightly shot at them.

At present, several avatars are all hundreds of years old, or even thousands of years old, and they have lived for so long, what have they not experienced?

Lu Shaoqing is like this now, they can easily guess.

Otherwise, Lu Shaoqing would have cut them with a sword, instead of grinding with them here.

Immediately, several avatars shouted to Yan Hongyu, “Girl Yan, you just promise Gongzi.” ”

Family Master Yan, the position of the alliance lord is none other than you, the old man is the first to support, whoever dares to oppose it is against me Wen Cang.”

“Yes, except for you Yan girl, there is no one here who is suitable for this alliance master.”

“Girl Yan, just look at everyone in Dongzhou and take this burden.”

Several Avatar Gods almost knelt down for Yan Hongyu.

Grandma, if you don’t agree, we old bones will have to die.

Yan Hongyu was stunned, and didn’t know how to answer for a while.

She looked at Lu Shaoqing, who looked at her coldly, “You feel that there is no one to help you, so you don’t want to be the alliance master?” Never mind!

Then, with a cold snort, some ordinary cultivators around immediately screamed, sprayed blood from their mouths, and passed out.

And as soon as it faint, it was a large piece, which frightened the other cultivators to tremble.

Some people tried to escape, but their bodies seemed to be filled with lead, and they could not use their strength.

Avatar Wen Cang said loudly again, “Patriarch Yan, are you willing to see all of you fellow practitioners die tragically?” ”

As a cultivator of Dongzhou, you should contribute to Dongzhou, take out your responsibility, and you will become this alliance master.”

The surrounding cultivators also hurriedly shouted, “Yes, Family Master Yan, the alliance master is none other than you.”

“I also hope that the head of the Yan family agrees!”

If you don’t agree, we’ll die.

Wen Cang and several other Avatar Gods exchanged a look, and all bowed their hands to Yan Hongyu, “I have seen the alliance master!”

The other cultivators hurried to follow, “I have seen the alliance master…”

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