Although Yan Hongyu is very young, not qualified enough, and her strength is insufficient, her outstanding may be a little beauty and ability of herself.

A little beautiful, not ugly, can make the revitalization of the Yan family, the ability is good.

If it is usual, in the eyes of Wen Cang and other gods, it is not even a fart.

However, now, they have to pay attention to Yan Hongyu.

No way, who let Yan Hongyu stand behind a big god?

The existence of a refining period is enough to make any force soar into the sky and become a top force.

Wen Cang and the others even secretly guessed in their hearts about the relationship between Lu Shaoqing and Yan Hongyu.

To say that there is no scrupulousness, kill them and do not believe it.

Without a little hesitation, Lu Shaoqing would do this?

Thinking of this, Wen Cang and other quick-thinking cultivators were even more in awe.

The Yan family is about to fly.

In the future, there may be a son-in-law in the refining period, who can bear this?

The first force in Dongzhou is none other than the Yan family.

Many cultivators were already thinking quickly about how to have a good relationship with the Yan family.

And the strength of the Yan family has a festival, which will scare the pee.

Facing everyone’s request, Yan Hongyu once again felt great pressure.

And Lu Shaoqing also quietly put away his breath at this time.

He didn’t speak again, letting Yan Hongyu make his own decision.

Yan Hongyu chose to believe him, even when facing Ao Cang and Qi Fei, he could resist the pressure and resolutely stand on his side.

This is his return to Yan Hongyu.

The large and small forces of Dongzhou form an alliance to deal with the demon race.

Although there is intrigue between large and small forces, it is undeniable that the united alliance is powerful and has great influence.

Becoming the owner of this alliance will be very hard, even dangerous, and the risks and benefits coexist.

Being the owner of this alliance is huge.

It depends on whether Yan Hongyu dares to resist the pressure again and become this alliance master.

If Yan Hongyu decides to give up, he will not force it again.

Yan Hongyu subconsciously looked at Lu Shaoqing, and saw Lu Shaoqing’s calm appearance, calm and deep eyes.

I don’t know why, seeing Lu Shaoqing like this, Yan Hongyu’s heart suddenly calmed down, and she also felt that the pressure became less.

Finally, she gritted her teeth and decided to agree, “Seniors, if you don’t dislike it, I’m willing to try.”

“Great!” Wen Cang and other gods were overjoyed.

Then he took the lead and shouted, “I’ve seen the alliance master!” ”

I’ve seen the alliance master!”

A deafening sound erupted here in Huangcheng, resounding in the sky.

Yan Hongyu was shocked by the deafening sound, and a sense of pride arose in her heart, “I will definitely lead everyone to fight off the demon race and protect our home.” ”

Wen Cang and the other gods are relieved in their hearts, Grandma Li’s, the little life should be saved, right?

You girl doesn’t even know how terrifying your sister-in-law is.

Wen Cang and the others looked at Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, and said to Wen Cang and the others, “Very good, I hope you don’t forget what you said.”

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“Gongzi rest assured, we will do our best to assist the alliance master, and we will definitely not let Gongzi down.”

“Okay, make a vow with a Dao heart, come one by one…”

I’m so tired! Lu Shaoqing carried his hands behind his back, and Shi Shiran came to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing, his eyes were watery, and he shouted timidly, “Second Senior Brother…”

Xiao Yi thought about Lu Shaoqing all the time, thinking about this senior brother like his brother.

At this time, she was a little timid, like a wanderer who had not returned for many years and suddenly returned home and saw his relatives.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and flicked Xiao Yi’s brain, “After so long, is it still a Yuan baby?”

“Is it a shame to lose someone? Go out and don’t say that you are my junior sister, I can’t afford to lose that face. The

familiar feeling made Xiao Yi’s heart warm up at once.

Although she was scolded, she laughed, and the strange feeling disappeared at once.

Xiao Yi stuck out her tongue happily, “I’m not…” Before

the words were finished, the spiritual power in her body suddenly tumbled and surged, like boiling water.

And the wind began to blow around, and the dark clouds above the sky began to converge, faintly lightning streaked by.

Guan Daniu was stunned and unbelievable, “About to break through? ”

That’s right, above the sky is the gathering of clouds.

The spiritual power on Xiao Yi’s body was constantly surging, and she was about to break through.

I haven’t seen it for many years, and when I suddenly saw the second senior brother, Xiao Yi’s heart suddenly became steady, and it was logical to break through.

Xiao Yi smiled and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, I’ll go to the robbery first.”

Xiao Yi flew towards the distance, and Lu Shaoqing and the others actually followed behind and watched from afar.

Fang Xiao looked at Xiao Yi in the distance, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes, and couldn’t help but say, “After surviving the Heavenly Tribulation, Sister Xiao Yi can be regarded as the youngest god, right?” ”

What a genius!

Counting the time, Xiao Yi is about forty years old, and this age is the god of transformation, which is enough to be a demon.

Although everyone’s breakthroughs have become faster over the years, people like Xiao Yi are rare and rare in the world.

However, when Fang Xiao saw Lu Shaoqing beside her, she didn’t want to speak, and she couldn’t even envy it.

The one around me is even more outrageous and more terrifying.

The Tianyufeng family are all terrifying geniuses, and perhaps only the master is holding back.

Guan Daniu suddenly spoke, “Crossing the calamity is the most terrible thing, don’t be so optimistic.” ”

I wipe!

Lu Shaoqing was furious, and ignored the crow mouth of the dead fat man beside him for a while!

“Dead fatty, if I don’t beat you, you dare to talk nonsense, right?”

“I’ll beat you crow mouth first.”

Smelling the danger, Guan Da Niu was horrified, hurriedly retreated, and his voice was fierce, “You dare?

After speaking, the spiritual power that had been running early in the body instantly exploded.

Fang Xiao just felt a flower in front of her, a stream of light streaked across the sky, and Guan Daniu had disappeared from her sight.

Fang Xiao couldn’t help but exclaim, “It’s really fast enough!”

Lu Shaoqing sneered, “Quick? It’s not good for men to be too fast!

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, Fang Xiao just felt the ripples of the surrounding space, and Lu Shaoqing took a step forward, disappearing in front of her like shuttling through the void.

“Dead fatty, I see where you’re running…”

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