Guan Da Niu’s speed is extremely fast, and he runs thousands of miles away in an instant.

Seeing that his speed was so fast, Guan Daniu couldn’t help but smile, secretly proud in his heart.

Even while running, he shook his head, “I don’t manage the big cow will be easily cleaned up by you anymore.”

“Not even if you’re refining the void. Fortunately, I was already prepared, otherwise I would have been bullied by you bastard today.

“Hmph, from today onwards, I see how you still bully me? Haha…”

However, as soon as his words fell, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded behind him, “Hey, is this crow mouth of yours also effective for yourself?” Guan

Da Niu was shocked, a cold breath rushed straight to the brain, and the spiritual power in his body exploded like he didn’t want money, intending to accelerate again.

However, the surrounding space had been blocked, and Guan Daniu felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and it took a step with great effort.

At the same time, a huge pressure hit, like a mountain pressing on him, making it difficult for him to move.

Guan Daniu blushed and found it difficult to continue moving.

Is this the horror of the refining period?

Guan Da Niu is desperate, and today he has to be beaten.

Lu Shaoqing appeared in front of Guan Daniu with a smile, “Run, why don’t you run?” That’s awesome! Run so fast, you really are a fast man.

“You bastard!” When Guan Daniu saw this, he simply stopped running, the fat on his face was trembling, and he was full of grief and indignation, “Where the hell did I offend you?”

“Where to offend me? You crow mouth, you don’t clean you up, you are really lawless!

Lu Shaoqing beckoned, Guan Da Niu came to him like a puppet, Lu Shaoqing simply used the strength of his flesh, and his fist was unceremoniously beaten.

The screams of Guan Daniu echoed around, and Lu Shaoqing’s fist could not kill people, but it made Guan Daniu scream in pain.

Guan Da Niu wanted to cry without tears, he couldn’t resist at all, he roared, “Why are you so petty, didn’t you say that you are the maximum?” ”

I’m a big deal,” Lu Shaoqing said seriously while beating Guan Da Niu, “I beat you because of your crow-mouthed nonsense, not because you spread rumors.”

“Before you and that little chick of Xuanyunxin united to spread rumors for me, I won’t remember it in my heart, and I have long forgiven you.”

Damn it! Guan Daniu cried, and when you said forgive me, you still tried hard.

Your sister!

Guan Daniu can be considered to understand, Lu Shaoqing said that he beat him because of the crow’s mouth, in fact, this is the main reason.

Guan Da Niu is angry, how many years has this special meow, this matter is still remembered?

Guan Da Niu roared, “I fought with you!” Guan

Daniu thought about resisting, but what awaited him was still punching and kicking.

When Lu Shaoqing returned with Guan Daniu with a blue nose and a swollen face, Xiao Yi’s crossing had already begun.

The thunder in the sky fell with a boom, Xiao Yi’s painting style is normal, whether it is the power of the heavenly tribulation or time, even the color is normal silver.

One, two, the sixth thunder fell, ended.

The previous thunder has crossed without risk, although he was a little injured, but this injury is a normal injury.

Xiao Yi saw that she was so smooth and had survived the Heavenly Tribulation, and she was also a cultivator in the realm of Transformation God.

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Although he couldn’t compare with the two senior brothers, he at least didn’t let himself fall behind too much.

I’m going to be a god soon.

Xiao Yi was already proud in his heart, and while the seventh thunder had not yet fallen, Xiao Yi crossed his hands and said proudly to the sky, “Is that all?” ”

Not powerful enough.

Lu Shaoqing is full of black lines, after so many years, or this character?

Isn’t this asking for trouble for yourself?

Then, Lu Shaoqing gave Guan Daniu who was next to him with a sad face a kick.

Suddenly kicked, the big bull that angry, endless?

He glared at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “Why are you kicking me?”

“Kicking you crow mouth can’t kill, it’s because of you crow mouth, otherwise the stupid junior sister won’t be like this, and when something goes wrong, I’ll kill you.”

Guan Da Niu was wronged, so angry that he opened his mouth wide, and saliva flew wildly, “Shut me up, did I say anything?” Isn’t that great?

“And nothing happened…” ”

You still say?” When Lu Shaoqing was about to pounce and beat this crow’s mouth to death, there was suddenly lightning and thunder in the sky, and suddenly the wind was fierce.

The Heavenly Tribulation seemed to be angry, and the Tribulation Cloud seemed to have become much thicker because of this, and a heavy pressure permeated down.

Then, before the time came, the robbery thunder had already fallen, the time was advanced, and the robbery thunder that was silver before was now golden.

Booming down, the thunder was like a golden divine dragon, with a swift thunder that could not cover his ears, not giving Xiao Yi a chance to react, and slashed heavily on Xiao Yi’s body.

Xiao Yi snorted, was slashed by the thunder, sprayed blood in the air, and then smashed heavily into the distant mountain, and then countless thunderbolts fell, constantly bombarding the location where Xiao Yi was.

In the midst of the roar, a huge mountain disappeared in the thunder.

Yin Qi, Guan Daniu, and Fang Xiao were stunned.

Yin Qi shouted, “Why, suddenly the power has increased so much?

“It seems to be conscious.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Yes, don’t you know?”

“When crossing the Tribulation, don’t be so arrogant, let alone provoke the Heavenly Tribulation.”

Yin Qi and the three couldn’t believe what they heard.

Is it conscious?

Then, Lu Shaoqing kicked Guan Daniu again, “It’s all to blame for your crow mouth, otherwise it would definitely not be like this.”

Guan Daniu rubbed his butt, his heart was super unhappy, and said indignantly, “Bah, this kind of words also deceive children, you say that there is consciousness and consciousness?” Then you call him lighter. ”

When we are fools? Heavenly Tribulation conscious?

Bastard guy, trumped-up charges are also planted on me, bastard.

In fact, there is no need to care about the big cow barking, Lu Shaoqing is also ready to do this.

I saw Lu Shaoqing step forward and shout to the sky, “Look at the point, this is my junior sister, tap…”

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