After a slight surprise, Ao Cang’s face sank, and he drank, “Gongsun Ci, it’s actually you, didn’t you go to Yanzhou?”

“What do you want to do by eavesdropping on our conversation?”

The person who came was a side master of the Gongsun family, Gongsun Ci.

Gongsun Ci is a side line, but he is very talented, at least stronger than Ao Cang’s eldest brother Ao De.

Now it is the early stage of the Avatar God, the second-layer realm.

Gongsun Ci put his hands behind his back and said proudly, “Why can’t it be me?” ”

Although it is a side line, it has a more arrogant attitude than the concubine lineage.

did not put Ao Cang and Qi Fei in his eyes.

In fact, he didn’t have much respect for Gongsun Lie, the master of the Gongsun family.

Ao Cang also knew Gongsun Ci’s attitude, coupled with the other party’s strong strength, he was too lazy to care about Gongsun Ci’s attitude, but instead frowned and asked, “What are you doing here?” ”

Gongsun Ci is in the realm of the gods, and he also went to Yanzhou, so logically speaking, he should not appear here in Dongzhou.

Gongsun Ci glanced at the two with disdain, “I heard that you are in trouble here, and my eldest brother asked me to come here to help you deal with him.” ”

Help us deal with him?” Qi Fei seemed to have heard a big joke, “Just by you? That bastard is already in the refining period, you are a god transformation period, how to deal with him? ”

A little weak chicken like you is afraid that he will be crushed to death by the other party’s finger.

You didn’t see a horror movie at the time, and if you did, you would definitely not be dragged like this.

Gan Haonan was also a late stage of the Transformation God, but as a result, he was destroyed by Lu Shaoqing’s sword, and all the gods were destroyed.

“Hey!” Gongsun Ci’s smile was even wider, and he was even more disdainful of Ao Cang and Mi Fei, “You don’t have to defeat him to deal with him, there are more ways.”

“Sometimes killing people invisibly is the best way, and people who only rely on their fists are not powerful.”

“Did Gongsun Lie tell you a way?” Ao Cang couldn’t help but ask.

“That’s right, otherwise what am I doing here?”

Ao Cang and Mi Fei became excited in their hearts after hearing this, “Great.” ”

Gongsun Lie is recognized as the smartest guy among their five families and three factions, and the city is extremely deep, since he asked Gongsun to resign him here, he must have a way.

The two did not say anything, and directly asked Gongsun Ci, “What way?” ”

For the two of them, as long as they can deal with Lu Shaoqing, let them do anything.

“Solution, simple,” Gongsun Ci sold a pass, and took the opportunity to despise Ao Cang and Qi Fei, “You two are also wasteful, short-sighted, just target him directly, you have to engage in so many circles…” ”

Oh, I already knew that I could be an otaku outside, I should have come out earlier, so that I didn’t have to be caught by the boss.”

Lu Shaoqing lay comfortably under the pavilion, which was a place arranged for him by Yan Hongyu.

In the courtyard, Xiao Yi pulled his head and wrote the stone table next to him.

With a silver brush and a golden booklet, Xiao Yi was grabbed by Lu Shaoqing to write his thoughts.

Xiao Yi was in tears while writing, and he wanted to cry.

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In the yard, Xiao Hei turned into a human form and rode on Da Bai’s body and ran back and forth in the yard, giggling, having a lot of fun.

Yin Qi sat cross-legged not far away, closing his eyes and cultivating.

Xiao Yi’s breakthrough to become a god of transformation gave her a lot of motivation and motivation, and she was also working hard to cultivate and strive to break through as soon as possible.

Suddenly, Yan Hongyu’s voice sounded outside, “Young Master Lu, are you there?” Then

, Yan Hongyu’s wonderful figure floated over.

Yin Qi, who was cultivating, immediately stopped cultivating, and the giant sword did not know when it appeared in his hand, staring at Yan Hongyu with a fierce eye.

After Yan Hongyu came in, his eyes looked curiously at Xiao Hei and Da Bai not far away.

She was curious, where did this little girl come from?

However, she was not Xiao Yi, although she was curious, she did not dare to ask casually.

Lu Shaoqing sat up and asked boredly, “Is there something wrong?” At

the same time, I couldn’t help but mutter, should the alliance master not be able to do this job, thinking of resigning, right?

Resigned, I have to fool who will replace her?

Alas, it’s a pity that Meng Xiaoniu went to Yanzhou, otherwise she would be more suitable.

Yan Hongyu had a bit of worry on her face and said the reason why she came here, “Young Master Lu, there have been rumors about you in the city recently.

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yi took the opportunity to put down his pen, immediately leaned over, and asked curiously, “What rumors?”

Yin Qi also approached brandishing his giant sword, “Who is afraid of a long life?” The

giant sword was wielded fiercely, but no matter how it looked at it, it looked like it was going to be thrown at Yan Hongyu.

Yan Hongyu couldn’t help but take a step back and continued, “Recently, there have been rumors in the city that Lu Gongzi is from Qizhou, and you don’t care about the life or death of Qizhou, but instead came to Dongzhou to be a blessing.

“Some people say that the people of Qi Prefecture scattered a plate of sand, and the Lingxiao faction has only shrunk until now, and they dare not fight the demon clan.”

“Some people say that Lu Gongzi saw that we have an alliance in Dongzhou, and he came to think of letting our people in Dongzhou be cannon fodder to attract the attention of the demon race for Qizhou.”

“Some people say that Lu Gongzi is the vanguard of the Lingxiao faction, and when the time comes, he will be ready to invade our Dongzhou…”

Yan Hongyu’s words made Xiao Yi and Yin Qi’s faces change slightly.

These rumors are not only aimed at Lu Shaoqing, but also against the Lingxiao faction behind Lu Shaoqing.

The fact that the Lingxiao faction destroyed the Guiyuan Pavilion had already been rumored, and although he didn’t say it, he was still wary of the Lingxiao faction.

Now that Lu Shaoqing has come to Dongzhou, he will let Yan Hongyu be the leader of the alliance as soon as he makes a move, and few people are convinced to persuade him.

Yin Qi was so angry that he slammed the giant sword into the ground, almost at Yan Hongyu’s feet, “These little ones are really hateful, can’t you use this kind of trick?”

Xiao Yi was not angry, but looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do?”

In Xiao Yi’s mind, this kind of thing was not a problem for Lu Shaoqing, and it only needed a little help from him to solve it.

“What to do?” Lu Shaoqing pouted, “I thought it was a big deal, no matter how big it was.” ”

Yan Hongyu was stunned, big brother, are you really good like this?

“Young Master Lu, if you go on like this, when the time comes, your reputation…”

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