Without thinking, Lu Shaoqing asked disapprovingly, “What is reputation?” Can I eat it?

Yan Hongyu was dumb, unable to answer.

For others, reputation may be something they swear to defend, but here it is worthless to Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi smiled and said to Yan Hongyu, “Sister Hongyu, it’s okay, you don’t have to worry about this for him.”

For this sentence, Yin Qi also strongly agreed, “That’s right, you don’t have to worry about him.” ”

The shame of the sect has been called for so long, he doesn’t care at all.

If he cares about his reputation, the head of the house will not have to worry about him.

Yan Hongyu specially came to tell Lu Shaoqing that he wanted Lu Shaoqing to know that this matter might have a great impact on his reputation.

However, for Lu Shaoqing, this kind of thing is nothing.

Yan Hongyu’s face was tangled, as if constipated, and asked, “Gongzi, don’t you want a solution?”

Instead, Lu Shaoqing also instructed Yan Hongyu, “Don’t care, what they say, you let them say.”

“Even if you can, you’ll have to push it a bit.”

Such a request made Yan Hongyu stunned again, is this a solution?

And Xiao Yi became excited, “Second Senior Brother, are you playing with some bad idea?”

Lu Shaoqing glared at her, “Did I finish everything I asked you to write?”

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yi’s face immediately collapsed, tears appeared in his eye sockets again, and he sat back on the table aggrieved.

Yan Hongyu was very curious, and couldn’t help but ask, “Gongzi, did Miss Xiao write anything?”

“It’s nothing, it’s the experience over the years, let her relive it, record it, it’s for her good.”

Lu Shaoqing stayed here with nothing to do, so he asked Xiao Yi to write about his twenty years of experience.

Even if it is written, it must be rewritten, which is called deepening the impression and strengthening the memory.

Yin Qi scorned, “Good for her? I see you are abusing her. ”

Really, how can you improve your strength by writing something?

Bragging, only Junior Sister Xiao Yi believed him.

If you do abuse in the name of being good for you, you must tell Uncle Shao when the time comes.

Yan Hongyu looked at Xiao Yi, who was about to cry, and couldn’t help but feel sympathy in his heart.

I feel that Xiao Yi is very similar to a student who plays crazy on vacation, and after returning to school, he is asked to make up homework.

However, for Xiao Yi’s appearance, Yan Hongyu could not help, and could only silently sympathize in his heart, and then continue to get down to business.

“Gongzi, in this way, I’m afraid…” Lu

Shaoqing ignored it, but wanted to push the waves, and the alliance would also be affected at that time.

The situation that she has managed to stabilize will collapse.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to see through what she was thinking, and said to her, “Don’t worry, not only will it not have an impact, but it will be beneficial.”

With such a sentence, Yan Hongyu’s heart couldn’t help but relax, feeling that he had a great dependency.

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Yan Hongyu tentatively asked, “Gongzi, I don’t know what your solution is…”

As an ally, why are you worried about this kind of thing?

“For now, you hurry up and deal with the affairs of your alliance, don’t forget the real reason for the establishment of your alliance, it is not a good thing to sacrifice the book to the end.”

Yan Hongyu is very smart, and she understood the meaning of this sentence as soon as she heard it.

“I see,” Yan Hongyu acted very crisply, “In that case, I won’t bother Gongzi.” ”

It seems that Gongzi has a plan in his heart, but also, Gongzi’s strength is so strong, what is the use of more nights?

As Gongzi said, the real enemy of the alliance is the demon race, and only by integrating the alliance and defeating the demon race, then all the problems will not be a problem.

Yan Hongyu took his leave and left, leaving a confused Lu Shaoqing, and he asked Yin Qi, “Did I say anything?” She looked like she had taken an aphrodisiac.

Yin Qi glared at him, “What are you going to do?” Are you going to condone those people like this to ruin your reputation?

“What can I do?” Lu Shaoqing was strange, “The mouth grows on others, and others are not allowed to say it?”

“You don’t care about reputation, the sect cares, you quickly clarify, don’t discredit the sect.”

Yin Qi was angry to death, according to Yan Hongyu’s description, the rumors were not only coming towards Lu Shaoqing, but also coming towards Lu Shaoqing’s sect.

The reputation of the sect cannot be discredited.

“Clarify what, this kind of thing, you think it is useful to come forward and clarify?”

Yin Qi frowned and proposed her own method, “Let Yan Hongyu come forward, isn’t she the alliance master?”

“If she comes forward, she is more likely to be attacked, in case the position of the alliance lord is unstable, what will she take as a dowry to marry the senior brother?”

Yin Qi was furious, and immediately brandished his giant sword and slashed it directly, “I’ll hack you bastard…”

Lu Shaoqing’s side ignored the rumors, and also asked Yan Hongyu not to deal with it.

Under such connivance, rumors are becoming more and more popular.

Gradually, the monks began to become dissatisfied with Lu Shaoqing.

“Why? Why allow a Qi Zhou man to act as a blessing here? ”

Can the existence of the refining period interfere in the affairs of Dongzhou?”

“The affairs of Dongzhou should be handled by the people of Dongzhou, and should not be interfered by outsiders.”

“What is the Lingxiao faction of Qi Zhou going to do? Annexation of Dongzhou? So overbearing, no one cares? ”

People from Qizhou, it’s so hateful…”

People will be jealous of people who are stronger than themselves.

This is the fundamental inferiority of man.

Lu Shaoqing was young, but he was already an existence in the refining period.

This is a height that many people cannot reach in a lifetime until death.

At the beginning, there was awe and fear for Lu Shaoqing, but as time passed, Lu Shaoqing disappeared, and people began to be full of envy for Lu Shaoqing, and gradually, jealousy appeared in their hearts like a poisonous snake, eating their hearts.

When some negative news about Lu Shaoqing appears, countless people will take the initiative to spread, spread, and denigrate.

At first, some people still said carefully, lest Lu Shaoqing know.

But Lu Shaoqing’s ignorance made them emboldened, and more rumors began to appear….

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