“Know what? I heard that he used to be a shame of the sect and has always been disliked and disgusted by his fellow sects.

“How did he suddenly become so strong? Maybe it’s some kind of adventure, hmph, this kind of shit luck, God blind…”

“Anyway, he is from Qizhou, a person from the Lingxiao faction, and his appearance is not good news for us Dongzhou.”

“No one over there in Qi Zhou organized to deal with the Demon Clan, and as a refining period, he did not dare to deal with the Demon Clan, but instead came to bully us humans, which is really abominable.”

“But it’s not, the human beings in Qi Zhou are in dire straits, he doesn’t care, but runs to Dongzhou here, I see, it’s definitely like deserting.”

“It’s miserable, when the demon race kills and he runs away again, what should we do?”

“Judging from the people who abandoned Qizhou, this person is definitely a ruthless and unrighteous person, such a person must not let him be in charge of the alliance, otherwise we don’t know how to die.”

“As a native of Qizhou, and watching the demon race wreak havoc on Qizhou, it’s really hateful

…” “Can’t let him be arrogant here in Dongzhou

…” “Everyone unite…”

“But don’t worry, there are still students from Zhongzhou Academy here!”

“With them there, we don’t have to worry!”

The rumors were spreading more and more, and various contents emerged one after another, and there were more and more cultivators in the Yellow City who were dissatisfied with Lu Shaoqing.

There are even people who do not hide it, directly saying bad things about Lu Shaoqing in front of Yan Hongyu.

The pressure Yan Hongyu felt was getting bigger and bigger day by day.

Rumors are spreading, and it is impossible for her, the alliance master, not to be affected.

Moreover, there are many affairs of the alliance, the balance between large and small forces, the dispatch of troops on the defensive line, the distribution of materials, food and grass, etc. all need to be handled by her.

At the end of the day, she had very little time to meditate and practice.

On this day, after she finished dealing with things, she couldn’t help but rub her temples and sighed deeply.

“Alas…” There

are many things, and this kind of thing is really not capable of people.

“What, tired?”

Fang Xiao’s voice came, and Fang Xiao walked in from outside and asked with a smile.

Facing Fang Xiao, Yan Hongyu did not hide it, but nodded and sighed, “It’s really tired.” After

a few months of getting along, the two became friends who talked about everything.

Without Fang Xiao’s help, Yan Hongyu really couldn’t handle the big and small affairs of the alliance.

Lu Shaoqing threw Fang Xiao over, it can be said that he saved her life, otherwise he would have been crushed long ago.

“You’re so tired, I think, it’s because of the recent rumors, right?” Fang Xiao smiled lightly, and her calm gaze made her seem to know everything.

Yan Hongyu nodded again and sighed faintly again, “There are more and more rumors, not only is it more and more unfavorable to Lu Gongzi, but it is not good for us. ”

Yan Hongyu is not in the right position, and it all depends on Lu Shaoqing’s strength to shock everyone.

Yan Hongyu and Lu Shaoqing are both prosperous and detrimental.

There are more and more rumors, the crowd is more and more dissatisfied, Lu Shaoqing is affected, and Yan Hongyu will also be affected.

Fang Xiao didn’t have Yan Hongyu’s worry, she smiled even more happily, “You can rest assured of a hundred.” ”

Since Lu Gongzi let you do this, he has his own deep meaning, rest assured, Lu Gongzi is a responsible person and will not leave it alone.”

Yan Hongyu may not know enough about Lu Shaoqing, but Fang Xiao is full of confidence in Lu Shaoqing.

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Yan Hongyu was stunned, he didn’t expect Fang Xiao to have such sufficient confidence in Lu Shaoqing.

Just when Yan Hongyu wanted to ask something, suddenly, the figure in front of him flashed, and Wen Cang appeared here.

“Alliance Lord, the Demon Race is here.”

As soon as these words came out, the air seemed to solidify, and a heavy pressure instantly surged into Yan Hongyu’s heart.

The Demon Race is coming!

The news quickly spread throughout Huangcheng, and all the cultivators suddenly felt a huge pressure.

Yan Hongyu’s side also summoned everyone to discuss at the first time.

When the demon race invades, they must send troops to resist, which is also the real purpose of the alliance.

Gather the power of everyone to fight the demons.

All this is already ready, and then you just need to follow the steps.

After Yan Hongyu ordered down here, he said solemnly, “Everyone, the demon race is menacing, but we are not vegetarians, we must defeat them, and we must not let them act recklessly here in Dongzhou.”

“We must not lose this battle!”

“Let’s go…”

However, after some mobilization, Yan Hongyu found that the people below were indifferent, and they all looked at her.

Yan Hongyu’s heart jumped, and secretly checked what he had just said.

As an ally, you have to be careful when you speak.

After making sure that he didn’t say the wrong thing just now, Yan Hongyu boldly asked, “Is there anything else?” Someone

spoke first, and his tone was not very friendly, “Alliance master, what about him?” ”

Yes, Alliance Master, Lu Gongzi is so strong, he can’t make a move?”

“With his shot, no matter how many demons come, they will not be afraid.”

“Alliance master, you have to let him sit down, since he came here to deal with the demon race, everyone is responsible, he can’t stay out of the matter.”

Yan Hongyu’s brows frowned slightly, and when these people talked about Lu Shaoqing now, their tone was not respectful.

It seems that the rumors have made these people have a great opinion of Lu Shaoqing.

Yan Hongyu was just about to say something, when suddenly there was a loud and loud noise outside, and then Ao Cang, Qi Fei and several other people walked in.

After Ao Cang came in, he glanced at everyone contemptuously, and then faced Yan Hongyu directly, “Lord Yan Alliance, I want to ask how you plan to deal with the Demon Clan?”

“At that time, will Lu Shaoqing make a move?”

Qi Fei sneered, “With him there, we don’t have to worry.”

Ao Cang immediately answered, “I’m afraid, he doesn’t dare to make a move.” ”

Oh? How about this? Mi Fei pretended to be strange and asked rhetorically.

“Think about it, he is from Qizhou, if he doesn’t stay in Qi Prefecture to deal with the Demon Clan, and comes here in Dongzhou, he will be willing to help the people of Dongzhou deal with the Demon Clan?”

Qi Fei showed a sudden expression, as if she understood, and let out a long oh, “Oh, so it is.” The

two sang and reconciled, which made Yan Hongyu understand.

This is thinking of using her to make Lu Shaoqing make a move, if Lu Shaoqing does not make a move, she and Lu Shaoqing will be disgraced.

At that time, the alliance owner will not think of anything.

“What are you talking about?”

Suddenly, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, which frightened Ao Cang and Mi Fei into a cold hair…

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