Lu Shaoqing’s sudden appearance scared Ao Cang and Mi Fei half to death, and the two turned around with difficulty, and saw Lu Shaoqing standing behind them looking at them with a smile, and

their hearts almost stopped.

Lu Shaoqing put away his smile and glared at the two viciously, “Well, I haven’t seen you in this time, you have actually been so bold and dare to say bad things about me.”

“I think you made up the rumors all over the city during this time, right?”

Then, his gaze swept over everyone present, and everyone seemed to feel a cold wind blowing through, and the whole body was chilling.

“See, I’ve seen Gongzi!”

Everyone trembled, although many people were already dissatisfied with Lu Shaoqing.

But when they really faced Lu Shaoqing, no one dared to express their dissatisfaction to Lu Shaoqing, and they were not bold enough to directly provoke an existence in the refining period.

Ao Cang and Mi Fei both felt that this time was over, but to their surprise, Lu Shaoqing did not trouble them.

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “It seems that you two hate me very much.” ”

Don’t hate it, I hate you to death.” The two said loudly in their hearts.

After Lu Shaoqing said, he shook his head again, “Forget it, I said, I am the most powerful, you say bad things about me behind my back, and I don’t bother to think about you.”

“Since you hate me so much, I’d better go.”

He sighed, revealing a sad look, and said to Yan Hongyu and everyone, “These two guys are so broken in my heart, since they are so annoying, I’ll go.” ”

The demon race is coming, let them deal with it.”

“Anyway, there are five families and three factions of the Yan clan, with them, you won’t have any problems, just like that, bye!”

Lu Shaoqing was very crisp and decisive, waved his hand, and without waiting for Yan Hongyu or others to say anything, a flash disappeared.

Everyone looked confused, and Yan Hongyu’s mind was blank.

Big brother, you want to go, can you go later?

Do you want to leave at this time?

Although Ao Cang and Mi Fei were scared half to death, hearing Lu Shaoqing’s words, the two of them were even more happy and wanted to sing a song.

Lu Shaoqing left like this, and the charge of escaping in battle could not escape.

It was a rumor before, but now it is confirmed by his crime.

As a member of the Yan clan of five families and three factions, they only use their reputation to fight their opponents, and they are familiar with this kind of thing.

The two sneered in their hearts, when the time comes, there will be a time when you regret it.

Ao Cang and the two wanted to laugh, but at this time they had to be pressed, Ao Cang sneered, “Outsiders are unreliable after all, you guys hurry up and get ready.”

Yan Hongyu smiled bitterly at this time, if someone else came to make such a show at a critical moment, Yan Hongyu had to greet the eighteen generations of that person’s ancestors.

Although he didn’t greet Lu Shaoqing, he couldn’t help but complain in his heart.

But only to leave at this time, isn’t this a matter of intention?

But no matter what, since Lu Shaoqing is gone, life still has to be lived.

Yan Hongyu could only fight his spirit and lead the Dongzhou cultivators to prepare to face the Demon Clan.

They relied on the defensive line established by the Yellow City to prepare, but the morale of the cultivators was not high.

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The news of Lu Shaoqing’s departure could not be concealed, and the entire Huangcheng knew about it.

There is a cultivator in the refining period and there is no cultivator in the refining period who sits in the town, which is completely different.

The demon race is terrifying and menacing, and there are cultivators in the refining period, and they all have a bottom in their hearts.

Therefore, many people have even greater resentment towards Lu Shaoqing.

“Sure enough, it’s a coward, escaping from the battle, it’s hateful!”

“Outsiders are really unreliable, damn guy, also worthy of being called a master?”

“Damn fellow, this time left, it hurt us miserably, and everyone’s morale was greatly damaged, is he a demon traitor?”

“How can this kind of person become a master of the refining period, God doesn’t have long eyes?”

“Teaching this kind of disciple, it seems that the Lingxiao Sect is not a good sect either.”

“Won’t the Demon Race army come and the Lingxiao faction will surrender immediately and become a Demon Race lackey, right?”

“It seems that the alliance master who was elected by that guy is not a good thing.”

“What can a woman do?”

“The demon clan is coming, we have to quickly change a useful alliance master, don’t let her kill us all.”

“What to do? At that time, do you want us to be cannon fodder…” All

kinds of rumors continued to spread among the monks, and pessimism pervaded.

When everyone was depressed and constantly complaining, the demon race came.

A touch of black appeared in the sky in the distance, and then it surged like a black tide, and the heaven and earth began to gradually shake as the black approached.

Gradually, the tremor became stronger and stronger, as if ten thousand horses were galloping, and a demon cultivator dressed in black armor appeared.

They were tall and burly, even taller than the Terrans, full of endless oppression.

Under the mask is a pair of eyes full of murderous aura, exuding a murderous aura that is earth-shattering.

The murderous aura was like substance, sweeping the heavens and earth, distorting space, and many cultivators lost their minds, their faces turned pale and trembled.

“This, is this the Demon Clan?”

The Terran cultivators who saw the Demon Race for the first time were terrified, so imposing, who could be it?

There are not many black-armored cultivators, there are only about two thousand people, and the aura emitted is mainly in the Jiedan period, which can be said to be the vanguard of the demon race.

Behind the black-armored friar, there were demon cultivators dressed in various colors of clothing.

They were more numerous, and although they did not form a formation, they were numerous, loud and angry.

“Don’t panic, there is nothing great about the demon race, kill them and let them know how powerful our humans are!”

A Yuan Infant cultivator rose into the sky and shouted at the camp he was responsible for, “Kill! ”

The mighty demon race came to kill, the distance between the two sides became closer and closer, and countless lights lit up on the side of the Terran cultivator.

Various magic weapons were infused with spiritual power and lit up with various colors.


With a loud shout, a celebrity race cultivator rushed to the sky and killed the demon race.

Behind them, there were countless magic weapons with a sharp aura, and they slammed into the formation of the demon cultivators with a roar…

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